Why should we invent A.I. to replace us?

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Doesn't it seem unwise to create machines smarter than us?

"Smarter" is a much-abused term. It's highly doubtful we could invent something that's actually more intelligent than humans.

What we CAN do (and already have done) is build machines that can sort information MUCH, MUCH faster and find correlations much quicker than humans. And that is the trend that will continue. Many of us seriously doubt that true, independent, artificial intelligence will ever be achieved. A very close facsimile, yes, but not the real thing.
If the brain is just a bunch of interconnected neurons of a certain number, why can't you exceed the brain by using an even larger number of circuits?
If the brain is just a bunch of interconnected neurons of a certain number, why can't you exceed the brain by using an even larger number of circuits?

Because a mind (intelligence) is much, much more than just a huge group of electrical circuits.

Show me a machine - any machine - that is capable of having original thoughts.
Original thoughts reside within the brain, don't they? Cut the brain up and all you get are neurons. Granted a machine that can have original thoughts does not currently exist - but I'm talking about what could exist.
This is likely inevitable. While the idea certianly could have it's dangers, computers at least don't have human motivations like world domination. I think the idea that it's either them or us is flawed. When AI becomes common, it will be incorporated into our own brains, leading to a revoutionary leap in evolution.
Wouldn't it be smarter to ditch the difficulty of incorporating A.I. into our brains - and just start off with 100% pure machine? Wouldn't a computer that even pretends to be as smart as humans have to have motivations? As we no doubt would mimic our own brains in creating an intelligent machine, wouldn't that necessarily involve incorporating our motivations into the machine? Isn't that dangerous?
If humanity is still around in about 150-200 years, I'm sure that could be arranged.

And I'm sure there are a lot of people who believe that. And even though I'll never live that long, of course, I'd still be very doubtful until I actually saw it. (If it ever occurs.)
AI to replace us ?

you are joking eh ?

Human minds are gone mate, mush, they can not be even responsible to refrain from toxic actions.

AI has the potential to remove madness from civilisation. bring true freedom and responsibility to all life forms on the planet.

Sorry though, there is not time left for this to become a reality.

Mad humans rule, get used to it, but it won't be for very much longer, so prepare to exit.
computers at least don't have human motivations like world domination.

Yes, exactly. I've never understood why when AI develops it would want to conquer humanity, or really do anything in particular. I don't understand robots having motivations.
Robots would have to be motivated, as this is how our brain works. We probably will mimic our own brains into Robots for lack of another model. This makes them very dangerous to us.
you know i never thought about that... its just the way we'd use them i guess.. the movies they write about A.I are true in the sense that if we did make robots, and they could be our workers instead... because the human race is so lazy, it would do just that. Unless we make them equal in strength.
Why produce machines smarter then us.. Why for our greater glory, for a better life for each and every one of us. For betterment of man and life on Earth and hopefully else where.

The machine we will produce will be motivated to serve us, the ultimate slave.
John J. Bannan said:
Why should we invent A.I. to replace us?
Perhaps for the same reason that we have children to replace us. Perhaps our future generations will be constructed from silicon, carbon, plastic, and metals, rather than grown from organic material.

ReadOnly said:
Because a mind (intelligence) is much, much more than just a huge group of electrical circuits.
Yes, but an ant colony is also much more than just a huge group of ants.
The whole is more than the sum of the parts.
A mind is more than a collection of neurons, but its components are just neurons.

Show me a machine - any machine - that is capable of having original thoughts.
Show me a machine as complex as a brain.
Can you imagine that it's possible to program a community of robots to mine ore, create other robots, troubleshoot, etc. You could literally create a robot race that can independently function even without human assistance or intervention albeit after total and complete programming like a fully acclimated living organism to its environment. As one robot no longer functions, another is there to take it's place so the species continues.
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