Why should the average person believe the mainstream?


Registered Senior Member
The average person currently believes that...

* Bin Laden did 911
* Man made global warming is a fact
* There isn't a global conspiracy going back thousands of years
* etc

However, the average person isn't in a position to really know if those things are true. They watch the news and read the paper and they believe that what they're told is true.

People who read what you might call alternative news don't necessarily believe the above, and they usually question the mainstream, rather than believe it without at least checking out alternative explanations and making comparisons.

The mainstream "scientific" types talk about questioning things rather than believing everything they're told, yet they criticise those whose alternative views are based on doing just that, whilst not criticisng whatsoever those who believe the mainstream unquestioningly. It seems that for those people, it's not as important to question as it is to believe the mainstream, which is hypocritical.
A lot of us have no problem with those who want to question the mainstream storyline- the mainstream has been proven wrong before on countless occasions, after all. What irks us more is when conspiracy theorists and alternative news analysts start adhering to their sources with the same kind of absolute unquestionable faith they accuse of us "mainstreamers".

As far as the 9/11 Bin Laden thing, if mainstream engineers are wrong and there's something physically impossible in the mainstream storyline about how the towers fell, then those rogue engineers who "know the real truth" should be outperforming their peers and rising to the top of the pyramid, since they allegedly know so much more about how reality actually works (no, don't see any of them rising through the ranks or achieving things ordinary mainstream engineers can't do). As it stands, I have yet to see a widely-believed 9/11 conspiracy that didn't contain major holes in the plotline, and this seems to be the mainstream POV as well.
* There isn't a global conspiracy going back thousands of years


Are you saying there are people who believe that there is a "global conspiracy going back thousands of years"?

I would also like you to consider what that would entail and consider the global situation of mankind thousands of years ago... ie, a global conspiracy going back thousands of years would involve native people's around the world somehow conspiring together about something or other..

However, the average person isn't in a position to really know if those things are true.
Can you please explain who the non-average people who are in a position to know that there is a global conspiracy that goes back thousands of years for example?

They watch the news and read the paper and they believe that what they're told is true.
Can you link me anything at all that would suggest that there actually is a global conspiracy going back thousands of years?
It depends which issue you are talking about, but in regards to global warming, the alternative views are not generally based on a scientific understanding. There are many people who's goal is to confuse people on the issue in order to promote a political agenda. Scientific alternatives are always welcome, but liars are not.

Knowledge about Bin Laden is necessarily more secretive.
Bells, what you're talking about is all irrelevant. What I'm asking is, why should the average person, who is not in a position to know either way what the truth is, believe the mainstream.
Why are you resigned to ignorance? The average person could educate themselves on the data and make an informed judgment.
You're resigned to ignorance about the topic of this thread. The question is, why should the average person believe the mainstream.
Bells, what you're talking about is all irrelevant.

So a large portion of your OP is irrelevant?

What I'm asking is, why should the average person, who is not in a position to know either way what the truth is, believe the mainstream.
And I am asking you to provide evidence of what you have claimed is not mainstream. That being the supposed non-mainstream view that there may be or is a global conspiracy going back thousands of years. So can you provide evidence of this?

After all, you have claimed that the average person should not believe in the mainstream because they apparently do not know what the truth is. So why shouldn't the average person believe that there isn't a global conspiracy that has gone back thousands of years?
Are you saying there are people who believe that there is a "global conspiracy going back thousands of years"?

Can you link me anything at all that would suggest that there actually is a global conspiracy going back thousands of years?
For one.
Any of the websites (or books) dedicated to "exposing" the machinations of the Illuminati.
You mean you haven't come across this particular brand of nutter before? :eek:
Okay then.

You mean you haven't come across this particular brand of nutter before?
I had heard of him but, ermm, how seriously is anyone going to take a person who believes in the whole reptilian theme thing..?


People actually take this crackpot seriously?

I had heard of him but, ermm, how seriously is anyone going to take a person who believes in the whole reptilian theme thing..?
That's the question. ;) He's taken seriously enough to have managed to publish (and sell) a dozen or so books.
As for the reptilians - at one point he was accused of anti-semitism (supposedly "lizard" was code for "Jew") until an independent reporter managed to convince authorities (Canadian I think) that Icke did indeed mean giant bipedal baby-eating intelligent technology-using lizards.

People actually take this crackpot seriously?
Remember Duendy? Matt Marr?
And they are all over the webitube.
It's amazing how one* little nerd manages to discover secrets held by an organisation that has survived thousands of years hidden from intelligence agencies, just by staying in the basement and meeting no one but fellow idoits over the internet. At the very least they should be applauded for their abilities. :p

* Per week apparently...
The average person currently believes that...

* Bin Laden did 911
* Man made global warming is a fact
* There isn't a global conspiracy going back thousands of years
* etc

However, the average person isn't in a position to really know if those things are true. They watch the news and read the paper and they believe that what they're told is true.

People who read what you might call alternative news don't necessarily believe the above, and they usually question the mainstream, rather than believe it without at least checking out alternative explanations and making comparisons.

The mainstream "scientific" types talk about questioning things rather than believing everything they're told, yet they criticise those whose alternative views are based on doing just that, whilst not criticisng whatsoever those who believe the mainstream unquestioningly. It seems that for those people, it's not as important to question as it is to believe the mainstream, which is hypocritical.

Pardon me but your assumption here is pretty stupid. Although there are certainly exceptions, most average people do NOT accept the mainstream at it's face value. Instead, they apply intelligence, reasoning and information from external sources - including a DECENT EDUCATION - before reaching any conclusions.

However, it's people like you (and a couple of others here) who will buy into ANY nutty claim because, among other things, your education is GREATLY lacking. It's people like you that keep the David Icke's of the world in business. And that's not a good testament of your ability to discern fact from fiction.:rolleyes:
Pardon me but your assumption here is pretty stupid. Although there are certainly exceptions, most average people do NOT accept the mainstream at it's face value. Instead, they apply intelligence, reasoning and information from external sources - including a DECENT EDUCATION - before reaching any conclusions.

However, it's people like you (and a couple of others here) who will buy into ANY nutty claim because, among other things, your education is GREATLY lacking. It's people like you that keep the David Icke's of the world in business. And that's not a good testament of your ability to discern fact from fiction.:rolleyes:

Your education is lacking.
Certainty NOT in comparison to yours. Can you tell us exactly WHY you believe all the wacky things you do? The only "evidence" you have to support those things are the babblings of idiots.

Your education is lacking. And learn to read. We're not talking about whether or not conspiracy theories are true.
The question is, why should the average person believe the mainstream.

They shouldn't blindly believe it. They should use their own rational judgement to come to the conclusion. People act like sheep a lot of the time though.
Besides, the mainstream is more often that not mostly correct, so its a safe bet.

It seems like you babbled too much in the original post so now the thread has been sidetracked. ;)
Oh excellent.

The one person to actually answer your daft question and you come back with that. Genius.