Why should he waste his magnificence on something so superfluous & truly meaningless


The Ethereal Paradigm
Registered Senior Member
Yes...why is it God, in his splendor, his majesty, and his divinity.... "caring"?

How is he bounded by something so meaningless and humanly as emotion?

To say he created us to worship him is to say he has desires, and needs.

Desires and needs show imperfection, and incompleteness....is this your God?

To say we were created in his image is to say that he is susceptibile to sin...is this your God?

Was there any purpose behind our creation, along the lines of WHY he wanted us to worship him?

Or is my incisiveness so great that you can only say "I cannot get into the mind of God" thus acknowledging that your books and brainwashing sessions don't tell you a anything substantial at all....
Human limitations

The essence of God defies human language. We understand it as caring or compassion, but its process in the metaphysical is in harmony with the workings of the Universe.

The problem, essentially, is human perception, human understanding, and the natural limitations thereof. Our brains are finite; we may not have filled them yet, but our brains are indeed finite.

This makes it very difficult to render the ineffability of all there is into a concise and essential summary.

Religion is an old method, subject to gross and dangerous inaccuracy. Much like art itself, religion speaks of what can be perceived but not directly assessed. As knowledge intrudes on this essential ignorance, the value of what God is diminishes. Compared to the whole of the Universe, this diminishing is insignificant. Manifested in human nature, however, the adjustment creates radically different behavioral priorities.

In Christianity, for instance, two passages in Matthew form the broadest sympathetic interpretation of Christian faith I can construct. They both pertain to compassion, but in the end the religious perspective took the form of duress; those who met the standard were rewarded specifically, and those who failed were punished specifically.

In a more scientific age that seeks objective understanding of the Universe among its goals, we can find better reasons for compassion than fear of punishment. There are perspectives which describe all compassion as essential greed, and Matthew 25 is a truly blatant and clumsy example to justify such perspectives. But whether one seeks through compassion to earn God's favor or just make their own neighborhood more pleasant, there is a reason for compassion. Some reasons make more sense than others.

Should it be greed? Or fear? (I can think of a dozen reasons at least to not commit this or that crime before I get down to the idea that, "Oh, the guy owns a gun." If fear of someone's lethal force is one's primary motivation for compassion, is that really the most efficient method of carrying on a society?)

Beyond it all we must remember that humans are irrational. Some will show machismo in the face of the lethal factor; some will bleed their compassion through ill-intent. Understanding the irrationality of humans is something that must take place before we can understand the rationality alleged of God.
Um...thanks...I was kind of preying on the pious....they are the ones that need to answer this question. Not someone willing to look at it unbiased and by logic.
Why should he waste his magnificence on something so superfluous & truly meaningless

The following is from one of my other posts:
... Put it simply, in the absence of which that is not, which that is ... is not. God is love, that's all. But god only know love, but cannot experience it, because there's nothing but love. So there it is, the big bang where everything is created, the here and the there, the up and the down, love and fear, hot and cold etc, but everything is created so that we can experience what we really are, and decide every moment, who we want to be, and the world of the relative allows us to do that. In the world of the relative god changes as we evolve around the circle of life, but really god is just love....
Also, about fear. Organised religion is using fear to restrict us to do what they want us to do, to limit us, this is not love and anyone really knows about god knows that god is love. God would never ask us to fear him, he had no need to. Furthermore, god gave us free will, why would then god ask us to do certain things, only if you not, you will be punished??? God loves everything that we do, no matter what, because through them god experiences, and that's why we are created for.
Dangerous pun?

Um...thanks...I was kind of preying on the pious....they are the ones that need to answer this question.
Well ... er ...

Let them read and learn.
Not someone willing to look at it unbiased and by logic.
I thank you for your kind words.

Really, didn't mean to f@ck up your topic there.
Furthermore, god gave us free will, why would then god ask us to do certain things
Yeah free-will within the environment! That is why we are judged: because we have a choice of what to do. However trees etc., while still existing in heaven, are not judged because they have no choice. :)
Not someone willing to look at it unbiased and by logic.
Well I have to say logic is the most unbiased thing we can find, thus it reveals truth and fact. :)
Well I have to say logic is the most unbiased thing we can find, thus it reveals truth and fact.

In an absolute sense logic is in fact relative.(Say its paradoxical)

And one's logic is deductive, generally stating something as truth and looking for things to corroborate it.

But alas, no one has answered my question. They have only talked about religions professed knowledge of God. Which was my point from the very beginning. And as I said to Tiassa, I don't want anyone but the pious to answer it, the question was not intended for anyone else.

THEY are the ones who seem to miss the quirks of God's proclaimed "being" not me, and not anyone else.
In the world of the relative god changes as we evolve around the circle of life, but really god is just love....


Well then what is love?

And please, don't waste your time referring me to Corinthians, I've been there and back again. It doesn't say a damn thing.
I wasn't referring to the Corinthians, but Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. You asked me what is love. To me, love is what creates life, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, peace. The opposite of love is fear, creates violence, judgements, righteousness, lack of understanding, fear, it eats life away.
To me, love is what creates life, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, peace.

Yet still my question has not been answered.

If this is God it doesn't explain, the reasoning behind our creation, or God's imperfection, and worldliness.

If this is God, he is so feeble as humans and their worthless emotions.
Words are the least effective tools of communication. It can often be misunderstood. But love is a feeling, if you are trying to explain love using everyday lauguage, you will only reduce it, limit it. Somethings just cannot be explained using words.
Listen to your feelings.