Why Orthodox? (as far as the The Greeks)


science man

I've read that the New Testament's first language was was Greek. (knowing that Catholicism was the first branch of Christianity) Why are the majarity of Greeks Orthodox?
The first Christians where not orthodox or catholics.

The break between the orthodox and the catholic church was a matter of a leadership of the church dispute between the patriarch of constantinople and the pope of rome

Emperor Constantine set up his capital on the bosporous and named the city Constantinople and the leader of his harlot church was positioned there in that city and became known as the patriarch of Constantinople. Later after the decline of the roman empire the popes of rome made their claim to leadership of the church, Thus causing the break with Constantinople. The rise of islam and their violent jihads effected the orthodox more and lead to the occupation of Constantinople. This weakened the orthodox church and the effective authority of the patriarch in what is now called istanbul. The patriarch of the orthodox church still lives in istambul but he does not have any effective control over the varied orthodox churches. The leader of the Russian orthodox church has more effective power then the patriarch in istambul.

They even have their own record of leadership since the times of Jesus just like the one made up by the catholics


But they are both sister churches, both harlots, both false.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days