Why must one goto hell if they commit suicide?

Sir Aristrotle

The C.E.O. of Teen-Moods
Registered Senior Member
Why must one goto hell if they commit suicide?
I thought that god or whoever gave people life to do with it what they please. Some peopl are depressed and believe that living is not something they want to do. Why hell for taking something that was given to you?
God gave us free will so why punish us for our decisions which are made in the best intrest of everyone involved?

If you believe in god then I would like you to tell me why people who kill themselves are doomed.
If you do not believe in god then tell me what you think would happen if a person commited suicide.

I'm just confused right now.
It states clearly in the scriptures, as a commandment to "endure to the end".
-Suicide, "theres only one Judge who can build and destroy"- James..

"judging"- "justice"....
Old Testament- "An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth"....

In this days, man's action done in the flesh, is punished equally. What goes around, comes around. "Karma". (Hinduism shared the same philosophy in this times with judaism).
God gave you life, you donot have the right to take away what doesnt belong to you. Those who can struck your life are those who were given authority by God, those who can judge right from wrong (Moses and other leaders); like today's judges, they are educated and can judge fairly with their God given talents.
So suicide at this times are bad...

New Testament- "You heard them say an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, but I say if your neighbor strikes you at your right cheek, offer your left cheek as well", Jesus died for our sins...

If you break a glass, your mother can judge you...If you hit someone in the face, the government can judge you...But if your mom, the government, and yourself took away your life, then Jesus' death is at vain, you destroyed the life THAT NO LONGER BELONGS TO YOU, BUT TO GOD FOR THROUGH HIS DEATH, JESUS TOOK OWNERSHIP OF US. Jesus saved the human race, now the we all belong to Him.
Jesus died so you can live. But if you kill yourself, YOU DISOBEYED JESUS AND REJECTED HIS DEATH IN THE CROSS. "Only through the death of Christ the world is saved", and his death didnt limit itself for the jews only, but for the whole world, gentiles or jews, christians or not. Suicide is like spitting the feet of God and saying "I dont need you to die for me, your efforts dont mean anything", suicide is an abomination before the eyes of God...

Now suicide here is not only bad, BUT VERY VERY BAD. Even in hell there is levels of torture, the punishment for Hitler is not the same for a man who raped 5 girls but didnt kill them. There is levels of torture, and suicide today is one of the worst abomination you can do against God.........
Tell that to the people in the 2 towers on 9/11. You damn them for jumping out the building and saving them from a most painful death of burning alive.

All your nerves are burnt. your nerves are what make you feel pain, go figure.
Okay, just to prove a point, I'd like to say this: can anyone here tell me every thing about everything. Can you tell me why/how/when Christ did things, and i mean everything. Can you tell me his thoughts, can you tell me his plans? Exactly, no man on earth can answer every question, not a single person. Sometimes there are reasons for things that we don't know about. If you can tell me why everything about everything, then i'll listen.

Now i'm not saying this fully pertains to suicide, but it does in a way. You see, we don't know all the reason that some things are condemned, and some people 'damned'. We just weren't meant to know, it is all part of faith, and without faith you will get no where in religion. Sorry to sound critical, or out spoken, or rude, or mean, that isn't my intention, i'm just trying to shed a little light on things the only way i know how.
Now suicide here is not only bad, BUT VERY VERY BAD. Even in hell there is levels of torture, the punishment for Hitler is not the same for a man who raped 5 girls but didnt kill them. There is levels of torture, and suicide today is one of the worst abomination you can do against God.........

A: The Bible never mentions levels of torture in hell.
So shut up.

B: The Bible never prohibits suicide at all.
So shut up.

C: You obviously have never studied the Bible.
So shut up.

That would be interesting hypothesis if it wasn't for one thing:

The Bible never (as in never, not once, zilch, nada) prohibits suicide.
I could have sworn that somewhere in the scriptures it mentioned something about enduring to the end, as i not intentionally cutting your life short. Give me some time to find a reference, and I'll be back:)
when somebody walked on a red light and got run over and killed, thats not suicide. If the victims in 9/11 jumped off the building because the fire cause their nerve endings and reflex to jump off, thats not suicide..
If you ate 10 cakes and u choke to death, thats not suicide...
Suicide is intentional, done in purpose...Not that this is websters definition, but that is the sin of suicide, its intention, as every act becomes a sin because of wrong intentions..

If a person ran and pushed a guy to prevent him from getting run over and his act caused him his life, thats not suicide, he had good intention and cause, his death saved someone's life...

Definitely. I'd kill myself the second I began to turn into a vegetable.
Avatar remembers how in Southpark Stan's grandpa was always asking to kill him

What Xev says seems to be true,

Try this link that examines suicide and the bible.


Short extract:

The Bible contains a number of references to men seeking suicide, either

1 by taking direct action or
2 by begging God to kill them on the spot.

In most passages, the authors of the Bible do not appear to consider suicide to be a great moral sin. The act of committing suicide or of asking that God kill them are simply reported in a factual manner. The authors do not interpret these acts as sinful. They seem to be regarded simply as straightforward personal decisions.

It looks like your claims that suicide is the worst abomination is not only untrue, but probably doesn’t even rate as a sin.

It would seem that this claim like most of the other things you say is just another figment of your uninformed imagination.
Originally posted by Avatar
I plan to do a suicide when I get old enough
being really old sux ass

Avatar remembers how in Southpark Stan's grandpa was always asking to kill him

Avatar, South Park is written by quite young people, so their opinion on how old people feel is the same as yours... unfounded, completely baseless, and totally lacking in either experience or empathy.
I have seen people with alcheimer disease - if I ever had the smallest symptoms of it.....

"what use to die as a cow on straws"
(Red Dragon - a viking novel)

live to enjoy and when you can not do that - better die than to live for pain