Why Muslims hate jews



Because the quran told them to.....

Muslims hate Jews for essentially the same reasons as Christians. They claim that Muhammad is the ultimate prophet of G-d, and that the Koran
is His ultimate truth, and that this truth replaces both the Old and New Testaments, which are corruptions of that truth and full of lies.
Accordingly, followers of both the Old and New Testaments are liars, and it is the unceasing obligation of all Muslims to conquer these peoples
and subject them to never-ending humiliation (dhimmi).


Muslims claim that they are the most tolerant of all faiths, and that historically they have treated Jews better than the Christians did. The
latter assertion is true, but it isn't saying much. When the Arabs first encountered the Jews, they were already a beaten people. Muslims never
had to deal with free independent Jews until the State of Israel, and it is only then that their true colors came out.

Leading UK Jewish groups say a new wave of militant Islamic media is fostering anti-semitism among Muslims.
Michael Whine, who collects evidence of attacks on Britain's 350,000 Jews for the Community Security Trust (CST), said: 'In Britain as in other European countries there has been a very substantial rise in violence towards Jewish people. This year looks set to become one of the worst, if not the worst.'

A television station backed by a Saudi prince has sparked outrage by broadcasting clips that show young children being taught to hate Jews — referring to them as "apes and pigs" — and embrace martyrdom.
Recent broadcasts on Iqraa Television, one of the global satellite channels packaged by the Arab Radio and Television Network (ART), a Saudi-based company, features anti-Semitic interviews with a father, a psychologist and even a 3-year-old girl.
Following is the transcript of an interview with a 3-year-old girl conducted by Muslim Woman Magazine host Doaa 'Amer on Iqraa television:
'Amer: "Our report today will be a little different, because our guest is a girl, a Muslim girl, but a true Muslim. Allah willing, may our God give us the strength to educate our children the same way, so that the next generation will turn out to be true Muslims who understand that they are Muslims and know who their enemies are. This girl will introduce herself immediately.
She is the daughter of my sister in faith and of the artist, Wagdi Al-Arabi. Her name is Basmallah and we will ask her as well."
Toddler: Allah's mercy and blessing upon you.
'Amer: What's your name?
Toddler: Basmallah.
'Amer: Basmallah, how old are you?
Toddler: Three and a half.
'Amer: Are you a Muslim?
Toddler: Yes.
'Amer: Basmallah, are you familiar with the Jews?
Toddler: Yes. '
Amer: Do you like them?
Toddler: No.
'Amer: Why don't you like them?
Toddler: Because . . .
'Amer: Because they are what?
Toddler: They're apes and pigs.
'Amer: Because they are apes and pigs. Who said they are so?
Toddler: Our God.
'Amer: Where did he say this?
Toddler: In the Koran.
Intolerance is inherent to monotheistic religions. Take a look at the First Commandment.
Randolfo said:

Indeed there was a time when Muslims were instructed not to take the Christian and Jewsih tribes as friends(because of their past trechery towards muslims) however after those wars were over the Koran gives specific instructions on how to deal with " People of the Book":

"Dispute not with the People of the Book
save in the fairer manner, except for
those of them that do wrong; and say,'We
believe in what has been sent down to
us, and what has been sent down to you:
Our God and your God is One, and to Him we
have surrendered'."
(XXIX: The Spider: 45)

O People of the Book! Let us rally to a common formula to be binding on both us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than God. (Surat Al 'Imran, 64)

Qur'an 3:199 Surah Ale-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran)
And there are certainly among the people of the Book those who believe in Allah in the revelation to you and in the revelation to them bowing in humility to Allah: they will not sell the signs of Allah for a miserable gain! for them is a reward with their Lord and Allah is swift in account.

etc.....etc....etc.... So on the surface you may appear to be truthful but instead of cut-and-paste you should try to learn and understand something for yourself ;)
Wow, that is soooo weak, leave it to corrupt Jews to tell us why Muslims hate Jews.
Surender you can qoute scriptures until the cows come home but all the qouteing in the world will not dismiss the reality that there is a Christian-Muslim war and a Jewish-Muslim war going on right now today and that the feud between the religions has existed long before we were born and will mostly likely be around long after we have died.

I have seen your other posts and they are very religious knowlegable. Maybe you could give us insight as to why or how to lessen it.
robtex said:
Surender you can qoute scriptures until the cows come home but all the qouteing in the world will not dismiss the reality that there is a Christian-Muslim war and a Jewish-Muslim war going on right now today and that the feud between the religions has existed long before we were born and will mostly likely be around long after we have died.

I have seen your other posts and they are very religious knowlegable. Maybe you could give us insight as to why or how to lessen it.

Well personallly I dont think that there is a Christian-Muslim war or a Jewish-
Muslim one either. Now there is a Israeli-Palestinian war but thats not about religion thats about territiory(although on both sides people do things that make their religions look bad) There is also a Iraqi war going on(of course) which is also about territiory(or whats underneath it) Im not one of those Muslims that believe that Bush Jr. declared war on Islam....i personally think that if Hindus were sitting on all that oil then the US would still be at war over there.

"Verily those who believe, those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures), the Christians and the Sabians any who believe In Allah and the last day, and work righteousness *all have their reward with their Lord;They will not be overcome by fear nor grief (Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:62).

So you see that if one believes this surah to be true(and you have to in order to be a muslim) why would you wanna kill a Christian or Jew?? Alotta bad people do bad things with religion as an excuse(yes muslims are no different) but that behavior is an abnormaly(sp?) not the norm.

As far as my remedy for the situation Ithink that these wars are being fought by neither Christians nor Muslims or Jews but zealots of all three (Bush Osama Sharon) whom disgrace their religion
Muslims hate Jews because it all goes back to many generations of brothely angst, jealously, revenge, and other family problems. Judadism was created by Abraham and his most-preferred son whereas Islam was created by Abraham and his other bastard son who was kicked out of the house along with his mother when Abraham chose his other wife and other kid over them through female manipulation. That's the root of it all. It basically became a chosen son vs bastard son thing and later each religion was fleshed out as "prophets" came along and added onto it with all their visions, revelations, and such.

- N