why iz so many women coverting to Islam?

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Ahmad_4_lyfe said:

The question is not why so many women, but why so few men. The article only says that more women are converting then men. Well, look at the Religious Demographics of any Religion -- women are your joiners. Especially in the Third World -- the Developing World. Women tend to be the responsible and moral citizens. What do the Men do in these Societies? -- Well somebody has to get into fights, get drunk, smoke all the cigerettes and gamble away all the money. That's the men. Religion would only slow them down. Perhaps the primary reason they are joining the Religion is so they have a place to go to get away from tobacco-stinking, drunk, foul-mouthed, rowdy and gambling men. In Africa rape is so prevalent that I can reasonably suppose that maybe the mosque is the only place a women can go where she can be almost sure of not being sexually assualted.
Statitsics in Perspective

Based on the statistics in the article i.e. –

Christianity increased 47%
World Population increased 136%
Islam increased 235%

From 1934 to now.

And knowing that the current absolute numbers are –

Current World population is 6B (100%)
Current Christianity is 2B (33%)
Current Islam is 1.2B (20%)
Other religions and non-religious is 2.8B (47%)

And working back from those statistics we find that in 1934 –

World population was 2.5B (100%)
Christianity was 1.4B (54%)
Islam was 0.36B (14%)
Other religions and non-religious was 0.8B (31%)


Christianity is in significant decline, dropping by 21% of world population since 1934.
Islam has grown by a modest 6%.
But other religions and non-religious have grown by a significant 16%.

The growth in Islam we should contribute more to Islamic countries becoming oil rich and spending significant amounts of money on better hygiene and healthcare and overcoming the massive infant mortality rate amongst Muslims in the early part of the 20th century. It isn’t that more people are being attracted to Islam but that children of existing Muslim families are no longer dying so fast.

What seems more important is that more people are not joining the major religions than are joining them. We should consider both Christianity and Islam as failures in this respect

Katazia said:
Statitsics in Perspective

What seems more important is that more people are not joining the major religions than are joining them. We should consider both Christianity and Islam as failures in this respect


Yes, they have plateaued, or even gone into decline. But when you consider that the Industrial Populations are shifting demographics from rural to urban, you could expect a decline in religiousity. To see whether the Religions are actually failing, you would need to see whether they are seriously behind the curve -- losing rural membership which is usually considered secure, while not retaining whatever percentage would seem normal in an industrial environment.

But, yeah, Catholicism is losing ground from a tactical error it made in regards to Ecumenism -- to appease Protestants the Catholic Church stopped emphasizing that the Protestant Churches were beyond the Pall of Grace. This attracted absolutely no new Conversions, because what Protestant in his right mind would go from the easy layed back Saved and Keep Sinning
Fundamentalist framework to the much more strict Catholic discipline? None! But when Catholics were made to feel that it no longer made a serious difference, they started going Protestant too. If the Prot Church was closer then it was handier -- and then they wouldn't have to go to Confession, and they wouldn't have to kneel so often BUT IT WOULD STILL BE 'CHRISTIAN'. We lost badly. They should find the Bishop who made the decision and put him on an 80 day fast.

And it does matter -- the difference between Catholic and prot. Our Lady has never appeared in Apparition to a Protestant. And the Protestants have never had their first Saint. The Bishops should never have let up on stressing that there is a Huge Spiritual Difference.
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