Why is there so much life?


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Early life came about due to a unique mix of factors, I'm fine with that aspect. However, how did so much life develop?

If we think of the early interactions that created life I am sure it did not create it on a mass scale. So how did the early life sustain itself?

Lets put some very basic maths in to the equation.

Early life weight = 20 Pounds
Current life weight = 100000 Tons

How did this happen?
That seems fair for the first mass of primordial ooze which ostensibly zapped into life forms.

Or, was it a mass zap of global proportions, with many creatures appearing out of the primordial ooze all over the world?

Mini zap or mass zap, that is the question.
Something substantial.

First life was microscopic in size but not in quantity. That is I see no logical reason to assume it was.
Of what quantity would you "see logical reason," spur?

I keep getting posts deleted for saying the ooze was zapped, so what is the scientific term for this supposed happening?

Woops, the posts were not deleted, I mistakenly put those on the "syngamablob" thread.

Is a ton enough spur? And that, from hundreds of tons of water, maybe it occurred in one primordial pond, ZAPP?
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What we need to understand here is were the conditions for life local or global? I would say they were only local as the earth has many different regions and conditions at any one time.

And if you think the right conditions to make life must have been very very very very unique this further adds to the local theory.

But even if we push it up to a ton how did it become millions of tons?
They ate the goo out of which they were formed. Must have been alot of it. After that, they ate each other, leading to an arms race (literally).
You have to take your pick, goo or primordial ooze, "goo morhped into you" or/and "primordial ooze changed into creatures."

If they ate the goo then they ate themselves as they were the goo.
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And only the real fast ones got away, with new fins, and some of those grew wings to fly above the sharks, which haven't changed for "300 million years," it all makes perfect sense.
So if cannibal goo is the answer we have a 1/2 ton of cannibal goo eating the other half. So we have half the number of goo but it is fatter. If things carry on like this before long you are out of goo.
20 pounds is quite possible for the first signs of life form. They were after all bacteria and microorganisms that are invisible to the naked eye.