Why is sciforums traffic so low now?

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my god-- how pathetic--is that it pad?--when you are feeling cornered ,you resort to the conspiracy nonsense?--how typical :) (shakes head)
Pathetic? No, it's plain unadulterated fact, and it is here in black and white my little piss ant friend! :)
You denying it is certainly being cornered and with your pants down to boot.
Let me again reinforce a fact: [not-withstanding your nonsensical conspiracy claims.]
We have no conclusive or extraordinary evidence that shows the Earth has ever been visited by any ETI, time travellers and/or interdimensional beings.
Desperation tactics often leads to nonsensical remarks...
Let me again re-enforce the fact that at this time, there exists no conclusive or extraordinary evidence, that support any visitations by Aliens, time travellers, and/or interdimensional beings.
That is the situation at present despite your preoccupation with piss ants.
pad, you are simply not comprehending, your so-called " no substantial evidence " which you are screaming as a fact, is simply your own piss-ant opinion, which is incorrect in its up-most. you are simply playing your pathetic game at this point. :) (shakes head)-- carry on with your pathetic hypocritical, contradicting, shenanigans.
" A shame you are so dishonest though, as others have been inferring. "-- my god, your hypocrisy does not end, does it?
Right..I take people at their word unless I have cause to doubt them. That's called not being a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Better that 20 myths be believed than one real thing be disbelieved, I guess.

That is, by the way pretty much the defintion of gullibility.

And I also have evidence that backs it up like videos and audio and photographs.
The one I pointed out did not have any back up evidence. Yet you called it compelling. Like you call all the other ones compelling.
Whch means we are obliged to acknowledge that you are unable to tell compelling from not compelling.
Unable to tell evidence from faith.
No, that does not fit the definition of conspiracy.
For one, conspiracy, by definition, means people are colluding together

There would have to be collusion because most all the stories are repeated across many different websites and many ufologists know each other. There's no way such a massive deception could be going on without collusion.
pad, you are simply not comprehending, your so-called " no substantial evidence " which you are screaming as a fact, is simply your own piss-ant opinion, which is incorrect in its up-most. you are simply playing your pathetic game at this point. :) (shakes head)-- carry on with your pathetic hypocritical, contradicting, shenanigans.
" A shame you are so dishonest though, as others have been inferring. "-- my god, your hypocrisy does not end, does it?
No game being played this end.....
What I state as fact is certainly fact:
No conclusive evidence exists that support any visitations by Aliens. :shrug:
You appear to be getting as desperate as the god often gets with his pseudoscience crank nonsense, at this stage.
pad, you are simply not comprehending, your so-called " no substantial evidence " which you are screaming as a fact, is simply your own piss-ant opinion, which is incorrect in its up-most. you are simply playing your pathetic game at this point. :) (shakes head)-- carry on with your pathetic hypocritical, contradicting, shenanigans.
" A shame you are so dishonest though, as others have been inferring. "-- my god, your hypocrisy does not end, does it?
I'll put my money on the guy who backs up his statements over the guy who hasn't contributed anything but trolling for as long as I've been around.

He is correct. There is no conclusive evidence.
Better that 20 myths be believed than one real thing be disbelieved, I guess.

That is, by the way pretty much the defintion of gullibility.

The one I pointed out did not have any back up evidence. Yet you called it compelling. Like you call all the other ones compelling.
Whch means we are obliged to acknowledge that you are unable to tell compelling from not compelling.
Unable to tell evidence from faith.

I don't know what you're talking about. And frankly your petty attempts at trapping me have failed again. So move along troll. No gloating over my demise today.
because you have faith they are.
That's really all we wanted to hear.

Saying simply "I merely believe this to be so" would have spared about a thousand posts. You argued to convince us of that which you knew was only your belief. That is not arguing in good faith.
how is it not faith for your end? how do you even know you are correct? again, i bet you are one of those individuals whom does not have access and experience with such things, correct? then explain how you are also not being hypocritical due to your own words above. i actually came here to tell MR that MR does not need to prove anything to all of you. MR also has the right to post whatever this sector allows. i do not understand why all of you come to these topics and ridicule MR, like as if any of you have any inkling of any of it at all-- what a pathetic ffucking joke you all are. :) (shrugs)
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Pathetic? No, it's plain unadulterated fact, and it is here in black and white my little piss ant friend! :)
You denying it is certainly being cornered and with your pants down to boot.
Let me again reinforce a fact: [not-withstanding your nonsensical conspiracy claims.]
We have no conclusive or extraordinary evidence that shows the Earth has ever been visited by any ETI, time travellers and/or interdimensional beings.
comical-- more pathetic manipulation attempts pad?-- how typical. :) (shrugs)
Pathetic? No, it's plain unadulterated fact, and it is here in black and white my little piss ant friend! :)
You denying it is certainly being cornered and with your pants down to boot.
Let me again reinforce a fact: [not-withstanding your nonsensical conspiracy claims.]
We have no conclusive or extraordinary evidence that shows the Earth has ever been visited by any ETI, time travellers and/or interdimensional beings.
and as obvious as you make it, i will define piss-ant for you since you are clueless of its meaning.


piss·ant [píss ànt]
or piss antU.S.
(plural piss·ants) (plural piss ants)
1. an offensive term for somebody who pays too much attention to small details
2. an offensive term for somebody regarded as being of no importance, significance, or consequence

1. an offensive term meaning paying too much attention to small details
2. an offensive term meaning regarded as being of no importance, significance, or consequence

[Mid-17th century. Originally "ant"; from the urinous smell of anthills]
I'll put my money on the guy who backs up
comical-- what would that even be(as the topic clearly show)?-- what a ffucking joke you are also.
his statements over the guy who hasn't contributed anything but trolling for as long as I've been around.
and why exactly are you here typing in this topic?
He is correct. There is no conclusive evidence.
except you have no clue of what you speak of-- which i am 100% sure of.
No game being played this end.....
What I state as fact is certainly fact:
except you still have not answered the question of " according to whom?"
" You appear to be getting as desperate "-- you appear to be attempting your usual manipulation attempts. :) (shrugs)
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