Why is sciforums traffic so low now?

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Why should we take his word for it? Is he the pope of all ET evidence? Has he even examined the evidence himself?
And of course Seth Shostak is an Astronomer and Director of the SETI institute and at the forefront of the search for real evidence of ETI.
You? :rolleyes:
You've read up on questionable web sites and U-tube videos, that's all.

How do you know the websites are questionable? Have you ever looked at them? Which ones? Why are youtube videos suddenly unreliable? Have you ever watched science videos on youtube? News videos? I have..
Some unstable people believe the whole bloody world is a conspiracy: It's a wonder they are game enough to get out of bed every morning, for fear of another conspiracy.

So not taking Seth what's his name word on ET evidence is a conspiracy theory? Why? Who is conspiring? What if he's just ignorant of all the evidence for ufos? You certainly are.
How do you know they're questionable? Have you ever looked at them? Which ones? Why are youtube videos suddenly unreliable? Have you ever watched science videos on youtube? News videos? I have..
As I just informed your friend krash, you believe what you like.
At this stage of proceedings, no conclusive evidence exists that tell us the Earth has been visited at any time by any ETI, time travellers, and/or Interdimensional beings.
You claiming otherwise, with dicey photos, questionable u-tube videos and emotional unconfirmed reports from gullible people will not change that fact.
I didn't imply that.

I believe there are people out there who truly want knowledge and make a coordinated effort to find it.

Some people do..Others ignore facts and take public positions to enhance their career and reputation among their peers. It pays the bills..
no conclusive evidence exists that tell us the Earth has been visited at any time by any ETI, time travellers, and/or Interdimensional beings.

You said you never look at the evidence. Why should we believe you?
That suggestion coming from one who I suggest is highly gullible and impressionable, is questionable at best, and just plain irrational at worst.

Because I look at the evidence and you don't that makes me gullible? Why? Isn't that the scientific way? Examining the evidence objectively and not making ignorant claims about it like you do?
Because I look at the evidence and you don't that makes me gullible? Why? Isn't that the scientific way? Examine the evidence objectively and not making ignorant claims about it like you do?
What evidence have you looked at?
Have you personally interviewed any gullible person who says he has been kidnapped by Aliens/ or has had any medical procedures undertaken? or has seen a pointy headed non human.
What evidence have you looked at?
Have you personally interviewed any gullible person who says he has been kidnapped by Aliens/ or has had any medical procedures undertaken? or has seen a pointy headed non humanHave you personally v

You want a website of evidence? Will you look at it? And I have never interviewed a person who won the lottery. Neither have I won the lottery. Does that mean people don't win the lottery?
I don't need to fabricate conspiracies to support any position as you are known to do.

So you just know this because that's what you've been told by a bunch of other guys who get their funding from corporations and the govt. You believe everything these guys say?

Well I don't own a Guy Fawkes mask, but I hope you get my meaning.

How famous must someone be before you just accept everything they say to be true?
You want a website of evidence? Will you look at it? And I have never interviewed a person who won the lottery. Neither have I won the lottery. Does that mean people don't win the lottery?
That's OK MR........
All you are doing is actually supporting everything that others over the last couple of days have been saying about you.
But thanks anyway for confirming that you have never examined or researched directly any evidence for Alien visitations, except that which is available to all of us...The net.
That's what most of us knew anyway. :rolleyes:
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