Why is it Aliens are always more intelligent?


Registered Member
Have you ever thought of that question? Why is it that aliens are always portrayed as more intelligent beings? Maybe, if alien life does exist they are on a level far below ours.
We have to work with what we've experienced. They can get here but we can't there. They must know something about the technology that we don't. I believe that they are more intelligent than we are. Whether or not they're wiser is another matter.
That's a damn good question, RBlake. Same one that I'm attempting to answer. I mean really, what are the statistical odds that all of these "races" are more intelligent than us? It seems highly coincedental to me. If the accounts were not as such, then I may not believe what I do to be true, and that is , they are more intelligent than us because they are spiritually enlightened in comparison to us. Yes, that's SPIRITUALLY enlightened. Like as in angels.

God loves you and so do I!

I mean really, what are the statistical odds that all of these "races" are more intelligent than us? It seems highly coincedental to me.

Actually, I think the odds are excellent. That is, assuming that they are aliens, and assuming that they are at all intelligent.

If they really do exist, odds are they are technologically at least a few thousand years ahead of us. Now, take a modern person with a doctorate, and juxtappose that person with a human being from 5,000 years ago. Who, as a rule, would be more intelligent? And that difference is due merely to better upbringing and education. But in addition, with our growing technological prowess we can soon start genetically and cybernetically enhancing ourselves, including our intelligence. In a few thousand years (who knows, maybe even in a couple of centuries!) any 10-year-old will make Einstein look like a moron, and Bach like a street performer. There is little reason to doubt that other intelligent life-forms out there (if they really exist) would take a similar path.

I am; therefore I think.
Alternatively, it would be funky and amusing if some technologically-advanced race had just dropped the Travel Tech on some bunch of bozos, and let them figure out how to use it. And some of these bozos blunder in here once in a while. But they're dumb...really dumb!

OK, OK, not likely, but maybe a fair idea for a sci-fi vignette :>
i think that there are smater aliens, and dumber ones, i think that there is one really smart ones (angels or god) and dumb ones (my sister)
if you look at the big picture, there are probably millions of planets that support life, and at all intelligent levels, just as our planet was once filled w/ dinosaurs-----if all we are being visited by "intelligent" nieghbors, that means, yes they are intelligent because they figured out a way to travel here from a distance far enough away to occupy ones entire life span. until we discover other modes of travel, or discover different "tools", we will not get a shot at 'being aliens'.....
I believe they may be more intelligent...May
1. They just have more sophisticated technology which is just a collective of the many diff species stolen from eachother and
2. they use both sides of the brain which some humans can do ie. telepethy telekenesis etc

Eric Cooper

we can soon start genetically and cybernetically enhancing ourselves,
including our intelligence.
I am curious about what you think of the research they are doing at princeton , just a few genetic alterations and you have super memory . what's next

what research are you referring to? (Do you have the names of the PI's, or the paper title/date?) Generally, human genetic experimentation is against the law right now, and for good reasons. Until we completely understand the genome and its interactions within diverse biochemical scenarios, we are not justified in experimenting like that -- because the more likely outcome would be tragedy. Anyway, I imagine genetic experiments on humans will never be legally permitted; the only way to experiment with human genome would be using supercomputer simulations. Only once the answer is known with good certainty, would actual human trials make sense.

I am; therefore I think.
Of course it is not human experimitations ,but can that be that far off?
The article is in the Sept 2 NATURE ( I don't remenber the title ) written by Joe Tsien and collleagues
It describes how a single addition to a gene gave mice superior learning ability and memory recall . They go on to say that genetic enhancement of mental and cognitive abilities is quite feasible
Perhaps it's a bit idealistic, but ....

I've always wondered why Hollywood portrays the "alien threat". It seems almost counterproductive to achieve the means to explore the greater universe and then squander it on petty issues of property and dominion. Imagine if it was the human race spreading through the stars.

Would we fracture socially and found a smattering of colonies based on ideal? Would they come together as a federation? It seems ridiculous to think we would venture out among the stars just to fight over however many cubic miles of empty space.

I tend to think that the ability to manipulate one's environment is a poerful measurement of intelligence. If extraterrestrials can tweak spacetime enough to get here from wherever they come from, it seems they've got an academic leg up on us. I would also go so far as to say they've got a philosophical advantage, too.


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
if aliens do exist, surely their intelligence depends on how long they have been evolving, and under what circumstances. Also, there could be a variety of different intellegences, some higher and others lower than ourselves
Duh, but angels know more than we do about everything. They were around when it was created, you know? Please get a clue people. :)

God loves you and so do I!

Do you seriously believe that human
genetic experimentation is not going on as we speak. Come on,lets learn from history I bet there are those doing some right now behind closed doors as we speak
and we will probably hear about it
eventually. Its illegal so we do not do it. I'm sorry but thats ridiculuos.


perhaps you are correct. But such things wouldn't be getting published in Nature any time soon -- won't you agree? :D

Anyway, as long as such experimentation remains illegal, it is bound to be very limited. It is also (if extant) under constant threat of being revealed by a whistleblower. Under such conditions, I do not see it having any chance of making any progress.

I am; therefore I think.
Yes I agree that we may not find out
anytime soon. If the government wants to do experiments of this nature I believe they would without being worried about
leaks because they would deny it and use disinformation like they do with all
projects which are top secret.

( I swear I'm not following you around... LOL !!)
Are you serious about the whistleblower angle??
I thought there were plenty of them with regards to UFO's Vs. the Government and, really, nobody important is listening....what makes you think anybody will listen if the, let's say, Government, is doing human experiments??
Kind regards,
If I am not mistaken, there are other countries in the world where the citizens are not protected by whistleblower laws. It is likely that whistleblowing could result in death in some places.
Well Dave, it doesn't take much to bust open a government conspiracy. All it takes is documentation. The kind of "whistle-blowers" we have had on UFOs so far are no different than other "witnesses" -- all they have is a verbal account, and typically a rather incredible one at that. If they could actually produce a study finding, a working schematic for an extraterrestrial mechanism, some genetic discovery that is currently unknown to science -- then they would be taken much more seriously.

Also, just as with the purported UFO conspiracies, there is the spy problem. What would keep Iraq, say, from sniffing out illegal genetic research in the U.S. and blowing it wide-open for the rest of the world to see? Foreign spy agencies are also another method for wistleblowers to anonymously get their info out, if their country does not protect them against persecution.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited October 08, 1999).]