Why I took the hijab ( Headsacrf )


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Hilary Saunders used to think that Islam was a relic from the dark ages. Now she has converted. Here she explains why

The most significant thing I have ever done was in fact incredibly simple. A little over four weeks ago, in front of two witnesses, I recited a simple declaration, the shahada. "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Mohammed is His messenger," I said; and from that moment, I was a Muslim.

Proud_Muslim said:
Hilary Saunders used to think that Islam was a relic from the dark ages. Now she has converted. Here she explains why

The most significant thing I have ever done was in fact incredibly simple. A little over four weeks ago, in front of two witnesses, I recited a simple declaration, the shahada. "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Mohammed is His messenger," I said; and from that moment, I was a Muslim.

M*W: You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about the issues posted on this forum, and the more I read about the struggles of women in Islam, the more connected I feel with them. I can't think of anything being more convenient that wearing a burka and a scarf. I would be so totally comfortable if I could dress like that everyday! I don't want anyone to judge me for my body or my hair. My body is mine, no one else's. I see many Muslim working who wear the burka and scarf, and I find myself secretely being jealous of them! I believe in One God whose name could be Allah, in fact, I've commented before that I like the name "Allah" when referring to God. I must do some more reading about it, but what if I just felt like going to an Islamic store (there's many here where I live), and buying a burka and scarf, and dressing in Hijab from now on? I think I would be quite happy!

Ever look at Steve Jobs, of Apple? It's rare to see him in a suit. In fact, I can think of once that I've seen him in a suit, and the joke was that he wore the suit for two reasons, one being that he was in Japan and wanted to show some form of respect to business ambiance, and the other was a fluff rumor that he'd broken down and taken to coding some of the OS himself, which would explain the apparent weight gain, which would mean that the suit happened to fit.

According to legend, after Jobs came to power and got rich, he called in a designer, had the distinctive black shirt and blue jeans designed, and had something like 500 of each made. The idea, apparently, was to avoid the debate about what to wear every day, so that he could think about more important things. If he really had gained as much weight as it looked like, his tailored jeans and shirt wouldn't have fit that day.

Also, I stumbled across something while working on a post for a different topic. 1 Corinthians reads:
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Any man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled dishonors her head -- it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. (For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.) That is why a woman ought to have a veil on her head, because of the angels. (Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.) Judge for yourselves; is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not nature itself teach you that for a man to wear long hair is degrading to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her pride? For her hair is given to her for a covering. If any one is disposed to be contentious, we recognize no other practice, nor do the churches of God. (1 Corinthians 11.3-16)
It could be that the standard Western reaction to standardized dress is a sublimated burden drawn from the troubling side of the Western cultural heritage.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about the issues posted on this forum, and the more I read about the struggles of women in Islam, the more connected I feel with them. I can't think of anything being more convenient that wearing a burka and a scarf. I would be so totally comfortable if I could dress like that everyday! I don't want anyone to judge me for my body or my hair. My body is mine, no one else's. I see many Muslim working who wear the burka and scarf, and I find myself secretely being jealous of them! I believe in One God whose name could be Allah, in fact, I've commented before that I like the name "Allah" when referring to God. I must do some more reading about it, but what if I just felt like going to an Islamic store (there's many here where I live), and buying a burka and scarf, and dressing in Hijab from now on? I think I would be quite happy!

It is very refreshing to hear your comment dear lady.

I met many western women who converted to islam and observed the hijab( headsarf ), all of them told me that the Hijab for them is ''liberating experience'' I used always to wonder how come western woman who come from very liberal societies( my wife is one of them ) can observe the Hijab??? the answer was always that they did not feel free nor appreciated in their societies...they told me The Hijab make them feel protected and valued.


Heather Ramaha, a Navy petty officer, is among those in Hawai'i who have converted to Islam since Sept. 11. read her story here:



INGRID MATTSON: Her Story with Islam : http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/women/religion/religion121301.html


British journalist Yvonne Ridley was captured by the Talibans two years ago. Find out why Ridley has converted to Islam following her ordeal.



The ex-Southern Baptist lady and an ex-radical feminist Aminah Assilmi after embracing Islam.

More Islamic propaganda I see.

Proud Muslim - just what is it you are so proud of???

The SUICIDE bombers
The female circumcisions
The Honor killings
Saudi Arabia

Don't give me your crap about, "well that's not Islam". You need to look at your religion in FACT not in THEORY.

Finally, Suadi Arabian officials like to highlight the fact that they produce more college grads than any other Islamic country. That's great, excpet the majority have degrees in Islamic Studies. :rolleyes: How does this help the world? The world needs more doctors, engineers, scientists and doers in general - not more parasitic religious types who sit around debating BS and making trouble.

In short, we don't need your brainwhased celebrations of a dark ages cult founded by a psycho and built on death.

spuriousmonkey said:
why don't the men wear head scarves? Or is it necessary to needlessly tempt women?

The Quran order men as well to be modest in their dress and to lower their gaze, it is not only women's duty but men as well.
Barkhorn1x said:
More Islamic propaganda I see.

Proud Muslim - just what is it you are so proud of???

The SUICIDE bombers

Suicide bombers are not MUSLIM INVENTION, The Japanese used them, the Tamil Tigers in Seri Lanka used them...etc

So it is very stupid to associate a whole religion with such act.


The female circumcisions

I challenge you to PROVE from the Quran that femal circumcision is allowed in Islam !! stop watching so much FOX JEWS and SHITNN :p

The Honor killings

Our honour killings is your DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MURDERS...while we have 4 honour murders a year, you have 4 domestic violence murder a DAY.

Honour murder has nothing to do with Islam...it is to do with some backward beduin cultural practices....get your facts right.

Saudi Arabia

What about Saudi Arabia ??? do you think Saudi Arabia is the ONLY MUSLIM country in the world ??? we have 57 muslim countries SIR...go read little bit more about them.

Don't give me your crap about, "well that's not Islam". You need to look at your religion in FACT not in THEORY.

And of course, you are qualified to judge based on your 'great knowledge' of Islam about which practice is Islamic and which is not, right ?? :rolleyes:

Finally, Suadi Arabian officials like to highlight the fact that they produce more college grads than any other Islamic country. That's great, excpet the majority have degrees in Islamic Studies.How does this help the world? The world needs more doctors, engineers, scientists and doers in general - not more parasitic religious types who sit around debating BS and making trouble.

Again, if you think Saudi Arabia is the only muslim country in the world then you are FOOL.

In short, we don't need your brainwhased celebrations of a dark ages cult founded by a psycho and built on death.

What do you mean by WE ??? on behalf of who you are speaking ?????

finally, let me ask you this:


The president of Indonesia, the largest muslim country in the world, is MUSLIM WOMAN.......so until you elect your first woman president in the U.S. we are ahead of you regarding women rights...until then, have a very nice long decades. :D
Barkhorn1x said:
In short, we don't need your brainwhased celebrations of a dark ages cult founded by a psycho and built on death.
Couldn't the same be said for any religion though? If we look at it as you've just described the Muslim faith, heck, Christianity is also based on 'brainwashed celebrations of a dark ages cult founded by a psycho and built on death'. After all, wasn't Christ seen as a psycho and didn't he supposedly die to save us from our supposed sins? Have you ever been to a church? Especially for mass for Good Friday? Let me tell you something, you want to see brainwashed celebrations of a dark ages cult, go to church on Good Friday. You get a bunch of glazed eyed people, fixated on a crucifix, kneeling constantly in supplication. Then they get up and queue to kiss the feet of Christ on the crucifix. There is chanting and the recitation of beliefs in a man who may or may not have existed and this behaviour goes on the whole time they are there for that particular mass.

I'm sure that if the priest said something about committing a henious act during such a mass, you'd get one or two idiots who'd go ahead and do it, because they believe so much in the cause. Hell, if you want to see Christians with an evil cause, look at how many doctors they've killed, all because they work in abortion clinics. Are they not as bad as Muslims who kill others? Aren't they doing exactly what the Muslim terrorists do? Aren't they placing bombs outside of clinics in the hope of doing as much damage as possible? Aren't these Christian fundamentalists blowing people up and shooting people in the same way as Muslim fundamentalists do? All religions can have the same effect on people, whether you're Christian, Muslim or Jewish.

So based on your ideals, we don't need any religion at all, because pretty much all are based on 'brainwhased celebrations of a dark ages cult founded by a psycho and built on death'.

Proud Muslim you won me over. I'm going to the stores monday to get my hijab. It's okay for men to wear it isnt?
Greco said:
Proud Muslim you won me over. I'm going to the stores monday to get my hijab. It's okay for men to wear it isnt?

YESSSSSSSSS, I am sure you'll look so cute with it..... :D