Why I hate the bible


Registered Senior Member
I'd like to get your opinions here.

I don't plan on using that many specific quotes here, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Pardon me if this post seems a little sarcastic (I guess its tone would mainly be directed to those who believe the bible).

I do not believe the bible, but to me if you were to go by the text written in it.....

The bible claims that greed and selfishness is a bad thing?

What do we know about god/jesus? What does god *not* do to make his life completely perfect and the most pleasurable it can be?

It seems all god ask of us is for his own good. He wants us to bow down and worship him, he wants us to sacrifice lambs to him, he wants us to put him first before everything.

I don't know how other people interpret heaven, but from all I've read it seems to be a place of perfection. I'll state for now that in my opinion there are many marvelous wonders there - palaces composed of emerald that are hundreds of square miles long, and things of the like. No pain at all, just wonders.

And god chooses to put himself in this location? Could he live or exist somewhere else if he wanted to? Quite a place for someone who is against materialism (I wonder if he would be willing to give up a single one out of his billion of his pilliars of gold), and so concerned with issues like spirituality and wisdom.

Doesn't the bible also say that pride is a bad thing? How many times does god speak highly of himself in the bible? Not only does he call himself high, he calls himself the *most* high. When I've mentioned this to a few people, they said "he's just telling the truth". To me it seems rather repetitive to call yourself the king of kings (and so many other "holy" phrases) 1,000 times over, and often for no apparent reason. I think a few times is enough for me to know you created the universe most holy one.

revelation chapter 4 verse 11 "Thou art worthy, O lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created" To me it seems he wishes to capitalize on the fact that he found himself with the ability to create the universe....... capitalize in a very bad way. I would see it "something to the effect "Well since I have the power I may as well take advantage of it"

I'll demand everything for myself, 100% perfect, not 99% - but as for you human, give everything to me and your neighbor. If you don't bow down and kiss my butt, I'll incinerate you in a blazing infero.

I have more respect for somone who chooses the harder and less pleasurable way (even more painful at times). It takes more effort. I more respect someone who lifts 200 pounds, who can only lift 200 pounds, than someone who can lift 500, but only lifts 499. To me it just seems that god just immerses himself in pleasure with little respect for humans.

To me it makes no difference if you are the emperor of unlimitable splendor (I don't care even if you did create the universe, in my opinion that doesn't entitle you to the right to demand what you do and treat people the way you do) - I spit on your throne (which you happily sit upon) a million times over.

I don't like people who want to rule over other people, and enjoy doing so. Coming into people's lives and forcing them into things. That's different than someone who has power, but simply uses it to keep order when necessary, rather than using it to control people, and enjoying doing so.

In base many of my beliefs on past experiences in my life and information I have.

Could I get your opinions please? Do you people think I am irrational for thinking this?
I am sorry to hear that the bible sucks. My best wish to you that it will remain suck forever. :eek:
Scary, scary

Great tract, Xev ...

Page 9 didn't load all the way in my browser; is there a footnote at the bottom of that? (It looks like an asterisk at the end of the dialogue bubble.)

Tiassa :cool:
I agree the Bible is messed up or sucks...lol But my belief is based on it was written by men who claimed many things but that doesn't mean God wanted any of that...I think it's wrong to compare the Bible with a God but religions make such a big deal out of the Book that many of us that doubt the Bible associate it with God...lol..God wants us all to love me and smoke Pot.smiles
*Originally posted by Clarentavious
What does god *not* do to make his life completely perfect and the most pleasurable it can be?

How is this a problem?

*Quite a place for someone who is against materialism*

He invented matter, so how could he be against materialism?

*Doesn't the bible also say that pride is a bad thing? How many times does god speak highly of himself in the bible? Not only does he call himself high, he calls himself the *most* high.*

Pride means calling yourself "most high" when you're not most high.

*I think a few times is enough for me to know you created the universe most holy one.*

Do you get it?

*To me it makes no difference if you are the emperor of unlimitable splendor (I don't care even if you did create the universe, in my opinion that doesn't entitle you to the right to demand what you do and treat people the way you do)*

You seem blisslessly unaware of what "emperor" means.

*I don't like people who want to rule over other people, and enjoy doing so.*

Try not paying your rent, and you'll soon find yourself disliking your landlord.
Try not paying your taxes, and you'll soon discover new dimensions to a "love/hate" relationship with the IRS.

*Do you people think I am irrational for thinking this?*

Pretty much.
Clarentavious (and everyone else...),

What do we know about god/jesus? What does god *not* do to make his life completely perfect and the most pleasurable it can be?

Have you ever read the Bible!?!?

Do you people think I am irrational for thinking this?

I truly think you are rational at the extreme!

But that's not what the Bible means...
You have to interptret it really carefully...

Genesis 1:26-29:

"26 Then God said, "Let us make a man- someone like ourselves, to be the master of all life upon earth and in the skies and in the seas.
27 So God mada man like his Maker. Like God did God make man; Mann and maid did he make them.
28 And God blessed them and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; you are masters of the fish and birds and all the animals.
29 And look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth, and all the frut trees for your food."

God gave us a whole planet...

Why do you find those things you cited in the Bible? Well, everything begin here:

Genesis 2:8-9:

"8 Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, to the east, and placed in the gardeb the man he had formed.
9 The Lord God planted all sorts of beautifultrees there in the garden, trees producing the choicest of fruit. At the center of the garden he placed the Tree of Life, and also the Tree of Conscience, giving knowledge of Good and Bad."

Genesis 2:16-17:

"But the Lord God gave the man this warning: "You may eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the Tree of Conscience- for its fruit will open your eyes to make you aware of right and wrong, good and bad. If you eat its fruit, you will be doomed to die."

Now, you will gonna say: "See! He is terrorizing us! He will kill us if we become aware of right and wrong!"

No!!! That's not what it means! This means that once you be aware of the opposites, there is no eternal life anymore! Now there is life and death, two opposites! That's the whole concept of Taoism. One opposite creates another! If you have conscience of one, you will have conscience of other. The Taoism says that once there is good on earth, there is evil. Once there is wealth on earth, there is poverty... and so on! That's the whole concept of how the Universe works.

Now, let's see what happened then...

Genesis 3:1-7:

"1 The serpent was the craftiest of all creatures the Lord God had made. So the serpent came to the woman. "Really?" he asked. "None of the fruti of the garden? God says you musn't eat any of it?"
2,3 "Of course we may eat it, "the woman told him. "It's only the fruit from the tree ate the center of the garden that we are not to eat. God says we musn't eat it or even touch it, or we will die."
4 "That's a lie!" the serpent hissed. "You'll not die!
5 God knows very well that the instant you eat it you will become like him, for your eyes will be opened -you will be able to distinguish good from evil!"
6 The woman was convinced, How lovely and fresh looking it was! And it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it too.
7 And as they ate it, suddenly they became aware of their nakedness, and were embarrassed. So they stung fig leaves together to cover themselves around the hips."

Here, we see that Adam and Eve were tricked by the "Devil". The Devil is nothing else then the Dualist world. They got aware of the opposites, eating from the Tree of Conscience.

What was God's reaction...

Genesis 3:22-24:

"22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. "

If man eats from the Tree of Life, man will have eternal life, becoming like God. God wants that... but not now!! We have to be wise first. Then, we can be like Him. If we become imortals, we will eventually destroy the whole Universe, for we are... dumb... :D

You can see... with only the Tree of Conscience, we have power enough to make nuclear boms and destroy the whole planet...
No... we should be first wise, and then become like Him.

Matthew 18:1-5:

"1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. "

What does mean that only children go to Heavens? How is a child? Children are simbols of purity, simplicity, joyfulness and humbleness. That's what you have to be.

Matthew 11:25-26:

" 25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto children.
26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight. "

God reveals the Truth to children because children are simple. They are not rational. They don't have hundreds of things in their minds. It's like they never eaten from the Tree of Conscience.

Now a Taoist and Zen-Buddhist connection!
Zen-Buddhists says that in order for you to fill a cup with tea, it has to be empty. And then, they compare the cup with our heads and the tea with knowledge or Wisdom. What we have is a knowledge. In order to have Wisdom, that is, to know God, Tao, Zen; we have first to empty our minds! That's how it works. How God will make us like Him if we have no Wisdom and instead we have a knowledge of illusion (opposites). For even Taoism says that the opposites are just illusions and that the Truth is beyond the opposites, it's neutral. I'll talk about this neutral Truth in another thread. ;)

*Originally posted by Xev
Yes, you do sound as if you are really 'most high'.

As sarcasm goes, that's stretched about as thin as it can get.
Do you always feel the need to manufacture your humor?
You don't say?

What does god *not* do to make his life completely perfect and the most pleasurable it can be?*

How is this a problem?

Evidently you either didn't read my post, or didn't read it properly (not sure how you could though with a brain that's absent of logic to the extent that your's is)

Quite a place for someone who is against materialism

He invented matter, so how could he be against materialism?

Well holy one, from reading the bible, I was under the impression that we weren't supposed to go out spending are money on alot of worldly objects and items like some rich person. I thought the bible said god had more concern for things like love than he did material objects - guess not after reading more of the book.

Doesn't the bible also say that pride is a bad thing? How many times does god speak highly of himself in the bible? Not only does he call himself high, he calls himself the *most* high.

Pride means calling yourself "most high" when you're not most high.

Really? So if you win a baseball game, it's ok for you to spend the rest of your life going around bragging about the end score and how you hit a home run? Ever possible free second, you go from door to door in a city speaking of how wonderfully you played the game? With a nice big smile on your face, just dying for people to think highly of you.

So as long as you hold the status, it's ok to be impertinent and boast about it? Is that how it works? And it's also ok to call it a bad thing but yet do it yourself and call yourself holy?

Did I ever tell you about the time where I did this most amazing thing..... Aren't I so talented? Why aren't you praising me? Where's your gratitude to my greatness?

I think a few times is enough for me to know you created the universe most holy one.

Do you get it?

Did you have some sort of point? If you're trying to say or ask something, I don't understand. Could you be more specific?

To me it makes no difference if you are the emperor of unlimitable splendor (I don't care even if you did create the universe, in my opinion that doesn't entitle you to the right to demand what you do and treat people the way you do)

You seem blisslessly unaware of what "emperor" means.

I don't think I should waste my time anymore than typing this single sentence with this one.

I don't like people who want to rule over other people, and enjoy doing so.

Try not paying your rent, and you'll soon find yourself disliking your landlord.
Try not paying your taxes, and you'll soon discover new dimensions to a "love/hate" relationship with the IRS.

Do landlord's and the IRS enjoy controlling other people's lives, or do they just want money?

Do you people think I am irrational for thinking this?

Pretty much.

Ha ha ha! What a retard :D
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LOL don't you find it an oxymoron Christians talking about how God loves them and it's ok for them to bash us because we don't agree with them...
Re: You don't say?

*Originally posted by Clarentavious
Evidently you either didn't read my post, or didn't read it properly

I'm sure that somewhere in your post you presented something which you thought was the problem.
Since it isn't a problem, perhaps you could explain how something which you say is a problem, but which isn't, should be a problem for anyone else.

*(not sure how you could though with a brain that's absent of logic to the extent that your's is)*

Ooh, such cutting wit, such acerbic, um...well..., acerbism.

*from reading the bible, I was under the impression that we weren't supposed to go out spending are money on alot of worldly objects and items like some rich person.*

Wrong impression.

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.
(2 Corinthians 8:9, KJV).

*I thought the bible said god had more concern for things like love than he did material objects*

"Love" is mentioned 290 times, "gold" is mentioned 365 times.
You figure it out.
When it comes time to eat, how much food can you buy with love, and how much can you buy with gold?

*So as long as you hold the status, it's ok to be impertinent and boast about it?*

Being impertinent and boasting means you don't hold the status.
Holding the status means that you are neither impertinent nor boasting.

*And it's also ok to call it a bad thing but yet do it yourself and call yourself holy?*

How many people do you know who can legitimately call themselves "most high?"

*Did I ever tell you about the time where I did this most amazing thing..... Aren't I so talented? Why aren't you praising me? Where's your gratitude to my greatness?*

No, you didn't.
BTW, what's the source of your greatness?

*Did you have some sort of point? If you're trying to say or ask something, I don't understand. Could you be more specific?*

That's the long-winded way of saying you didn't get it.

*Ha ha ha! What a retard*

You don't actually need to PROVE you're irrational.
Your post speaks for itself.

*Originally posted by justagirl
it's ok for them to bash us because we don't agree with them...

What bash?
God wants to bless you and you're fighting that with all you've got.
It seems kind of stupid, but I'm going to try to get you to understand that blessing is a GOOD thing.
I don't think I want to spend my time arguing with this idiot :) I don't suspect it would ever get my anywhere. Other people on these forums can read what I've written.
Naaah we talk to him only when we are bored to the bone or really frustrated or annoyed. All hope for a good discussion with him was lost in ummmmmmm ~the end of November beggining of December (many threads about Tony then:D )

all your points, facts, proofs, thoughts are useless. all references except of some places in the bible also.

Welcome to Sciforums btw:)

God wants to bless you and you're fighting that with all you've got.
Oh I see and when did God fill you in on my personal life??By the way, tell me my future?