Why I don't believe in anything supernatural,including God!


Registered Senior Member
Here's why I don't believe in existence of God and all other supernatural things...Why people believe in God?

People believe in God, because of the peculiar
psychological development related to the peculiar
physical development that human beings undergo. When a
child is born he is impression less and helpless,
helpless. His parents and guardians supply him with
food, protect him not only from animals and bad
humans buy also from adverse environment. They provide
him language and other things, which the child is
hardly capable of asking for.he does not even know his own needs.They
know the needs of a child and care for him without the child saying
anything to them. They teach the child almost everything for
his welfare, at times to the great ,immediate
displeasure of the child. They serve as protector
preserver and provider to the child. To a child his
parents and guardians area real Gods possessing almost
all the attributes of divinity like omniscience,
omnipresence, might and tremendous goodness.
When the child grows he comes to know
that his parents and guardians are neither almighty,
nor omniscient and nor omnipresent. He finds that they
are ordinary creatures like him suffering from a large
number of limitations. But during childhood he
develops a strong need for someone who would always care
for him, who would protect him from dangers that he(child)
may not be able to foresee.he needs someone all powerful
omnisisciet and omnipresent,like all people do. But someone is not
A child hardly ever shouts the name of God when in
danger or in unfavorable situation. He invariably
shouts for his parents or other familiar persons. But
when he grows he encounters problems before which
everyone is helpless. He encounters mysteries that are
mysteries for others too.
The great range of memory and mental capacity for
organizing and reorganizing the ideas representing
abstract and material,physical things, that enters the minds of
a human being through perception by sensory organs act
as sustainer of his problems. It also keeps alive in him
pleasures, hopes, beliefs and yearnings. It is here
inside his mind that man fills the void of someone who
is almighty, omnipresent, omniscient and all good,
created by his interaction with knowledge about the
ordinary mortal character of his parents and guardians
buy inventing and assimilating, the most convenient
psychological need forman (called god). This need is accentuated
when a man passes through distressful situations in his
life. in happier times our mind is too preoccupied
with other things to appreciate this need and
occasionally few people tend to prates disregard God.
In extreme misery some people turn against God, for a
while. But somewhere inside their mind God or God like
belief does reside.
There is practical advantage of belief in God. The
greatest advantage is that the mind attains great deal
of concentration at work as it is spared of the burden
of excessive thinking about pros and cons; ifs and
buts. The advantages of meditation are based on theses
great psychological facts.
In conclusion it can be said that people believe in God
because they need it on account of the logic of their
upbringing and their mental capacity. Religious
fanatics have almost the same respect for God as
children have for their parents. As children express
their anger when someone hurts their parents so also
religious fanatics go berserk when their religious
sentiment is hurt. As a child readily implements the
commands of his parents and elders so also a fanatic
caries out the commands of his religious preceptor.
What makes the religious fanatics fearsome is
the much greater physical and mental power they have
as compared to a child and also the anti-life and
anti-world attitude of their religious preceptors. If
the people know why they believe in god, they wont be
exploited in the name of God.
Hmmm...did you write that? It's quite wieghty. Very good theory.
My analysis is that if you view God as a seperate entity..apart and seperate from yourself...the 'ol Wizard in the sky theory.. your train of reasoning is very acurate here. Most Christians do in fact have the Wizard in the Sky out look.
Once you hit bottom, and we all do at some point...once utter frustration and despair in some form cause you to throw up your hands and say the hell with it, it makes no sense, its hopeless...its all a bag of irrational bogus...then you perhaps begin to look to yourself..to look inward, to find strength ,understanding and accept your life and be able to go on. Thats when you see "God"...or the power we call God or a thousand other names. "He" is not seperate like your parents...he doesnt say *poof* and make problems dissapear. He is the source of your existance...very much a part of you and all life...your source from wich to draw strength, knowledge, refuge, peace, and understanding. God is found only when you look with spiritual eyes and heard when you listen with spiritual ears and yes that is Biblicly based. He was right there the entire time but most of us spend years looking for what we think He is or what we are told He is and completely miss Him.
Still,God is an fan fiction...

People always had huge imagination as the biochemical process of our brain,the reason for that is despair they always had to create their inner world of imaination of supernatual beings,as well as God to protect themselves from fear the natural phenomenas gave them,that's a fact.
And,no,I didn't write that asked an psychologist what does she think about beliveing in God,we consult each other.
You are correct...if one takes the usuall Christian painted view of the neat explainable God that fits in their man made box then it is fan fiction.
If you are looking for the Power that sustains life, the Energy we know as your soul ...Life itself...then no its not fan fiction. It is infact very apparent that you ARE. You exist seperate from a physical body...death proves that a body itself does not constitute life. As for brain chemicles...can something so complex as the human persona, emotion, and being itself be a set of happy biochemical accidents? Now thats a bit far fetched.

Lets go back to my gravity example...you have an earth and a moon and an ocean...the tide comes in....the earth did not physical heave the water forward or shimmy around to cause a ripple. The moon did not mysticly or magicaly will the water to move. A Gravitational pull...which we can neither see...nor touch... beyond seeing its effects moved that tide. It wasnt magic, it wasnt a happy accident or mis fire it was the unseen energy of gravity, A very real and very apparent energy.
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Originally posted by Gravage
In conclusion it can be said that people believe in God because ...
Unfortunately, I believe this is a bad argument. One of the web sites dealing with logical fallacies notes an argument that goes something like this:
  • 16/64 = 1/4, as can be seen by cancelling 6's ...
In other words, a bad reason or faulty argument is no guarantee that the counterposition is accurate.

There is no God,it's just fan fiction.When we die,the energy goes to earth,to worms that eat us.Said truth,but it is truth.Just because I exist,that doesn't mean God exists.I'm reality beacause I exist,God isn't because he doesn't exist.Give away some brain's cells and ther will be no imagination.All emotions are present in brain calld alygdama.That's the source of all emotions,feelings and everything else in the brain...
U took a single point agenda that God believing people continue to look forward for Provider / Protector / Preserver after their parents.

This continuing longing for PPP could not be generalised.

There are people who don't give a damn about anything including their ownself or own feelings do believe God.

There are people, who got nice,loving and caring parents, believe God purely out of fear when there is no need to acknowledge such God who is punishing unlike their parents.

There are people who believe in God neither out of fear nor out of expectations.

This childhood immpressions are not strong enough to believe in something that they have never seen.

As for as fanatics are concerned, well, that is a different game altogether. U can't let them off-hook by justifying their action as an effect of their residual childhood psyche.