Why I believe the bible is useless


Registered Senior Member
man wrote it! it's based on stories by his diciples and other people. The stories in the bible could be completely different than what actually happened!
Why I think so:

Take about 15-20 people and put them in a room in a circle. Now pick one person to whisper a story to the person to their left. they can only tell the story once and can answer no questions. the person they told it to then tells the same story to the person next the them with the same rules. then the next person and the person after than and so on!

By the time it gets back to the original person the story will probabley be very distorted and complete different from what that person said to begin with!
so what's to say that the stories in the bible aren't completely distorted and different than what actually happened?

Plus, you know people change things around when telling stories anyway so that they wont be boring. So, for all we know jesus could have just put them out of their misery(killed) and did not actually healed them at all! I mean come on telling someone that 'he healed a crippled person' sounds a lot more interesting than 'oh, he just knocked him of a cliff' doesn't it?

I know I might get yelled at for this. But, oh, well that's what I believe! For your information, I'm not completely athiest, I just dont follow the bible. I think it's stupid.
Take Care.
~Little Gothic Princess~
Yes you are right. The stories ARE different from what they were. Most of them are symbolic not historical. Pitty its me replying because mum studies this as part of her teaching corse where as i know little about it
I was going to add this last night but i decide to go to bed instead!

Another thing that determins(sp? it's 7am give me a break) wether the story would be completely distorted or not is how intelegent the people relaying are and wether they have any problems with speech,hearing, or if they are just plain compulsive liers!
A lot of different things add to the distortion of the stories. It's very rare that a story wouldn't be changed a least a little bit after being told dozens (or perhaps thousands)of times.
okay, i'll shut up now :D
Welcome to Sciforums, Poet-Priest. Your analysis of the Bible is quite correct.

P.S: A dancing bear with a flower - how dark and 'Gothic' :D
Originally posted by Xev

P.S: A dancing bear with a flower - how dark and 'Gothic' :D

it's a greatful dead bear! in case you dont know they are a band and they kick arse! It works for now. i'll find something that fits my nick name later when i have the time.

*skips off toward lashers website to find a better picture since Xev doesn't think it's 'gothic' enough*
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Oh, come now! The bible is not useless! A small one can be used to prop up a table leg that is too short a big one can be used a doorstop. Any bible makes good kindling. And of course it can always be your emergency toilet paper supply. Uses for the bible abound!
Also one thing to consider is the over 1200 diffrent demoniations which all have their say on whats right in the Bible, and whats wrong. So the next time as Chrisitian asks you if you read the Bible, reply," Which one? "

Also, my bible acts as a very good rest for my cups of hot chocolate. Very useful indeed :D
I am REALLY getting sick of this.

EVERYONE find a better set of ethics than
Love one another as I have loved you

If everyone strives to live that one there WOULD be no problem (the human ones, oversly it wont solve natural disasters and the like) in this world
Unfortunatly, even JC didn't completly adhere to his Gospel of love.

[shameless bragging ]

I think my suggestion is the worst.

[/ shameless bragging]

Oh, Poet Priest, I like your avatar. Only, somhow it is not very dark. It's nifty though.
Ok its less arogantly put
"love thy nabor as thyself"

but then we don't know that what ended up being written was how me said it.

Either way it's an ethic that i strive to live by. I try to put other people before myself and help everyone I can. I try not to judge other people and be a tolerant person.

I don't know how well i sucseed but i try
Originally posted by Xev
Oh, Poet Priest, I like your avatar. Only, somhow it is not very dark. It's nifty though.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a 'dark and gothic' picture that is 60x60 pixels? I looked for two hours yesterday with no luck! so, I'll stick with my 'groovy' dancing dead bear!

oh, and by the way Thanks for your opinions everybody, I'm enjoying reading them. keep them coming.
~*amber nicole briand*~
(Little Gothic Princess)
You like these responces, you should read the ones under What is the Bible good for? That is some good reading, and the religios people haven't even responded yet :)
well, do you think i killed the tiger and then shrinked it and photographed it?

if you do, you are correct... ;)

ps. off-off-topic: i study alchemy... until i die ;)

Theres a REASON i responded to this thread and not the other. I was offended after reading the second post of that one.

I love the way you all get offended if someone says you need god but go ahead its ok the other way around
Originally posted by Mech_The_Muon
You like these responces, you should read the ones under What is the Bible good for? That is some good reading, and the religios people haven't even responded yet :)

I've already been there! It's great. :D
