Why help others?


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Is it true that humans help others because it makes them feel good?
Such as give them a sense of significance or something?

Is there such thing as people that help others based on ethical reasons alone?
Such as they help this person because they feel it is ethical for them to do so. Not because it makes them feel good about themselves.

For example, say you are invited to an honorary party in which you will have lots of fun with great food. But instead you go feed starving kids in a third world country.
You have the choice of what to do with your time. You can either go to the party or go feed the kids. Going to the party means great pleasure and honor amoung your peers. Going to feed the kids has not benefit for you because you take no signficant pleasure out of it. You are doing it because you feel it is the ethical choice to make whether you like it or not.

Do you believe that there is always a benefit, and that it is impossible for a person to do something unless they had some personal gain from it? Or do you believe it is possible that people can do things they feel is right without having antything to gain personally?
Is it true that humans help others because it makes them feel good?
Such as give them a sense of significance or something?

Is there such thing as people that help others based on ethical reasons alone?
Such as they help this person because they feel it is ethical for them to do so. Not because it makes them feel good about themselves.

For example, say you are invited to an honorary party in which you will have lots of fun with great food. But instead you go feed starving kids in a third world country.
You have the choice of what to do with your time. You can either go to the party or go feed the kids. Going to the party means great pleasure and honor amoung your peers. Going to feed the kids has not benefit for you because you take no signficant pleasure out of it. You are doing it because you feel it is the ethical choice to make whether you like it or not.

Do you believe that there is always a benefit, and that it is impossible for a person to do something unless they had some personal gain from it? Or do you believe it is possible that people can do things they feel is right without having antything to gain personally?

well people help each other out because that is how people evolved to be humans...from socializing and helping each other...and surviving the War with nature and life's species.

What do people gain from it? Pleasure of knowing that you have done something good for others.

What do people gain from it chemically? well not to be systematical here...it all comes down to chemicals emmited to give people pleasure for the good deeds...feeling of accomplishment...endorphins...
or (c) go to the party then go and feed the starving kids. That's what I'd do. I would, of course, take doggy bags.
or (c) go to the party then go and feed the starving kids. That's what I'd do. I would, of, course, take doggy bags.

I would rather not go to any parties. all they do is just drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, and have sex...disgusting life purpose.
well people help each other out because that is how people evolved to be humans...from socializing and helping each other...

I would agree. However, I'd add a little condition to that statement ...that people will "naturally" help people that they know and love/like.

But it's NOT natural to feel any need to help people 10,000 miles away, and that are totally unknown personally. I.e., you help the members of your own tribe/clan/group, etc.

I think a good example of it is the Amish in Pennsylvania ...they help each other all the time, as a normal, natural activity. But they don't claim to help people that they don't know or are not part of their community.

World-wide tv and newscasts have caused society to feel some need to help those on the tv ...which is what I'd term an UN-natural conditioning. And it's just such conditioning that allows us to see the horrors of poverty and starvation in other countries, then be able to go out for a nice dinner and drinks with friends to enjoy ourselves! I.e., our sympathies and compassion have been diluted to the point that most of society can't even care any more! ...we only CLAIM to care.

Baron Max
What do people gain from it chemically? well not to be systematical here...it all comes down to chemicals emmited to give people pleasure for the good deeds...feeling of accomplishment...endorphins...
Are there people that do stuff for others without any sort of chemical gain? Say they have the choice:
Give up doing something pleasurable to do something unpleasant that is not pleasurable because of some ethical reason.
The most cynical way to look at it is this: If you are someone who is always helpful and cheerful about it, people often invite you over for dinner and will help you out with a place to stay if you need it. The rewards are often greater than the effort expended.
It's called reciprocal altrusm and it's what we all practice. I don't think "pure" altruism exists in the real world.
OK reciprocal altruism vs pure altruism.
You do not believe in pure altruism? Altruism in a sense that somebody would do something for sometbody else not because they benefit in anyway, but because they beleive it is the right thing to do regardless of whether or not they benefit.
What about people who do stuff for others that don't feel any chemical rush or take no pleasure in it whatsoever?
Being forced to do something is in no way pleasurable. Like being put at gun point, and told to feed the homeless. We can all agree that that is not a willful act. You are being compelled by gunpoint. Is it possible to be compelled in the same way. Not by gunpoint, but by some other reason. You are compelled to do it as if by gunpoint, but without anybody physically forcing you. As in you do not want to do it, but you do it because you have to. Some obsessive people feel as if they have to clean their toilet every 2 seconds. They don't get any pleasure from it, but they are psychologically compelled to do it. They just have to do it.

I personally have helped people, and have never once go any pleasure from it. I'm just trying to understand what this pleasure or benefit is when people talk about feeling good about helping others.
Some obsessive people feel as if they have to clean their toilet every 2 seconds. They don't get any pleasure from it, but they are psychologically compelled to do it. They just have to do it.

actually, they do have "pleasure" from it, its a stress release, its more pleasurable then not giving in to the obsession. it might be not the pleasure by definition, but at least more gain
just like my obsession of beeing a wisenose :D just kidding, i realised i was off topic...

you always gain from altruism, if its not social gain, its personal
i cant come up with any situation where there would not be a gain.
under gunpoint, it is not altruism, its survival
Are there people that do stuff for others without any sort of chemical gain? Say they have the choice:
Give up doing something pleasurable to do something unpleasant that is not pleasurable because of some ethical reason.

for those pain is pleasure.