Why governments afraid the ET’s


Registered Senior Member
Last time, I was in his forum was about 3 years ago. My past nickname was IvanKruk (I still use this nickname in other places). As I can see, there is no significant change in the level of discussion since those time – You still are exiting by blinking on the sky. Why don’t you make next step?
My answer for the topic’s question will be presented later. At first, I want to make the reference to my last post here. I wrote that we will never get these toys from E.T. till we grow up mentally. Now I’m well involved in Buddhism Zen practise. My present discovery was the conclusion that to be able to make the space-ship or time travelling we have to not grow up mentally, but achieve the illumination first. The illumination seen from Zen point of view. Why such conclusion appeared? At first small psychological exercise: please follow the questions and answers below
Q: Why we have to work harder?
A: To protect our state of possession.
Q: Why that “state of possession” is so important?
A: Because the “state of possession” defines the scope of matters which we able to control them.
Q: Why we have to control the matters around us?
A: Because I feel safety within controlled area.
Q: Why do you feel not safety outside your own area?
A: Because you afraid that others will use you according to their own business
Q: Why do you think so?
A: Because it is my own approach to other people.
Q: Why we are able to do so?
A: To increase our own “state of possession”.
Q: What for, you need larger “state of possession”?
A: To feel more safety.
Q: What about other people?
A: I don’t care. I feel generally not safety. I feel this is the war. I have to kill to stay alive – I have no choice.
Q: What if you be able to see that all of your wars are based on the illusion?
A: I probably will cry that I have taken voluntarily so much suffer on me – unnecessary. I will probably feel great relief and happiness.
What is your own conclusion of above exercise – funny???
This is small example, what our EGO is able to do with our own life. We are all are blinded. We can’t see our own real reality, so how we expect to travel in objective reality – four dimensional? Buddhism says that our real reality is not individual, but collective. We are not individuals – we are one. And this should be the initial reason to start to think about time travel – precept our join reality. Something like Buddhist Monk’s experience during illumination.
OK. – we are illuminated, we understand the time travel technology and we are able to construct space-ship. But there is a big question appearing: If we see we are one - we not afraid anything – we love everybody, why we have to explore the other stars and planets??? We don’t need more possession anymore!!!. The only reason for such space travel is to help other civilisations which are in troubles.
OK. let see, what toys are available for us on their board - ... you are disappointed ? Why? They don’t understand our toys craving. If they really have something useful for us it’s already in every Buddhism monastery possession like ... kyosaku.
OK. there is a time to answer the topic’s question. In my opinion the politics are the person with biggest EGO among the population – the have to control all countries to feel safety. But they are aware that controlling others is much more sufficient when society is not aware of the reality – so their efforts are aimed to enlarge individuals EGO, because EGO has got simple feed-back mechanism included (safety-not safety) and parallel exactly cover the reality from mind perception. So when our governors got confirmed messages that some ET have came with mission to kill our ego, they recognise that this means the end of their power and prosperity. Initially they denied any information about ET/UFO. But recently when the social awareness of ET existence is much bigger they changed approach – they say: OK. ET are fact but we suspect that they didn’t come with love (as declared), we suspect that they are danger for humans – so you people do better when you keep away from ET.
Now we can understand the information about brutal Greys or Zetas, Signs or Taken movies or WingMakers site. By the way of Greys of Zetas – in my theory, there no chance for bad intention from the creatures which are able to time travel. If we face with some prejudice come from contacts with ET, I’m sure it’s more likely the result of misunderstanding, than bad intention – we are contacting on different levels of perception.


I'm wonder why you questioning only this Q/A set. What about other Q/A sets? Do you use other people gently? Or you not able to watch deep enough. Let see to the first psychological book what are individual Ego features? - Total egoism.
Originally posted by Chris63
Q: What about other people?
A: I don’t care. I feel generally not safety. I feel this is the war. I have to kill to stay alive – I have no choice.
As I am certain that in your "enlightened" state, you would not presume to speak for others. As such, I am sorry to see that you feel this way. It would seem that you have much further to "grow up mentally" than most of the rest of us. I wish you luck.
ET are fact...
Your proof, please?

:m: Peace.

--- Edit: this reply was posted prior to Chris63s second post then deleted in error, sorry ---
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Hi again,

You need a proof!!! Tell me first what kind of proof is aceptable by you - what do you need to realise that ET are real???

I'll tell you what kind of proof that would convince me.

If the easiest and least far-fetched explanation to a phenomenon or event were to be the result of interaction with an extra-terrestrial or whatever, and the explanation is not based on "technology so advanced it is beyond our primitive imagination". Collecting “reports”' and “sightings”' and “blurry pictures”, hypnotic regression, or the presentation of anecdotal evidence won't accomplish it. Crop circles or a 10-inch box with weird alien writing on the outside will not cut it; eyewitness “accounts” are not enough.

I saw Chris dancing naked with a pink flamingo last weekend. Is this proof? I claim I witnessed it! Therefore it must be true!


I'll tell you what kind of proof that would convince me.

How about a saucer hovering over the United Nations building, with creatures exiting in plain view and the world's cameras rolling. Aliens shaking hands (appendages?) with world leaders would likely convince me. I would also accept a collaboration of stories, radar, film, chemical traces, etc. from a single “event” that meets the standards of a real scientific investigation.

But, as is stated in these forums so often: extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. It is not up to skeptics to detemine what proof is acceptable - that's a problem for people making the claim. You have to come up with meaningful proof.

:m: Peace.
i have the power to control time
a roll back of 2yrs and 300 days will commence in 24 hrs

please buckle up
thank you
I will take the smoking gun as follows:

When CNN goes live during prime time, I would like to see the signal hijacked at the output transmission circuit and injected with live pictures of 100 cities of the world for 20 minutes - moving and zooming in and out of traffic, buildings, hospitals, TV studios, flying passenger aircraft interior etc with same resolution as a studio camera or better.

If this is too much, I will settle for replacing the Larry King guest with the aliens themselves and telling us their story. If I were an alien, that is what I would do.
Kmguru I'm little disapointed - why the proof presented by TV is sufficient for you - Television is (as established) the dream factory - almost nothing presented there is real.
In science, the standards of proof depend upon the hypothesis. For example, to prove Evolution is true we look for fossils, genetic strains, and micro-evolution in current species. We don't expect to actually monitor a given species in nature and witness it evolve because the time involved does not allow us to directly observe the phenomenon. Since we cannot observe the phenomenon, we look for how we think the phenomenon effects nature.

In Astronomy, almost 100% of the science is by contrast, direct observation. The only way to know for example that the Crab Nebula exists, is to actually get a telescope to look at it, and then analyze the spectrum of it's light in order to determine it's makeup. About the only physical evidence we can find in Astronomy are meteorites. Everything else is simply, what we can see or calculate. We cannot hold it or put it in a laboratory.

For UFO's, skeptics and believers need to sit down, and talk about what standards of proof can be agreed upon. THEN something meaningful can be accomplished. With skeptics purely making the call, the standards of proof may be set too high, or improper since they are not as familair with the phenomenon as the believer. With believers purely in charge, the standards are too low because they do not need convincing.
Originally posted by Chris63
Q: Why we have to work harder?
A: To protect our state of possession.
Q: Why that “state of possession” is so important?
A: Because the “state of possession” defines the scope of matters which we able to control them.
Q: Why we have to control the matters around us?
A: Because I feel safety within controlled area.
Q: Why do you feel not safety outside your own area?
A: Because you afraid that others will use you according to their own business
Q: Why do you think so?
A: Because it is my own approach to other people.
Q: Why we are able to do so?
A: To increase our own “state of possession”.
Q: What for, you need larger “state of possession”?
A: To feel more safety.
Q: What about other people?
A: I don’t care. I feel generally not safety. I feel this is the war. I have to kill to stay alive – I have no choice.
Q: What if you be able to see that all of your wars are based on the illusion?
A: I probably will cry that I have taken voluntarily so much suffer on me – unnecessary. I will probably feel great relief and happiness.
What is your own conclusion of above exercise – funny???
This stuff sounds like the basic feral human mentality...Nifty!