why "god"


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
disclaimer: this may not make any sense.

why is god always the first answer?
when you ask someone who created the universe,, it is always god. or wy something happens. it is always god.. well.. what if god doesn't exists but something else does. like, extremely evolved peas from another planet. i was thinking about the "smartest man" thread and this really stuck out. he "proved" that eerything is controlled by a force, and then assumed that foce was god. he proved the actions but never that fact that it was god behind those actions.

please someone tell me you got that.
Yeah I'm always thinking the same thing.
I guess a force that made the universe or created the universe or whatever would just be called "god" according to the english language.
But thats a problem IMO because it makes people think of bible god.
And just say somehow evidence for a "god" was discovered by science, fans of bible god would think they were correct all along, which would be incredibly annoying.
And just say somehow evidence for a "god" was discovered by science, fans of bible god would think they were correct all along, which would be incredibly annoying.
Why would it be annoying? Because they would think they were right? Even though you had assumed that they were wrong? Or is it me that assumes too much?

Sorry, but it looks to me that you've made it as a personal quest to judge them, unfortunatly you aren't alone in that attempt.
Originally posted by NightFall
disclaimer: this may not make any sense.

why is god always the first answer?
when you ask someone who created the universe,, it is always god. or wy something happens. it is always god.. well.. what if god doesn't exists but something else does. like, extremely evolved peas from another planet. i was thinking about the "smartest man" thread and this really stuck out. he "proved" that eerything is controlled by a force, and then assumed that foce was god. he proved the actions but never that fact that it was god behind those actions.

please someone tell me you got that.

It makes great sense.

The physicists are trying all the way to incorporate all the forces, detected as magnetic, electric, gravity, etc, into a force that create them, but up to now the effort is far from finished.

If the one force were dscovered by experiment and proved theoretically, you could take the force as god itself or a god behind the force, who sticks to the rules of the force, ie, god does as what he devices.
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It would be annoying, cyperium, because of course they are infact wrong. I am not expecting science to ever prove the bible was correct, or even that there is a god for that matter but if it did prove there was a god that would not mean people who believe the bible is truth were correct. It would mean there is a "god" of some sort.
Can you not see the distinction? If not you are the problem that comes with calling any force in control of the universe "god".
Even people who steadfastly do not believe in "god" such as Canute's physical/materialists, still generally (and unfortunately) believe that there is some first cause that all events are descended from, and that all the events in the universe are caused only by that single thing.

I think this is why many people persist in believing in gods - a requirement for them or something akin to them is bound up in popular physics.
If the one force were dscovered by experiment and proved theoretically, you could take the force as god itself or a god behind the force, who sticks to the rules of the force, ie, god does as what he devices.

It is one thing to prove that a universal force exists, but quite a stretch to then proclaim that this force has all the moral, biblical, and personality attributes that religious people claim. Also, it might be a thing more like gravity; not as much a force as a warping in space-time, an attractor that influences events, but passively.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
It would be annoying, cyperium, because of course they are infact wrong. I am not expecting science to ever prove the bible was correct, or even that there is a god for that matter but if it did prove there was a god that would not mean people who believe the bible is truth were correct. It would mean there is a "god" of some sort.
Can you not see the distinction? If not you are the problem that comes with calling any force in control of the universe "god".
M*W: I believe that science explains the existence of god. It's just that people don't really want to know or even believe what god is. Sure, we all keep searching for the truth, but when we find it, we don't even recognize it. Humankind has always been in a state of spiritual denial that yes, there must be a god, but no, humanity could not possibly be God. Humankind has an instinctive need to believe in a power greater than itself, so we created religions to satisfy this longing. The most basic human fear is the fear of abandonment. That fear is with us from our human conception, and it stays with us forever. Infant humanity wanted to believe they were not alone in the universe, so they imagined that there must be a power greater than themselves. Their higher power would serve to give meaning to the things they couldn't comprehend like the rise and fall of the sun and moon, creation, flat Earth, elements of weather, angels, aliens, fire, pyramids, animal life, and traversing the great expanse of the oceans, for example. This being the metaphorical image of God does not mean in any sense that this IS the literal reality of God. As the infant humanity grew and learned about his world, his image of God narrowed to the point of naming his God and giving Him an identity that somehow correlated to his perception of self. We called Him Father, Allah, El, Elohim, YHWH, Jehovah, Buddha, Krishna and Jesus Christ. Adolescent humanity narrowed this image even more. Now this image has acquired human features. He would need to have a human nature, but with the one exception, that he would also need to be divine. He would need to be born into the world as a human being for the sole purpose of giving up his life to save humanity from its worst fear of abandonment which is death. Humanity's image of God devolved from the awe of nature to the worship of their mirror image who was not only human like them, but one who had something mortal humans desperately needed, someone who would not only relieve them of their worst fear but promise to conquer their mortality as well. Humanity went from worshipping a creator God to creating the need for a savior God, and we continue devolving as we search for the truth.
Why god?...

Quote Nightfall;
why is god always the first answer?

It is the easy way out, without having an explanation, knowledge of an event, or unexplained phenomenon (such as thunder used to be) the easy way out is to say god did it.

Try that in a court of law!!

Mr Man
sson why did you have that whole family killed?

God made me do it.

God in a sence is showing ignorance of a given topic, such as the beggining of life, space, the universe etc.. without giving further explanation the ignorant accepts the simplest answer god created it. And this is accepted, who can refute god?

But why not ask; what is god? who created god, did (it) just manifest itself out of nothing?.

If god created the universe, where does god come from? not this universe, he had not created it yet!, god is a controversy in it self, a metaphisical imposibility, nothing can be omnipotent, nor omnipresent.

Originally posted by NightFall
disclaimer: this may not make any sense.

why is god always the first answer?
when you ask someone who created the universe,, it is always god. or wy something happens. it is always god.. well.. what if god doesn't exists but something else does. like, extremely evolved peas from another planet. i was thinking about the "smartest man" thread and this really stuck out. he "proved" that eerything is controlled by a force, and then assumed that foce was god. he proved the actions but never that fact that it was god behind those actions.

please someone tell me you got that.

He just liked to call that force God, you can call it alien peas if you want to. :D
Its simple Nightfall

God is the ultimate answer because we do not know the "actual answers" He/she is a surrogate answer. Whole reason god was created was to explain the unexplainable....human mind must have logic and reason...even though it can't it must have a sense of feeling that it understands the world around it so what do you do for the things that can't be unexplained?......create an all omnipotent being who doesn't like to be questioned or rivaled. It cheaply fills in the logic holes and gives man a peace of mind. You just conclude "God works in mysterious ways"....

...or the answer is that there is a god, a honest to god being that really does have the universe on its fingers.

God also acts as a great stress relief in time of desperation and misery...a method of hope to relieve stress.

Whatever it is it gives people hope...it is good for something.
thanks for all the replies!

sson why did you have that whole family killed? gd made me do it
someone here acually tried that. went on a killing rage with their car because god told them to.

He just liked to call that force God, you can call it alien peas if you want to.

does anyone ever use the last post-it to remind themselves to buy more post-its?

Each post-its should be numbered!!.

