Why God , why here?


Valued Senior Member
It has occured to me that God occupies the great deal of thread activities. Although they are in the "Religion" sub forum, the "God" related threads are mostly popular in here.

Is it because of the people who defend God against science, or is it because of the people who use science to invalidate the idea of God? Maybe, it is a combination of both.

I would be a happier person if I was bumping into "humans" rather than "God(s)"... They are also subject to "Religion" sub title. That's my personal cry, don't get offended so easily.
It has occured to me that God occupies the great deal of thread activities. Although they are in the "Religion" sub forum, the "God" related threads are mostly popular in here.
the word religion oooosually has something to do with God(s)...... ooooosually!

Is it because of the people who defend God against science, or is it because of the people who use science to invalidate the idea of God? Maybe, it is a combination of both.
seem both the religions and sciences are being used to define something(s)

the invalidate aspect could make sense but then again both systems of defining, were and are the 'creations' of mankind (by the use of words, math, symbols etc.; all man made) so to invalidate one is and can be self defeating

I would be a happier person if I was bumping into "humans" rather than "God(s)"...

you can be a god too!

go plant a tree, water it for a few decades and when you want to feel godlike; go buy that chain-saw and stare at it with the eyes of a zeus. (p/s.. please do not start arguing with it or issuing commands; you may scare the neighbors)

or simply teach a kid how to tie his shoes and forever when he uses what you taught him; you can be the god of that choice (to teach a good thing; that lives in the mind of another)

They are also subject to "Religion" sub title.
won't you agree the religion sub title is the right place to talk about god(s)?

That's my personal cry, don't get offended so easily.
sure, thanks for looking out for us.

just curious;

whatscha doing on this side of the neighborhood?
It has occured to me that God occupies the great deal of thread activities. Although they are in the "Religion" sub forum, the "God" related threads are mostly popular in here.

Is it because of the people who defend God against science, or is it because of the people who use science to invalidate the idea of God? Maybe, it is a combination of both.

I would be a happier person if I was bumping into "humans" rather than "God(s)"... They are also subject to "Religion" sub title. That's my personal cry, don't get offended so easily.

I'd like to see God expelled from more than this subforum. He could disappear forever for all I care. I wonder if we could do an atheist-theist thread without once using the word God or a derivative of God or a reasonable synonym. Minimum 100 replies. Hmmmm.
God is an emotionally charged, irrational subject which has no objectively verifiable information or even an explicit definition.

As the Buddha pointed out 2500 years ago such a topic generates incessant and endless chatter which can never reach resolution.

The likelihood of avoiding "god" in a forum like this is like trying to avoid a tsunami. You have to leave the beach first.
The likelihood of avoiding "god" in a forum like this is like trying to avoid a tsunami. You have to leave the beach first.

Ah................ wisdom...........

a swarmi?

i liken that above to the times when someone is suggesting....... "i don't wanna know!"

as that is when a person is lying to themself

Meaning; either a person is seeking or he's dead.