Why God makes Good Life impossible


God sees man as himself through a mirror.

When you look through a mirror everything is backwards.

So God sees bad as good and good as bad.

Only the good die young.

Either that or God is the devil and gets his "good pleasure" from
tormenting mankind, and He is actually the Lucifer who "fell" to
earth to rule mankind.

The only other possibility is that when God sees a good person, like Abel,
He immediately kills him and takes him to heaven. But, where is heaven.
All I can see after life is death or return to earth for another round.
witnessjudgejury said:
God sees man as himself through a mirror.

When you look through a mirror everything is backwards.

So God sees bad as good and good as bad.

Only the good die young.

Either that or God is the devil and gets his "good pleasure" from tormenting mankind, and He is actually the Lucifer who "fell" to earth to rule mankind.

The only other possibility is that when God sees a good person, like Abel, He immediately kills him and takes him to heaven. But, where is heaven. All I can see after life is death or return to earth for another round.

M*W: WJJ, please get some psychiatric help. Your posts border on the edge of reality. You make no sense, and your posts show you are in desperate need of proper medication.
Who's tormenting mankind? Other than other people? God gave us the bounty of the Earth if only we would appreciate it rather than being territorial and violent.
spidergoat said:
Who's tormenting mankind? Other than other people? God gave us the bounty of the Earth if only we would appreciate it rather than being territorial and violent.
we are just animals,what do you expect?
Either that or God is the devil and gets his "good pleasure" from
tormenting mankind, and He is actually the Lucifer who "fell" to
earth to rule mankind.

two sides of the same coin. deceitful bastard it is.
GOD gives us life and the will to live it... after that he doesnt get much involved.

so dont expect him to... get off your ass and take care of buisness yourself.

and when you succeed.. give GOD credit... for giving you the strenght.

God is beyond good or evil. The universe is god's Playstation and we are god's video game. :D :m:
It sounds to me like witnessjudgejury is on the point of losing his faith in God. As he believes himself to be the Messiah, that's likely to cause some psyche damage to beat the band.
GOD gives us life and the will to live it... after that he doesnt get much involved.

so dont expect him to... get off your ass and take care of buisness yourself.


and when you succeed.. give GOD credit... for giving you the strenght.

If we succeed, what's it got to do with god? You yourself just said he doesn't get involved. We get off our ass and do it ourself. That's what you said..

Please, stop being a silly little turnip.