Why God is impotent?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
God is impotent for the same reasons humanity is.
It is often said that if people work together as one they can accomplish almost anything, that it is our inability to move with "one heart" that renders our efforts as impotent or ineffective.

If one considers God to be a multiplistic sentience then God I am afraid has a problem of focussing. He desires are multiplistically being applied.

It is the fact that we are not able to live as one with each other that renders God Impotent.

Care to discuss?
Our inability to work as one renders us impotent.

God can work on us as individuals therefore God is not impotent with those who will work with Him.

One day God will grant this ability to all those who have worked with Him (to work with one another seamlessly)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days