Why dont Christians..


Registered Senior Member
Why dont Christians believe in Prophet Muhammed (s.a.v) ?
Muslem people accept (its written in the holy book of Muslems) Jesus as a prophet and messenger but Christians dont accept Muhammed(s.a.v). Why ?:confused:
Christians accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world and not as a prophet like Muslems do. That is the first and major difference.

Muhammed is not considered a prophet for a few reasons. Prophets were only born among the chosen people, Israel. Prophets were born in the twelve tribes, not outside of it. The Arab kin are not the chosen people of God (that is what the Jews and Christians believe, including me, and you might disagree on this point, but this is an explanation :) ), and hence no prophets were born among them. Therefore, Muhammed cannot be considered a prophet by both Christian and Jew.

I have a question for you though. In Qur'an 9:30, The Jews say Ezra is the son of God, while the Christians say the Messiah is the son of God. Such are their assertions, by which they imitate the infidels of old. God confound them! How perverse they are! Who is this Ezra that the Qur'an speaks of? As far as I know the Jews don't recognize anyone as the Messiah, as the Son of God (yet).