Why does my body do that?


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
* Why is it, when you get an itch in your back it's in the very spot you can't reach?

*Why is it, on the subject of itching, you always get an itchy nose when you have both hands full?

Any answers? Any other examples?
"Why is it, on the subject of itching, you always get an itchy nose when you have both hands full?"

That happens to me every time. i think only my nose knows why.

but why is it, when you spill or drop something, you don't have time to clean it up? it never happens when i do have the time. ;)

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(and when you're taking a shit, you wanna read something? why?
maybe 'cause you have that extra time given by your body. ;)
but when you're taking a piss, you don't read, do you?
i think there's a market for books you read while doing this.
and because you really don't have much time and you want to be on your way, these books should contain a really short stories. the kind of stories that pisses you off.) :bugeye:

Ah an easy answer -


1. Nothing is as easy as it looks.

2. Everything takes longer than you think.

3. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

4. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong. Corollary: If there is a worse time for something to go wrong, it will happen then.

5. If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.

6. If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.

7. Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

8. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

9. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
10. Mother nature is a bitch.

11. It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

12. Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.

13. Every solution breeds new problems.

Murphy's Law of Research: Enough research will tend to support your theory.

Murphy's Law of Copiers: The legibility of a copy is inversely proportional to its importance.

Murphy's Law of the Open Road: When there is a very long road upon which there is a one-way bridge placed at random, and there are only two cars on that road, it follows that: (1) the two cars are going in opposite directions, and (2) they will always meet at the bridge.

Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics: Things get worse under pressure.

The Murphy Philosophy: Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.

Quantization Revision of Murphy's Laws: Everything goes wrong all at once.

Murphy's Constant: Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value

Every once in a while the cells in your body decide that a conspiracy is in order and they revolt. Welcome to the world of happenstance...
Maybe our minds are subconsiously telling us to do things. For example, if were holding something in both hands and our nose itches, we think about it more because we cant reach it, therefore making it itch more. Get it? Well, I could be wrong.
That special itch

Why, indeed?

Why do I only get the random itch in the crotch when I'm in the presence of women and preachers? Psychosomatic rebellion?

Tiassa :cool:


...show them your ithcy parts. the itch will be gone...

There was a time when I only ever got an itchy ass while in a Q or at a bus stop :D

The light at the end of the tunnel is a train comming the other way
The light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off until further notice!:(