Why does Jesus the shepherd leave his flock at the mercy of a Super Wolf?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Why does Jesus the shepherd leave his flock at the mercy of a Super Wolf?

Scriptures say that God gave Satan/Super Wolf dominion over the earth and the power to deceive all of us on this world.

Jesus often used the shepherd and sheep analogy in scriptures.

Following that analogy and the fact that Jesus has been gone for some time now, one must wonder why, if our souls are so important to Jesus, he has left us and past generations at Satan’s mercy.

No shepherd I ever heard of would be so irresponsible to his duty to his flock.
Especially since scriptures tell us that more sheep will be taken by Satan than protected by the shepherd.

Another breach of duty, FMPOV, is that Satan has been sentenced to hell by God, yet justice delayed is considered justice denied by most and God is denying mankind that justice.

I appreciate the free will argument that some might put but our free will was rescinded by God the moment he gave Satan the power to deceive us against our will. That situation is depicted somewhat in this clip which speaks to God letting Satan have his way with us.


This clip is just to show what some think of the shepherd analogy.


Can you shed some light on these two issues for me?

Why does Jesus the shepherd leave his flock at the mercy of a Super Wolf?

Scriptures say that God gave Satan/Super Wolf dominion over the earth and the power to deceive all of us on this world.

Jesus often used the shepherd and sheep analogy in scriptures.

Following that analogy and the fact that Jesus has been gone for some time now, one must wonder why, if our souls are so important to Jesus, he has left us and past generations at Satan’s mercy.

No shepherd I ever heard of would be so irresponsible to his duty to his flock.
Especially since scriptures tell us that more sheep will be taken by Satan than protected by the shepherd.

Another breach of duty, FMPOV, is that Satan has been sentenced to hell by God, yet justice delayed is considered justice denied by most and God is denying mankind that justice.

I appreciate the free will argument that some might put but our free will was rescinded by God the moment he gave Satan the power to deceive us against our will. That situation is depicted somewhat in this clip which speaks to God letting Satan have his way with us.


This clip is just to show what some think of the shepherd analogy.


Can you shed some light on these two issues for me?


Son of Satan can you tell me what does Satan offer to mankind ?
I appreciate the free will argument that some might put but our free will was rescinded by God the moment he gave Satan the power to deceive us against our will. That situation is depicted somewhat in this clip which speaks to God letting Satan have his way with us.

This is an outright lie (unless you have had a complete change of mind), as you have repeatedly dismissed and criticized any appeal to free will. This also assumes that Satan is a real entity and that it can intervene in the affairs of men. If you do accept the free will argument then you cannot accept an arbitrary intervention of Satan any more than that of a god. Either negates free will.

This thread is completely incoherent. Seemingly taking an analogy literal and using cartoons to make its case. Ridiculous.
Son of Satan can you tell me what does Satan offer to mankind ?

I am not sure but can take a guess or two.

My guess is that God wanted to give Christians the double standard of morality that they seem to embrace to justify his not being a prick.


That and to teach the rest of us who can think not to follow that immoral practice.

My next best guess has to do with free will.

God grants us free will in order that we must obey him.

Satan supports us having free will that we may choose who and what to obey.

This is an outright lie (unless you have had a complete change of mind), as you have repeatedly dismissed and criticized any appeal to free will. This also assumes that Satan is a real entity and that it can intervene in the affairs of men. If you do accept the free will argument then you cannot accept an arbitrary intervention of Satan any more than that of a god. Either negates free will.

This thread is completely incoherent. Seemingly taking an analogy literal and using cartoons to make its case. Ridiculous.

Every post I do has it's own purpose and message. You are confused because you do not know what they are and mix where I speak of my beliefs and compare them to where I speak of the beliefs of theists.

Every post I do has it's own purpose and message. You are confused because you do not know what they are and mix where I speak of my beliefs and compare them to where I speak of the beliefs of theists.

Yes, your communication skills are rubbish.