Why Does God Want Us to be Good Little Boys & Girls?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
If I were a creationist I would be asking myself 'Did God have reason? Why should it matter to God how we behave? It is hard for me to believe that all of creation is predicated on good behavior by a bunch of weak monkey people. I think it is belittling to all of us and we are, in God's mind, merely a step above nothing.

What possible motive would God have to put so much time and effort into making this Utopian dream of His come true? Is good behavior His obsession?

All this complexity is designed for us to be good little boys and girls. This immense universe and God knows what beyond it has been constructed for one purpose, to house good people. Did God experience some bad shit before deciding to build our universe?

It does imply that there may be a universe of His construct that has totally gone sour, perhaps countless many. Why should we assume that this was God's first attempt at a perfect world? Could He have succeeded elsewhere that He forgot or didn't care about us?

The most powerful force known wants at least one good behaving planet, I assume. There may be others but we are supposedly the one that is to showcase God's goodness and creative abilities.

I don't get it. Such a ridiculous reason to create a world. So unbecoming a God, in my estimation. Imagine for a minute that God in all His infinite wisdom needs to create a place full of good folks. What in Hell for?
I'm not sure I follow.
It seems you are working on the premise that there is a universe socialized around the existence of god and a universe that isn't ..... so I wouldn't have thought it would be so hard as to not see a parallel between jail ( a place where people are not properly socialized) and society at large (a place where they are)
If I were a creationist I would be asking myself 'Did God have reason? Why should it matter to God how we behave? It is hard for me to believe that all of creation is predicated on good behavior by a bunch of weak monkey people. I think it is belittling to all of us and we are, in God's mind, merely a step above nothing.

It is belittling for some to be told that they are not gods and never will be. It is belittling for some to be told they are not at the top of the tree in existance but are a level below God. It is belittling to the proud to be told they are second best.

What possible motive would God have to put so much time and effort into making this Utopian dream of His come true? Is good behaviour His obsession?

What is Good is an obsession to Who is Good.

All this complexity is designed for us to be good little boys and girls. This immense universe and God knows what beyond it has been constructed for one purpose, to house good people. Did God experience some bad shit before deciding to build our universe?

The satanic rebellion maybe. Pretty bad "shit'

It does imply that there may be a universe of His construct that has totally gone sour, perhaps countless many. Why should we assume that this was God's first attempt at a perfect world? Could He have succeeded elsewhere that He forgot or didn't care about us?

If God starts something He succeeds in the venture. Who knows He may have other "universes", they might perform some other tasks for Him.

The most powerful force known wants at least one good behaving planet, I assume. There may be others but we are supposedly the one that is to showcase God's goodness and creative abilities.

I believe He wants all things to be Good, All in existence.

I don't get it. Such a ridiculous reason to create a world. So unbecoming a God, in my estimation. Imagine for a minute that God in all His infinite wisdom needs to create a place full of good folks. What in Hell for?

Who said the Universe is the centre of His purpose? That’s a very universe-centric view of things :D Maybe the universe is a tool serving a greater purpose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who said the Universe is the centre of His purpose? That’s a very universe-centric view of things :D Maybe the universe is a tool serving a greater purpose.

But why does anything have to serve a purpose? I suppose this is what I'm getting at. I'm a bit lost for words, I have an idea in my head that I'm having trouble getting out. Purpose is as good a word as any.

If God makes us then we have a purpose. Our purpose it seems is to be what God wants us to be, something like that. God wants us to be good, so our purpose is to be good for a god. We are plunked on this planet to do good in the eyes of god. I'm sorry but if that were true then I really see no point in living.

Nothing else matters including things like the complexities of life, the forces of nature, sciences, time, and yes even philosophy. In fact next to everything else other than goodness, all that we sense is window dressing. Absolutely worthless other than providing props for different scenarios as we act out some kind of weird divine comedy aimed at producing goodness.We are here because god wants or needs to feel some goodness is all I can conclude despite all the evil that goes on daily, whether planned or random.

Of all that popped out from nothingness, we got a god thats craves goodness, and that I find extremely difficult to accept. The metamorphosis from nothing to something, as marvelous a moment that might ever be, is diminished by the overwhelming consensus that what emerged was a god fixated on goodness and when there was none to be found tried to create it. Basically that's it.
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Life Organizes.

Life develops first from single-cell entities to multi-cell organisms, then to social organisms -- animals that function in groups.

Atheists have never really thought about the Mechanism which establishes and sustains Group or Social Cohesion. With just a modicum of thought it should be obvious that group behavior must depend upon some Psychological underpinnings.

Okay, what if God DOESN'T have any external physical existence, but only exists in delusion, illusion, vision, trance, dream -- entirely as a matter within the Psychi of the Social Animal. Well, of course then, such a God would be re-enforcing Group and Social Behaviors.

In this sense God is more easily understandable as Collective Consciousness... or at first as maybe Ethnic or Tribal Consciousness... the way Jews can dream of murdering all of Mankind in order to take everybody's land for themselves. But more recently in modern Moral History we have seen more instances of an Evolving God, a God of truly Collective proportions less apt to take sides, no longer just favoring Ethnic Groups that control a good many electoral votes in the important States of New York and Florida, but coming up in Visions and Prophecies that see a World Peace as more than just the Final Victory of the Jews over everybody else -- Israel uber alles.
If I were a creationist I would be asking myself 'Did God have reason? Why should it matter to God how we behave? It is hard for me to believe that all of creation is predicated on good behavior by a bunch of weak monkey people. I think it is belittling to all of us and we are, in God's mind, merely a step above nothing

Hmm so if you came home and find your kids in a gangbang, high on drugs, for which they have stolen money, a dead dude in the corner, whose head they bashed out because he came to complain about the loud music, what would your reaction be? Would you be belittling them by expectations of good behaviour? What would your purpose be?
Life Organizes.

Life develops first from single-cell entities to multi-cell organisms, then to social organisms -- animals that function in groups.

Atheists have never really thought about the Mechanism which establishes and sustains Group or Social Cohesion. With just a modicum of thought it should be obvious that group behavior must depend upon some Psychological underpinnings.

Okay, what if God DOESN'T have any external physical existence, but only exists in delusion, illusion, vision, trance, dream -- entirely as a matter within the Psychi of the Social Animal. Well, of course then, such a God would be re-enforcing Group and Social Behaviors.

In this sense God is more easily understandable as Collective Consciousness... or at first as maybe Ethnic or Tribal Consciousness... the way Jews can dream of murdering all of Mankind in order to take everybody's land for themselves. But more recently in modern Moral History we have seen more instances of an Evolving God, a God of truly Collective proportions less apt to take sides, no longer just favoring Ethnic Groups that control a good many electoral votes in the important States of New York and Florida, but coming up in Visions and Prophecies that see a World Peace as more than just the Final Victory of the Jews over everybody else -- Israel uber alles.

Your argument was fine till you let loose with the anti-semetic crap. Most people, irrespective of god's overtones, crave good, whether it be feel good, health's good, wife'e sgood family's good... I'm good. Badness is short lived. It may sometimes be more exciting to a fad few, but ultimatey its destined to be short lived and un-coveted by the considered majority.
Hmm so if you came home and find your kids in a gangbang, high on drugs, for which they have stolen money, a dead dude in the corner, whose head they bashed out because he came to complain about the loud music, what would your reaction be? Would you be belittling them by expectations of good behaviour? What would your purpose be?

If God wants goodness and if I knew He was real then I would be inclined to look after my own skin first. But in this reality where god exists, then whatever I do serves no purpose for me personally. If I do good then He is satisfied. As I said in my 2nd post, everything else including us is a prop, forming a different act or scene for an audience of one. What I do is inconsequential unless God sees some good coming out of it. We are essentially reduced to bit actors that through impromptu situational dramas(comedies) are expected to occasionally perform some good which in the long run benefits us in no way.

The fear of god and His promises are there only to encourage more goodness. Its a thirst He can't slake. In reality there is no benefit to us. I cannot believe that all of this is for one purpose, satisfy God's want for good. What a pathetic excuse for everything that's wondrous but that's what it looks like from here.
But why does anything have to serve a purpose? I suppose this is what I'm getting at. I'm a bit lost for words, I have an idea in my head that I'm having trouble getting out. Purpose is as good a word as any.

Purpose gives meaning to existence. Without purpose life is boring. Show me a bunch of people who have no purpose in life and I will show you a bunch of depressed people with suicidal tendancies.

If God makes us then we have a purpose. Our purpose it seems is to be what God wants us to be, something like that. God wants us to be good, so our purpose is to be good for a god. We are plunked on this planet to do good in the eyes of god. I'm sorry but if that were true then I really see no point in living.

You see no good in loving one another? No Good in Good. Guess that’s why you have rejected what is Good. You find it worthless.

Nothing else matters including things like the complexities of life, the forces of nature, sciences, time, and yes even philosophy. In fact next to everything else other than goodness, all that we sense is window dressing. Absolutely worthless other than providing props for different scenarios as we act out some kind of weird divine comedy aimed at producing goodness.We are here because god wants or needs to feel some goodness is all I can conclude despite all the evil that goes on daily, whether planned or random.

All the world is but a stage. I think some pommy playwright said something like that. Who cares about the physical forces that keep this universe in action. The actors are far more important that the stage. The story is far more intriguing than the wiring that connects the stage lights.

Of all that popped out from nothingness, we got a god thats craves goodness, and that I find extremely difficult to accept.

How sad.

The metamorphosis from nothing to something, as marvelous a moment that might ever be, is diminished by the overwhelming consensus that what emerged was a god fixated on goodness and when there was none to be found tried to create it. Basically that's it.

God is Good. So Good has always existed. The story is about an attack on Good that was doomed from the start.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Purpose gives meaning to existence. Without purpose life is boring. Show me a bunch of people who have no purpose in life and I will show you a bunch of depressed people with suicidal tendancies.
Huh? There's a world full out there. They think they have a purpose ordained from God but its just life. Survive as long as you can, pass on your genes so the next generation can do the same. I have no god therefore my purpose is moot. Oh, I'm not depressed either! By the way, how are you handling it, your depression that is?

You see no good in loving one another? No Good in Good. Guess that’s why you have rejected what is Good. You find it worthless

I see a lot of good. I see a lot of bad too. I really think religion and your faith are bad for you.

Who cares about the physical forces that keep this universe in action.

I'm so glad you said that. It's so primitive, akin to the ancient days don't you think? Even if god did exist aren't you at least remotely interested how he did it?

Of all that popped out from nothingness, we got a god thats craves goodness, and that I find extremely difficult to accept. ”

How sad.

It is sad. To think, all of this just so a god can be appeased. And you say we have purpose? Out of nothingness came a god that needs to see some good performed, truly an unbelievable stroke....God is more believable than the fact He needs goodness.

God is Good. So Good has always existed. The story is about an attack on Good that was doomed from the start.

Where did the attackers come from? Its obvious that this is a dilemma....Good ol' God designs a universe that attacks good or at the very least creates evil to do the attacking. Bizarre!!