Why does god need money?


Rational Skeptic
Valued Senior Member
I remember a Star Trek episode when Kirk delivered a line that should have been given to Spock.
Why does god need a star ship?
It suggests to me the question
Why does god need money?
Jimmy Swaggart & other TV preachers collect millions per month.

I am sure much is spent on buying TV & radio time. It surely provides a good (high?) standard of living for the TV preachers.

BTW: Decades ago I listened to Peter Popoff on my car radio. I always looked for some talk show to keep me awake, avoiding music & other programs which would not stave off sleeping at the wheel.

Due to his name & style, I thought he was satirizing TV & radio evangelists until I heard 6-10 broadccasts.
As I recall god doesn't need money but those who spread his word do need it in order to survive in this heathen world.
Why would a being theoretically capable of anything need followers of limited capacity to spread its "word?"

Humans were given choice and free will and therefore don't have to follow. Money is a carrot on the string to lead humans in the right direction. As an analogy, you have a mule that does not wish to walk where you need him to go. You place a carrot in front of him so his appetites, which guide him astray, can be used to guide him down the path.
Why would a being theoretically capable of anything need followers of limited capacity to spread its "word?"

Those who follow any god need to have things to survive in this world they would tell you and money is the only thing that everyone understands except for god who needs nothing.
OP may actually be abbreviate for: imperfect principalia'

a televangelist may be defined as: mediac socialists relative culture..excusing itself as a complete value whilst coveting of itself, regarding it's 'deservances.

To consider war as a worth, is as bad as believeing love needs to be made.

just as the word 'my, and the consciousness related to the word.. may have been near the invent of the pride in the word nonviolence.

then I love to think of the word integrity, probably invented relative to the word frutuity granted of love of food, and ecology. : in some ways it seems therefore that the neglect coveting of tandem was the tandum reason for choosing to remit the legato issued thereof in thesis. In some ways presenation of a new word is really somewhat inspiring as thesis.

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OP may actually be abbreviate for: imperfect principalia'

a televangelist may be defined as: mediac socialists relative culture..excusing itself as a complete value whilst coveting of itself, regarding it's 'deservances.
the fuck?
you must be impressed with my writing for such a compliment spidergoat. have you felt obligated in and of internet participation for a long time ' I mention this only because of the interest of your entry #.
the internet is known as webby and often in 'coveting : chickens, goats, & pigs are often scampi references apparently.


then to reply to Yazata:

just inspired of the reason that some refer to Las Vegas as Las vegas and some refer to Las Angelas as they do. juste cute as they do.

meanwhile wasn't Susan Vega kind of the first nearest complainer of our lack of realistic social and behavioral cry for help to present itself in normatives in around 1986? - realistically professional representation has gotten worse since then. May be the "virtual reality junkyism that users of variable arts of radio frequencing, often don't even recognize as the presentative problem it is; being convinced that dedication to the new materialism has to have a complete worth.. and continuing and fostering forward or failing to stop with matterism' after oooops' It's just too much.
Money is important to most people, because it means choices. In a culture based on entertainment and prestige, money plays a major role in who people think are important; who they wish they could be. A rock star or rap star, who lives large in Beverly Hills, can be a drugged out moron, but they will be treated like they are instant experts in any social cause they decide to support, because their celebrity=money=power=aristocracy in such a culture.

In terms of TV evangelics, for them to reach the celebrity centric segment of the population, who lives for celebrity, you need a celebrity approach. A wise poor man will not reach these people, because poor does not mean power and aristocracy nor will you see them in the tabloids. They want entertainment, flash and making money; desired equation.

Revered Moon, from a few decades ago, was given dozens of Rolls Royces by his followers. He also had endless hot babes who would give themselves to him. This flash gave him the prestige of a King, with his conspicuous consumption of questionable ethics, making him a rock star, who could attract celebrity centric followers. This is often the only way this group can be reached. Once he had their attention, he can teach and preach.

St Paul said, I became all things to all men, so I could save some. To the rich he became as the rich and to the poor he became as poor, etc., Once one is accepted by their rules, then you can reach hearts and minds.
Money is important to most people, because it means choices. In a culture based on entertainment and prestige, money plays a major role in who people think are important; who they wish they could be. A rock star or rap star, who lives large in Beverly Hills, can be a drugged out moron, but they will be treated like they are instant experts in any social cause they decide to support, because their celebrity=money=power=aristocracy in such a culture.

In terms of TV evangelics, for them to reach the celebrity centric segment of the population, who lives for celebrity, you need a celebrity approach. A wise poor man will not reach these people, because poor does not mean power and aristocracy nor will you see them in the tabloids. They want entertainment, flash and making money; desired equation.

Revered Moon, from a few decades ago, was given dozens of Rolls Royces by his followers. He also had endless hot babes who would give themselves to him. This flash gave him the prestige of a King, with his conspicuous consumption of questionable ethics, making him a rock star, who could attract celebrity centric followers. This is often the only way this group can be reached. Once he had their attention, he can teach and preach.

St Paul said, I became all things to all men, so I could save some. To the rich he became as the rich and to the poor he became as poor, etc., Once one is accepted by their rules, then you can reach hearts and minds.
Was Christ a wealthy aristocrat? Are not Christians suppose to be Christ like?
When I saw this thread, I, intended to reply "Why does god need a spaceship?" The line is from 1 of the movies.

An omnipotent god would not need money. This is 1 very strong indication that those asking for money in the name of or for the purposes of an omnipotent god are lying con artists or FUBAR or both.

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