Why does Everything Spin? Speak freely your thoughts in Pseudoscience!

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The Wheel Spinning King!!!
Registered Senior Member
Because this topic was opened as a physics topic and got bogged down with pseudoscience talk...it has been locked. However, I found the direction of the topic very interesting and thought maybe it would be OK to open it anew as pseudoscience. I hope this is OK?

I have recorded the topic from where it left off, where it clearly began to branch away from physics and turn into pseudoscience. I can understand if serious physics scientist want to preserve the purity of their topics. I can also understand if people want to speculate about the topic of why things spin?

I believe the answer should be approached from many various angles of human thought, whether the thoughts are within the realm of possibility or not. Should the thoughts be impossible speculations, perhaps they can be directly challenged with powerful logic to ...put out the fire at its source...per to say!

So it began like this:

Why does everything spin?

"Why does everything (i mean not everything but subatomic particles, planets, stars and galaxies) spin? Why are particles constantly in motion?"

"l, a knuckleball doesn't spin at all, and its' motion is terribly chaotic. I'd imagine the same is true of a soccer ball that was kicked so it didn't spin. Either way, you HAVE to have angular momentum to get stable orbits---so, for example, if the earth wasn't orbiting the sun, then it would be falling straight towards it (like an apple to the earth).My guess is that only things that have some initial angular momentum can form galaxies and solar systems. Otherwise, no stable orbits can form."

''why was it spinning in the first place''I think the answer might be to something similar to how you have viscosity when you run your hand through water... In such the same way, spacetime is very fluidic in nature...

Originally Posted by pluto2
"Why does everything (i mean not everything but subatomic particles, planets, stars and galaxies) spin? Why are particles constantly in motion?”

Because humans drink way to much alcohol!

I was hoping someone would ask this question!!! The answer to this is very important. We should try to get the best answer possible. It is one of the best questions ever, and not as easy to answer as it appears.I"ll try with my own limitations.

The only place to begin is nowhere. What is nothing and how does something occur, big bang or whatever, from nothing itself. If this simple silly formula is correct, it should answer. 0=Infinity and 0 does not =Infinity simultanauesly.

If energy could represent a line and we place that line parallel to another we would have to draw infinite lines in between to create a continious plane.

Continue this on out ward until space is a continuum. There is no distinction from anything anywhere, because it is infinity full. Then it cannot be distinguished from 0 either.

Look at it from reverse. In a void there is no distinction from here and there, its all the same void, infinitely empty. There is no intelligence to observe, so it cannot be distinguished from infinitely full, which is the same...no intelligence (or infinite intelligence).

Since there is no phenomenal difference between something that has no distinction in its state and something that has no distinction in its state they are the same. Then...Zero=Infinity.

But thats a contradiction, they are opposite!!! And it is a complement, they are one!!! So one is now opposite of itself, yin and yang. These are the old reaction opposite reaction thoughts from another angle. What is the opposite action of nothing existing?

Out of this we have an attraction between two worlds that are one. One world moves and the other doesn't. That is why everything contains an attractor map within its process. An attractor always looks like a spiral. Everything has a middle and an area extending from that middle. The frozen attraction of vector paths of things (stars, atoms, etc. rotating and spinning in relation to each other) follow ahead and bifurcate endlessly, the future already exists in every possible state. Understanding the vector maps of the past is tricky.

The stillness is the engine for motion, that is, the contradiction of the void is complemented by fullness and waves of phenomenal patterns expand and collapse into each other everywhere and nowhere. You'd get a big bang and a big collapse at once and not at once!

And it would push this whirling energy out while pulling it in, having a center like everything else.Particles are built of waves of energy. They are both, one, or the other. As a particle the wave has collapsed or curled up and crystalised. The crystal particle is bound from waves that whirl into each other at angles, much like water whirlwinds. The waves not only spread out the probable position of the particle, they whirl into the particle. Then the particle or finest bit would definitely spin as it winds into position.

Centripedal force would build as it curls into its particle position, giving it spin. If this makes one particle, then the same wave would be magnified and warping through itself an a much larger scale (space waves like water waves, check out a lake sometime) to compose a large body of particles. Though this does not answer it is a preliminary and I think this is enough for now. I hope it gives something for the imagination to work with.

“I hope it gives something for the imagination to work with. ”

If not just drink a bottle of brandy and it will help you.

"If not just drink a bottle of brandy and it will help you."
Some advice, is that what you do when you are unable to understand something? Or are you already drunk on brandy?

Originally Posted by pluto2
"Why does everything (i mean not everything but subatomic particles, planets, stars and galaxies) spin? Why are particles constantly in motion? ”

By AWT the energy and matter is the inherent property of space and time. Every surface consist of rotating component, so it rotates by the higher speed, the lower is the ratio of its mass and surface energy. In accordance with this, the surface of most of black holes is rotating by nearly luminal speed. When thinking about nature of space and time I realized the following paradox: which diagonal path connecting the opposite vertexes of some rectangle appears longer, then the completely straight line (suppose the path consist just from perpendicular segments)? And what will happen, if the step size on such diagonal path will limit to zero?We can see, the path of such stepwise diagonal line will remain the very same and it will remain always longer, then the completely straight diagonal path. You're just required to turn left and right, i.e. to rotate at place during passing along such line. It seems, even the abstract geometry contains some inertia principle in its definition: every rotation at place expands the space-time and it slows down the information spreading, no mater, how inertial such point is. Note that the Lorentz transform consist from rotation as well. So we can say, the immanent rotation is, what makes the space-time illusion for us.Furthermore, we can see a hysteresis here: the stepwise diagonal path remains longer, until these steps exists at all. Just after disappearing of these steps the path changes to the shortest diagonal possible, no matter, how these steps are small or not. Note the analogy of such transition during the phase transitions of matter, when the energy spreads mostly along surfaces of foam in zig-zag way, until the critical energy density is reached.Last edited by zephir : Today at 12:13 PM.

“Originally Posted by spidergoatI guess they were imparted the energy from the big bang. Anything in motion stays in motion. ”

Totally agree, the question is can we control the motion??!

Originally Posted by pharaohmoan
"Totally agree, the question is can we control the motion??! ”

In what way do you mean? We certainly can, isn't that obvious. How do you mean 'control' of the motion?

“Originally Posted by Jozen-Bo
In what way do you mean? We certainly can, isn't that obvious. How do you mean 'control' of the motion? ”

I mean control at a macroscopic and micro ergo gaining a volicity through time that allows us to escape the balck hole we are in. Control the motion and you control dimensional shifts though the 4th dimension and above (very sure on this)

Originally Posted by pharaohmoan
"I mean control at a macroscopic and micro ergo gaining a velocity through time that allows us to escape the black hole we are in. Control the motion and you control dimensional shifts though the 4the dimension and above (very sure on this) ”

At the moment, we aren't able to keep the social stability even is such small area, like the Darfur I don't think, your problem is the crucial problem of the civilization by now. In long term perspective we would need to solve such question, though - because by some theories the expansion of the Universe can be interpreted as a gradual merging of black holes. Our Universe appears to be falling into another, even much larger one.

Originally Posted by pharaohmoan
I mean control at a macroscopic and micro ergo gaining a volicity through time that allows us to escape the balck hole we are in. Control the motion and you control dimensional shifts though the 4th dimension and above (very sure on this) ”

Yes, you are absolutely correct!!!We can control motion to shift the dimensions around us, using only our minds and our hearts. All the vibrational patterns are a whole. Its like tugging a rope that is part of many other ropes. We can never escape the black hole we are in. The only way 'out' is deeper within. Thus, you must find a way into your mind and heart where you can gain access to the inner operating system and from there manipulate the dimensions that unfold around you into your version of reality.

"I've always wondered this as well. The philosophical part of me tends to think its because motion=existance.Time is a measurement for motion. Without motion time would not exist, if time didnt exist then its possible nothing would exist at all.Even though a rock on the ground may seem motionless it is on earth and the earth is in motion so that rock is also in motion. The same could be said for everything within the universe. Is the universe moving? If so then everything within it is also moving."

"It spins without spinning. Or you could say without spinning it spins. Or you could say it does both."

“Originally Posted by zephir
At the moment, we aren't able to keep the social stability even is such small area, like the Darfur I don't think, your problem is the crucial problem of the civilization by now. In long term perspective we would need to solve such question, though - because by some theories the expansion of the Universe can be interpreted as a gradual merging of black holes. Our Universe appears to be falling into another, even much larger one. ”

"I haven't thought about or been explained this before, the first question that seems to arise is if the much larger universe (which make sense to me when I connect the dots) is mind or matter? Or simply a higher (organised) harmonic.“

Originally Posted by Jozen-Bo
Yes, you are absolutely correct!!!We can control motion to shift the dimensions around us, using only our minds and our hearts. All the vibrational patterns are a whole. Its like tugging a rope that is part of many other ropes."

You see that makes absolute sense to me. What do you think is preventing our imersion into what we are supspecting but daring not to speak?! Is it the old adage of PROOF?

"We can never escape the black hole we are in. The only way 'out' is deeper within. Thus, you must find a way into your mind and heart where you can gain access to the inner operating system and from there manipulate the dimensions that unfold around you into your version of reality."

"Yes these are very challenging thoughts and I am actually in the process of doing what you describe. I have seen very positive results but I am still trying to get a handle or not of time. It seems very slow in the normal scheme of things, it also seems to flow according to perception which seems to bend time. It's as though time as we know it is too much of a distraction to being able to 'correctly' manipulate the dimensions."

Originally Posted by pharaohmoan
"...if the much larger universe ... is mind or matter? ”

The both. The AWT considers, the Universe consists of matter - because everything, what we can observe is behaving/appears like less or more structured matter. The another question is, if we could observe it (i.e. interact with it) at all, if it wouldn't be of material nature...?The conclusion is, the existence of Universe is the matter of both objective reality, both the anthropic principle (i.e. the human mind, if you want). It's the result of selectively sampled observation of Universe, biased by the fact, the tiny piece of chaos is trying to observe/understand the larger one.
-???(I believe this was Zephir?)
It would appear that the thread that asked the question "why does everything spin" has been locked up. Maybe it should of started in the pseudoscience section to begin with. I don't remember what topic it was under. Since this is pseudoscience...I assume it is safe to speak in a frank manner, based on how we feel. So I would like to answer pharaohmoan's questions, since he asked them of me.

You see that makes absolute sense to me. What do you think is preventing our imersion into what we are supspecting but daring not to speak?! Is it the old adage of PROOF?

The question itself (why does everything spin?) should not end up in the cesspool (instead it just got locked), regardless of what kind of answers people give. It is a very valid question to ask why everything spins, we are entitled to seek the answer. The person who can give the strongest answer, will off course give an answer that sticks out most amongst the others and thats the answer people will gain the most from...after looking at all the different answers. But in order to do this, we apparently have to stay within the constrains of pseudoscience.

When you can feel it...do you need proof of that?

We are connected to everything there is to be connected to. Science itself is helping make that clear. The immersion we suspect is approached in so many different angles, from religion, to philosophy, naturally science, and even art. Even as these groups break down to subgroups, those subgroups contribute to the answer.

Yes these are very challenging thoughts and I am actually in the process of doing what you describe. I have seen very positive results but I am still trying to get a handle or not of time. It seems very slow in the normal scheme of things, it also seems to flow according to perception which seems to bend time. It's as though time as we know it is too much of a distraction to being able to 'correctly' manipulate the dimensions.

Sounds to me like you are observing your own life very carefully. Without doing this, how can we possibly go inward to access the inner operating system and change the coordinates? It seems slow, nature often gives patterns that lead to exponential growth... I find your use of the words bending time with perception very clear. :thumbsup:

Yes, we have so many distractions, and as you make progress, the waves of distraction come swifter and fiercer. Without staying focused all is lost. We are zeroing in on the delicate singular point of control, the equilibrium of the spin of motion.

Life is syntropic, it perfects itself. This is the law that correspond to the law of entropy...for every action there is an opposite reaction...this applies to the law of entropy as well.

That which is 'dead' breaks down into Entropy. That which is alive 'build' up into Syntropy. You DNA is changing approximately 3,000,000 times per a second!!! ;)
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