Why do your ears ring?

This is a medical condition called tinnitus (a sensation of ringing or roaring in the ears). A lot of pharmaceutical medicine will cause ringing in the ears and the cure would then be to just stop taking it or switch to another type. Constant exposure to high decibel noise, such as listening to loud music, will also cause tinnitus. In some cases it is a problem in the auditory nerve, or even just wax in the ears - make sure you clean your ears. However, there are so many causes of tinnitus - uncurable causes - that most physicians are hard-pressed to offer and prescribe any cure.
Never use cotton swabs to clean your ears, this will just push the wax further inside causing impaction, then it will be more difficult to clean them and remove wax. The best method is this one invented by a doctor, it forgos the hell of using irrigation systems and such


I have 2, 1 is a spare.. it's reusable and stuff... it works, only like 5 bucks... you won't be pleased as the first use alot of wax will just come right out :(

Walgreens has them and stuff, get one :C
Everybodys ears ring , go to a sound proof room (close all windows and doors) just close your eyes and ears and listen. There is a faint tune (not exactly ringing). If u focus on it it will grow louder.

I think its due to the electrical signal that powers the ear sensors to detect sound and send the signals to the brain.
Never use cotton swabs to clean your ears, this will just push the wax further inside causing impaction, then it will be more difficult to clean them and remove wax.

Where do you get this bunch of hoopla from? Cotton swabs are an excellent way of cleaning your ears, providing you do it correctly. You sweep AROUND the ear canal: not into it; to remove dirt and wax on the outer surface of the ear. This prevents the accumulation of dirt from migrating inward, per instruction. Nobody is saying that you should push anything in. If you do not use cotton swabs to clean the outside orifice, then I would imagine your ears must be quite dirty. Can you hear me?
Everybodys ears ring , go to a sound proof room (close all windows and doors) just close your eyes and ears and listen. There is a faint tune (not exactly ringing). If u focus on it it will grow louder.

I think its due to the electrical signal that powers the ear sensors to detect sound and send the signals to the brain.

The ear actually generates a sound.

Ear wax is an actual secretion from inside the ear, Valich.
Where do you get this bunch of hoopla from? Cotton swabs are an excellent way of cleaning your ears, providing you do it correctly. You sweep AROUND the ear canal: not into it; to remove dirt and wax on the outer surface of the ear. This prevents the accumulation of dirt from migrating inward, per instruction. Nobody is saying that you should push anything in. If you do not use cotton swabs to clean the outside orifice, then I would imagine your ears must be quite dirty. Can you hear me?

outside orifice :)
The orifice is the auditory canal. The outside is the auricle. It is still part of the orifice. The entire ear can be referred to as an orifice, as can your mouth or ass. Or they can be segmented into anatomical parts. The purpose of the wax is to trap dirt, but you shouldn't let it build up to the point where it defeats it's own purpose. I don't go jabbing a Q-tip down the auditory canal, but I rely on Johnson & Johnson to keep the outside orifice clean. Per instruction: "Gently remove visible dirt and wax from the outer surface of the ear." Lest it become a haven for parasites who get their little feet stuck in it. Which reminds me. Wasn't there a news clip the other day about two cockroaches found living inside a boy's ear?

There is an old saying that suggests putting nothing in your ears larger than your elbow. In other words, no one should use anything mechanical to remove ear wax or any other obstruction from the deepest part of the ear canal. Even the manufacturers of cotton swabs emphasize the danger of using their products to remove ear wax deposits. However, there are times when one needs to remove ear wax safely, especially when it affects one's hearing or may lead to an infection.

To remove ear wax safely, some suggest using warmed oils such as baby oil, mineral oil or olive oil to soften the ear wax. A few drops of warmed, but not hot, oil should be placed carefully in the ear canal as the patient lies on his or her side. The oil should be allowed to remain in the ear canal for a few seconds to literally melt the ear wax. To remove ear wax after the oil has been applied, the patient should lean his or head to one side and allow the oil to flow out naturally into a clean cloth. A supply of clean water can then be squirted into the ear to remove ear wax deposits that may remain.

Another way to remove ear wax safely is to use ear drops specifically formulated to soften excessive wax. These ear drops are usually sold in the pharmacy section of a department or grocery store, along with other ear care products for swimmer's ear and general earaches. Apply these ear drops according to the directions on the box. In general, a solution is dropped into the ear canal to soften and liquefy excess ear wax. After a few minutes, the solution is allowed to drain out of the ear naturally. Some products that remove ear wax may include a rubberized bulb for flushing out residue.

Some experts suggest that the safest way to remove ear wax is not to remove it at all. The body produces ear wax for a reason - to trap outside dirt and other contaminants before they can reach the vulnerable workings of the inner ear. While some may find this waxy substance unappealing, it is not always wise to remove ear wax strictly for aesthetics. Using a cotton swab to remove ear wax in the ear canal can lead to compaction of the wax or puncture of the ear drum.

Conventional thinking nowadays is to remove ear wax only when it becomes excessive or compromises hearing. Discolored or excessive ear wax may be a sign of a larger problem, so you may need to plan a visit to your personal physician for a more thorough exam. Meanwhile, avoid using anything mechanical to remove ear wax, such as a paper clip, cotton swab or car key. A deep itch in the ear canal can often be relieved by plugging your nose and blowing air through the Eustachian tubes. Excessive ear wax buildup can become a serious problem, so seek medical attention if these home remedies do not bring relief.
Outer orifice - no drum beating allowed:


i hope my tinnitus is caused by my TMJ (jaw joint) problems and that when i get them and my bite fixed, the ringing will go away.