why do you worship Gods?

I'm an Atheist, but I believe I have a word to contribute.

It's human nature to hope for something more. We look around us, and think to ourselves, "Is this it?". Some aren't comfortable with the possibility that this is it, so they conclude, "This can't be it!".

Another factor plays in with this. A lot of people think, or like to think, or wish, that something is true kuz they think it's true. They keep telling themselves that what they think is true really is true. It's kinda like denial.

So, wanting something to be a certain way, and convincing yerself that that certain way is the way it really is, is how ya make a religion.
It's human nature to hope for something more. We look around us, and think to ourselves, "Is this it?". Some aren't comfortable with the possibility that this is it, so they conclude, "This can't be it!".

Well I find it quite amusing for some humans to believe that this is it. There is absolutely no reason for a human to ever believe that when humans continue to unravel many mysteries and make many new discoveries. Just because there is one area that humans can't yet unlock the mysteries of, it doesn't mean they have the answer.

I just find it so absurd and unbelievable for a human to ever be able to claim finding an end to something with such confidence. It makes no sense. Those types are just scared of the possibilities of a God actually existing otherwise there would be no reason to make such a quick and absolute answer of this just being it.

why worship gods?

Worshipping is for the weak. However, there's no problem in believing in higher powers. Worshipping is just going a wee bit too far though. While we may have a creator, one can go ahead and love their creator but worship? I don't see anyone "worshipping" their parents. Worshipping is for those that lack confidense in the human race as if we're nothing.

- N
Why do you not worship god?

Nieldo said:
I just find it so absurd and unbelievable for a human to ever be able to claim finding an end to something with such confidence. It makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. Fear and and the uncertainty of not knowing. Human mind seeks to envelope itself around every problem it meets...if no logical answer is met then an illogical one must be met and given a humane face: Faith and Belief. The human mind, after so much maniplulation of science is still so far away from solving the riddles...so 5,000 years ago the mysteries of the universe would have been a real bitch.

Neildo said:
Worshipping is just going a wee bit too far though. While we may have a creator, one can go ahead and love their creator but worship

You need to step outside and see through the looking glass. We worship our own fears so that we may not be consumed by them. We worship mental sanity by giving it a face and social importance. God is your pursuit of him.

What scares a religious person more than an idea of hell is the idea that nothing, absolute nothingness, may exist after death. Your eyes close, the connections in the brain slowly stop, your vision blurs and thats it...no life after death, no salvation of anykind for any good deeds done, no reward for denying primitive human tendencies and living a life of virtue.

Having faith isn't a weakness IMO, but believing in the only proposed, but not proven, whole heartedly scares me.
Neildo said:
Well I find it quite amusing for some humans to believe that this is it. There is absolutely no reason for a human to ever believe that when humans continue to unravel many mysteries and make many new discoveries. Just because there is one area that humans can't yet unlock the mysteries of, it doesn't mean they have the answer.

I just find it so absurd and unbelievable for a human to ever be able to claim finding an end to something with such confidence. It makes no sense. Those types are just scared of the possibilities of a God actually existing otherwise there would be no reason to make such a quick and absolute answer of this just being it.

I wouldn't think it's amusing. Maybe absurd and unbelieveable. But it's more unfortunate than anything else. Remember that these people are being controlled by their instincts. Instincts can be very strong.
If you don't believe in a supernatural God, all I can say is "You better be right."
That's a good question. Even if there is a God(s), why do we need to worship them? Do they need to be worshipped? ...or do they just like it? Being omnipotent, I'm not sure why it would be so important to them. Since humans only appeared 3 million years or so ago out of what, a billion, years of life on Earth, why don't animals worship God, or do they?
sargentlard said:
Why do you not worship god?
I dont think it exists
What scares a religious person more than an idea of hell is the idea that nothing, absolute nothingness, may exist after death. Your eyes close, the connections in the brain slowly stop, your vision blurs and thats it..
kinda like falling asleep whats so scary about that?

God is saving us from hell, created by God. God is also saving us from the fall, resulted from his own negligence. God is saving us from Satan, created by God too. It seems like God is just saving us from himself.
It makes no sense. Those types are just scared of the possibilities of a God actually existing otherwise there would be no reason to make such a quick and absolute answer of this just being it.

This is simply fallacious. To put it as honestly but bluntly as possible: there is no space being to be scared of in the first place. It isn't about fear, but about absolute lack of evidence in its favour.

From the moment we are born, life is one big discovery after another. We're always learning and always finding new things. However, we need to look at the whole thing realistically.

There might very well be invisible fairy folk flying round our houses, and if we could only find them they would grant us all 3 wishes each. Unforunately lack of any evidence at all leaves us in a position where it does not merit absolute focus, devotion and worship. Doing so would be little more than an act of complete lunacy.

You'd think though, that after several thousand years of absolute persistance something thought to exist would yield evidence, and yet in all that time, all the persistance and absolute devotion have yielded nothing whatsoever. Not a bean.

There must come a time where those people should loosen their grip, knowing deep inside that what they want so bad, what they wish in their heart was true, just isn't so.

It is no wonder that all these dreams are all about everything that man cannot have. A mass of sweet and innocent virgins, a city made of gold and gemstones free from nasty people like rapists, murderers and homosexuals. Every 'afterlife' consists of something that is not natural to man, has never been and will never be. All of these of course "imagined" at a time when things were so much worse off. A time when killing innocent people was commonplace, where diseases were rife, where the evil side of humanity had room to breathe.

For the majority it is a very hard dream to wake up from, especially once that dream has been force fed into the minds of the very young and the mentally fragile.

There might be a god, there might be hundreds of gods. There might be flying bananas and a world full of sexually rampant alien women who all look like playboy centrefolds, but right now it cannot be taken seriously, and you know it.
You'd think though, that after several thousand years of absolute persistance something thought to exist would yield evidence, and yet in all that time, all the persistance and absolute devotion have yielded nothing whatsoever. Not a bean.

It's the year 2005 AD. More years have existed where humans interacted with God(s) on a daily basis than years that humans have not interacted with God, albeit he/they still interact with us on a small scale today, it’s just that nobody believes these so-called "hallucinating" people.

Just because today we do not have the pleasure of interacting with God(s) as people of the past did, it doesn't mean God(s) does not exist. We still have the eyes and written documents of the past as proof. It's funny how the people of today get to pick and choose which written documents to believe and incorporate in our history as to what is/was fact and fiction. People are choosing to ignore the proof which they have! To not incorporate those texts and beliefs into history would mean we should ignore history all together as most history of the past is old written texts and beliefs as well. Picking and choosing isn't going to make for an accurate history. It then basically becomes propoganda when it all comes down to it.

Since man has lived through more years under God(s) presence than without, perhaps the days of today are the true Dark Ages due to his/their lack of? Everyone else had proof, only the people of today do not have it, mainly because they choose to not acknowledge it.

- N
It can be fun to believe in something irrational, I can see the appeal, but I wouldn't even take my own beliefs too seriously. When I walk through the woods, I half expect a forest spirit to peek out somewhere, but it never happens.
We worship God because he created us and we should be gratefull. Everything we have is because of God.
Joeman said:

God is saving us from hell, created by God. God is also saving us from the fall, resulted from his own negligence. God is saving us from Satan, created by God too. It seems like God is just saving us from himself.

Where this cartoon goes wrong is that it assumes that God does not have a set of rules he must govern himself by. If God broke his own rules he would cease to be God.
Just because today we do not have the pleasure of interacting with God(s) as people of the past did, it doesn't mean God(s) does not exist.

Sure, but you must understand and acknowledge that the same is true of the opposite. Just because someone says it's real, doesn't mean it is. So we're stuck in the same position. Yes it's possible, but yes it also might be fiction. As a result anyone who says "yes" is a simple lunatic, and the same would go for anyone that says "no". Do you agree with that?

We still have the eyes and written documents of the past as proof.

Who are you referring to? The ancient egyptians, sumerians, jews, hindus, muslims? Are they all correct? Do we take all of their words as "proof"? If so, do we not find ourselves with a distinct problem?

It's funny how the people of today get to pick and choose which written documents to believe and incorporate in our history as to what is/was fact and fiction.

It's not "funny" at all. It works on a basis of evidence vs no evidence. It's not pick and choose, it's what history shows to be true.

People are choosing to ignore the proof which they have!

Which is what exactly?

To not incorporate those texts and beliefs into history would mean we should ignore history all together as most history of the past is old written texts and beliefs as well.

Not at all. History is fascinating, but that does not mean you have to take everything as 100% literal and true. The epic of Gilgamesh is fantastic, but should we really consider half men/ haf scorpions as real beings? Well?

Since man has lived through more years under God(s) presence than without, perhaps the days of today are the true Dark Ages due to his/their lack of?

What about a few hundred years ago with the black plague and other such shit, or before that with the 10 million or so people killed during the inquisition. Were they not the "dark ages"? The time when the god believers caused hell on earth? Why do you think it's now when there is political correctness, women can vote, and the immigrants are given mass handouts? Seems pretty peachy right now to me in comparison.

Everyone else had proof, only the people of today do not have it, mainly because they choose to not acknowledge it.

None of them had proof, and nobody still does. You religious fanatics don't even know what "proof" means, let alone have hold of it. All you have is 'faith', the weakest copout ever devised.

But listen... the entire world is waiting for this proof.. As you obviously know what it is, share it with us please.. I give you the opportunity right here, right now.

We worship God because he created us and we should be gratefull. Everything we have is because of God.

Lovely sermon */end sarcasm*
sargentlard said:
What scares a religious person more than an idea of hell is the idea that nothing, absolute nothingness, may exist after death. Your eyes close, the connections in the brain slowly stop, your vision blurs and thats it...no life after death, no salvation of anykind for any good deeds done, no reward for denying primitive human tendencies and living a life of virtue.
This is very wrong. That would scare a stupid person, but not just any religious person.
If it just ends, you're not going to suffer, so... so what?

Virtue is often its own reward. People who are afraid they are gonna miss the evolutionary cut are reticent to let any of their resources go to others. People who are confident can help others and avoid stealing, killing, and abusing trust. What else is virtue anyway, besides that. Why would a person want to do anything less?

I feel that I can take whatever I want for myself, but I choose another path. Don't pretend I am doing it out of fear of punishment, or desire for gain, so you can think yourself brave.