Why do US citizans refuse to....


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Why do US citizans refuse to vote in a legilature and executive they trust?

On more than one occasion i have shown something the commonwealth (in general) or Eroupan goverments have done to better there citizans lives and when I asked why the US citizans refuse to demand the same treatment from there goverment the responce is either

a) they would fuck it up


b) they cant be trusted to act to protect there citizans

I have to say there were very few actions of the previous Australian goverment that I liked but as for goverment agencies I trust them, INCLUDING the police (although the victorian police DO have a reputation for being a little trigger happy). I have had to relie on the police on many occasions and i have never found anything but service to the community in them. I will be eternally grateful to the former SF member who tracked down enough infomation to alow the police in Victoria to find and stop me commiting suicide. I have also had to give them infomation on other people for the same purpose and they have been nothing but helpful. The same of the legal advice services, consumer services and DEFINITLY the health services all of which are surplied by the goverment.

So as an Australian I cant understand why you would leave a goverment inplace that you trust so little, especially from a people who have a history of rebellion. I have to say that you would have been better off if you had remained a part of england who HAVE all of these services
i will try to answer it: but sorry for my english

the u.s..this country is planed from a long time ago to be and to end in the way how it is.
america was planed from a circle of ?humans?, to grow they citizens in kapitalism and in slavery for work, for making material life, industry, etc etc.
us citizen are in the glassbox of consuming material stuff and to be dependet on this. this is an emotional need what got feedet from this ?human?-people if u like gouvernment - (but u are wrong to believe that) no the gouvernment are the circle in charge, but specific circles. they plan was simple. to born a new world with individual dreams, advertised worldwide, know'n as the american dream. as a total consumer u will get blindet from the reallity. u need and need things. one day your life will be fixed just to get them and u will need money to buy them. so u must work, and work and work. one day your life is owned by the system of capitalism and you will get an total individual person, brainwashed that this all is good for you. You get brainwashed that this hat u r think ist good, than all the other mankind around te world hat to be in the same way. In the same moment you lost you individuallity and your fredom because you are dependet in a system slavery, where you never get out. the system needs you for they profit. and they wanna make profit whatever its cost. in the end u are a slave of the sys. its a big theme.. its need detail discusion.......but for now only one thing more: the system works of a basis of 12. they command everything and ill be sure that u dont know them, or dont wanna know them, but u are dependet from them.
Why do US citizans refuse to vote in a legilature and executive they trust?

On more than one occasion i have shown something the commonwealth (in general) or Eroupan goverments have done to better there citizans lives and when I asked why the US citizans refuse to demand the same treatment from there goverment the responce is either

a) they would fuck it up


b) they cant be trusted to act to protect there citizans

I have to say there were very few actions of the previous Australian goverment that I liked but as for goverment agencies I trust them, INCLUDING the police (although the victorian police DO have a reputation for being a little trigger happy). I have had to relie on the police on many occasions and i have never found anything but service to the community in them. I will be eternally grateful to the former SF member who tracked down enough infomation to alow the police in Victoria to find and stop me commiting suicide. I have also had to give them infomation on other people for the same purpose and they have been nothing but helpful. The same of the legal advice services, consumer services and DEFINITLY the health services all of which are surplied by the goverment.

So as an Australian I cant understand why you would leave a goverment inplace that you trust so little, especially from a people who have a history of rebellion. I have to say that you would have been better off if you had remained a part of england who HAVE all of these services

They don't really, thats just the BS they use as the cover story. The ones who say this are mostly those who just don't want to pay taxes to maintain their society.
when I asked why the US citizans refuse to demand the same treatment from there goverment the responce is either
a) they would fuck it up
b) they cant be trusted to act to protect there citizans

There are two types of governing systems that you are talking about. The European form of government is one in which socialism is considered to be the norm but democracy and capitalism prevail in America. Because of those two distinct differences is why you see America the way you do. Americans don't want a bbig , bloated government telling them what to do and take care of them from birth to death as is the case in Europe where governments there control everything and everybody.

That being said I believe that America is leaning more and more everyday towards a socialistic view and with the advent of many new governmental agencies and laws that make more government possible , America will soon be just like Europe, its only a matter of time.
SAM i dissagree with you. Dont really see tiassa as falling into that catogry

cosmictraveler i hope your right:)
Tiassa disagrees with betterment of US citizens lives through policy? Thats news to me
SAM i have to go to bed or my GF will shoot me but have a look at his comments on the Random breath testing thread to see what i am talking about.
SAM i dissagree with you. Dont really see tiassa as falling into that catogry

cosmictraveler i hope your right:)

It is written on the walls of Congress already. Only time will be needed to watch the morphing of America into a more socialistic government because the start happend years ago. If you look at all of the Fedral and State governmental agencies or what in Europe are known as Ministries, there are hundreds more today that 20 years ago. More agencies that "help" the citizens in their work, security, child protection, welfare and recreation. The govenment in America is so bloated that it looks just like the European governments now.
It is written on the walls of Congress already. Only time will be needed to watch the morphing of America into a more socialistic government because the start happend years ago. If you look at all of the Fedral and State governmental agencies or what in Europe are known as Ministries, there are hundreds more today that 20 years ago. More agencies that "help" the citizens in their work, security, child protection, welfare and recreation. The govenment in America is so bloated that it looks just like the European governments now.
While I don't disagree with your statement, I also don't see many American citizens tolerating the ever-closer-to-socialistic gub'mint that we have for much longer.
There are too many Americans, such as myself that would rather die than to serve under any type of socialistic government.
Plus, one reason I refuse to vote for president is because of the electoral college. I don't like the idea of having a representative vote for the masses, especially since he/she can still vote how they like (i.e. against the choice of the majority of the people that they are representing).
While I don't disagree with your statement, I also don't see many American citizens tolerating the ever-closer-to-socialistic gub'mint that we have for much longer.
There are too many Americans, such as myself that would rather die than to serve under any type of socialistic government.
Plus, one reason I refuse to vote for president is because of the electoral college. I don't like the idea of having a representative vote for the masses, especially since he/she can still vote how they like (i.e. against the choice of the majority of the people that they are representing).

The problem is that Congress just keeps adding new agencies to their payroll thus insuring them of their votes. As more and more people are in need of any form of governmental help the government always seems to step right in with anything it can do. Whether it be to make a new agency like Homeland Security that employees over 150,000 workers or adding to existing agencies to help relieve the stress that they are being strapped with , it just keeps spreading its socialistic wings ever wider.
While I don't disagree with your statement, I also don't see many American citizens tolerating the ever-closer-to-socialistic gub'mint that we have for much longer.

For one thing, Americans are politically about 12 years old, on average, and can't tell socialism from fascism or corporations from people. They view governments, like people, as motivated by playground interpersonal emotions and short term greed.

A fair proportion of Americans regard the government supplying them with roads as the government telling them where they can and can't drive their cars. I'm not kidding. Look at the ads for SUVs.

A fair proportion of Americans think only governments have "bureaucrats", that (for example) private HMOs and for-profit insurance companies don't have them. So (for example) when you talk about a "bunch of bureaucrats" telling doctors what they can and can't do, you are automatically talking about government, not Blue Cross.

A fair proportion of Americans regard the government as an alien thing entering their lives from the outside, like a Wal Mart moving into town.

They don't elect a government they can trust because they have been subjected to the most sophisticated, well-funded, professionally orchestrated manipulations of their opinions and beliefs (as well as their actions and votes) the world has ever known, designed to get them to elect and support a government that will serve the interests of the propagandists. It isn't completely their fault.
The problem is that Congress just keeps adding new agencies to their payroll thus insuring them of their votes. As more and more people are in need of any form of governmental help the government always seems to step right in with anything it can do. Whether it be to make a new agency like Homeland Security that employees over 150,000 workers or adding to existing agencies to help relieve the stress that they are being strapped with , it just keeps spreading its socialistic wings ever wider.
I will have to yet again concur. You saw Congress' intervention in the Barry Bonds' scandal, and now a Senator (Spector) is grilling the NFL commish(Roger Goodell) on why he had the Spygate (New England Patriots accused of cheating) tapes destroyed. Not that I like Goodell in any sense of the word, but why does Congress feel the need to mandate professional sports?

For one thing, Americans are politically about 12 years old, on average, and can't tell socialism from fascism or corporations from people. They view governments, like people, as motivated by playground interpersonal emotions and short term greed.
That's not an entirely untrue statement, but you know as well as I do that that's not a mentality that's limited to the United States.
Take Sam's 'precious' home country of India; they are just as politically corrupt, if not more, than we are. Their government sees to it that as many people remains below the poverty line (which a huge %age of India's population is) as they can.
What about the Darfur incident? Myanmar? Somalia back in the 90s?
*waits for Sam to twist those cases around and place the blame on the U.S., or respond with an irrelevant question*
mikenostic said:
That's not an entirely untrue statement, but you know as well as I do that that's not a mentality that's limited to the United States.
I don't think it governs everywhere, though, as it does here.

The apt comparison would not be to India, but to Australia, Canada, France, Denmark, Germany, Japan, etc.

Or, if similarity is desired rather than contrast, to Russia, Argentina, Turkey, maybe China in this comparison, etc.