Why do people laugh at creationists?

The same reason why people laugh at atheists.

Peace be unto you ;)
To be honest, I really dont think it has anything to do with being a Creationist, or an Athiest, or an Evolutionist, or any other train of thought in any field. I believe that it is our nature to limit what we believe to be true based on what we directly see, feel and hear. We are a 3 dimensional species living in a 4 dimensional universe. That alone makes it very difficult to see outside of our 3 dimensional boxes. To conceive a God that can create something out of nothing is simply beyond our comprehension. And because it is out of our comprehension it takes a concentrated effort to get to a point where we are willing to acknowledge the possibility that the incomprehensible (in our minds) is possible. And I feel that can be applied to just about anything you can imagine in your day to day life.

For instance, Americans live a common style of life, and have allot in common with fellow Americans in our train of thought. So Americans have a hard time understanding why someone from Saudi Arabia might live the way that they do, or think the way that they do. And the same goes for any other culture, looking at a culture that is not their own.

So in regard to someone laughing at a Creationist, well all I can say is that the key is to consider something without initially accepting it. Take the facts, analyze them and decide whether you accept them to be true. Personally I believe that there is only one truth, but its up to the individual to decide whether they are willing to accept that truth or deny it. I am a Creationist myself, and I readily admit that I have entertained the thought that Evolution and Creation were the same thing, I did the research, and I simply came to the conclusion that there is one Creator who created all things without a gradual improvement from one species to another. Does entertaining those thoughts make you less of a Creationist? I say absolutely not, I say its noble minded.

So if you are being laughed at for being a Creationist, then try listening to what the other side is saying, without preconceived notions, and then pick it apart and examine every piece of their argument. God does not want people to follow him without being educated. He does not want automatons, he wants thinking individuals. Being educated on why God is real, does not lessen your faith in his existence.
The same reason why people laugh at atheists.

So, you laugh at atheists because they believe in invisible beings, because they wish non-atheists to burn in hellfire for an eternity?

I must have missed that memo.