Why do people believe aliens are god?

  • Thread starter Double Overdrive
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Double Overdrive

Even though I don't believe in aliens because of the lack of evidence, I still wonder why some think aliens are our creator... To me it seems all very odd, if you ask me.

What do you people think?

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive
It is most likely because in the bible there is no way to prove that he isn't, so those alien lovers jump all over it.

Send me your comments.
Good question DO.

But then, why did all those people from Heaven's Gate follow one man into oblivion?

Is it so unbelievable that people can find such displeasure with life here on Earth that they must sacrifice the physical being for some fantasy deity?

If people look to aliens as god, I can only reason that they are searching for some higher intelligence that is not the Christian God, with which they can commune. The Greeks did it, the Romans have done it, the Mayans and Aztecs as well. It seems that we need to put something above ourselves in order to feel that there is a greater presence we can turn to that has more control over the universe than we do.

But isn't it funny how many religious beliefs can change with scientific discoveries?
I find it also noteworthy that people's religious beliefs can intensify concurrent with increasing scientific knowledge!
Maybe because science simply opens up greater questions that are even harder for us tiny humans to understand. We are already contemplating the beginning and the end of this infinitly huge universe (seems pretty unbelieveable doesn't it?)I guess that unbelievable feeling that we get make us more suseptable to religious beliefs.

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive
It is pretty amazing that people think shit like that. But in context, you must look at the fact that people also believe that geologic formations on Mars were left by ancient alien societies.

People believe what they want, facts and rational thought don't really come into the picture when it comes to most people who believe in the paranormal.
Corp. Hudson,
Ok, exactly... what is rational thought to
you? Is this measured by how you view and
think things out?
As brought up before by Skepticus, I think,
what of the people who looked down their
noses regarding the world being round? Thank
god for people who did not listen to close-minded people who just want to put down
things without exploring them first.
People do not utilize a rational approach to thought in many more areas than the paranormal I am afraid. Shall we focus on politics for a moment? Where people vote for a president because he "seems like a nice young man?" Or how about religion (again, I preface with an apology/supplication to Lori not to breathe fire at me) where people get caught up in the praising of the lord so much that they forget to acknowledge the people around them.

No, I think when it comes to paranormal, many people go out of their way to find a rational explanation. That is the only way some people can sleep at night. For those who only casually follow these events, then there is more opportunity for hype to have an effect.
I believe that the concept of Aliens being observed as God or gods goes way back to ancient civilization. Certain depictions of alien objects and figures in caves lead some of us to believe that aliens have visited the Earth and have contacted civilizations such as the Ancient Egyptians, Mayan, Aztec... It seems possible that in the minds of the ancients such an advanced race of beings far superior to humans were looked upon as gods.

I'd like to hear of other interpretations of the alien drawings in caves though, this is just why I think aliens were first thought of as gods.
Hey Brain, I think you misspelled "inflamed" :D


I doubt that religious belief is actually *growing* parallel to science. A few centuries ago, you'd be hard-pressed to find any people who did not worship one god or another. These days, especially in developed nations, there are growing numbers of 'agnostics' and 'atheists'.

As for why aliens are viewed as gods:
I do believe "EnflamedBrain" has a good point (being 'enflamed' and all :)). But it's not just deifying anything that's unexplainably powerful. One also has to consider the fact that lots of people grow up with a religious doctrine -- so they are predisposed to certain kinds of conclusions due solely to their upbringing. Besides, the very concept of alien *civilizations* would actually clash with most peoples' religion -- so assigning to aliens any interpretation other than spiritual would be tantamount to casting away an entire construct of existence both material and spiritual -- something incredibly difficult to do.

I am; therefore I think.
Hey Al, I TOTALLY agree with you. Science may change the interpretation, but it does not change the TRUTH.

Why do people look to aliens as God? Hmmm...Could be BECAUSE THEY WANT US TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse me, but duh!

Hey, I almost sounded like "the church lady" there for a minute..."could it be.....SATAN!" lmao!

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited June 11, 1999).]
Not everyone does..and I really do not
believe that is their motive...
ok ..will say no more *S*
Many things to think about here. well.. WHile my peabrain is booting into the English language, i am gonna ponder about what to jot down here. :)

Why people think aliens are God?
Well. as mentioned here earlier about the cave carvings, and other symbols * Cheos Pyramide* is mentioned by me.
This might be better suited in the "Religious debate" but here goes...

I was thinking about the bible a little bit though.. Take Ezekiel* speling mistaike?* where many believe is a depiction of Aliens and all that. I know that Christians in general dont believe in that. The description given there, could be translated into anything i believe, but then again i start to think of all the denominations of christianity out there, and none of them really agree much with eachother at all, except for the Ezekiel part (from what i have learned).

Could it be that Christians believe in Aliens ( looked upon as God in the early days) without knowing it?

The reason i ask that question is that there are so many translations and denominations of the Bible/Christianity that an answer, and a direct translation just isnt there...

About the agnostic, and non-belivers out there ( Aliens) I guess that with so many other things, just as we all are trying to do here, the explanation for things is different from person to person, group to group that they "chose" to not belive at all, even if they want to know it, they cant, so they give up.

Okay.. tell me what you think.. waiting for Plato, Lori and Boris to kick my butt here.. LOL..

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No need to kick butt. You've got it figured out. THAT is the deception. You are postulating EXACTLY what the aliens want you to be postulating. Aliens=God, therefore there is no God. Taking our Creator and our Saviour's place. That's it. The doctrines of demons.

God loves you and so do I!
O.K now there is the same chance that humans were genetical helped by god/aliens as evolution creating us. science does not have the link between primitive & modern humans , at least not yet. What really happened to the neanderthals?

Skeptics & "alien lovers" alike seem to have a very narrow viewpoint , we now have the capability to fabricate any evidence for either side . So what can we really trust to be real ? what would it take to prove with out a doubt which group , if either is correct????

[This message has been edited by god (edited June 27, 1999).]
In response to why some people believe aliens are God. Well, let's think of what we think "God" is. Some people believe god is some kind of super-being sitting in a throne, watching over the human race. It's only purpose is to take care of us, as if we are it's only creation. Some people, on the other hand, believe "god" to be some unfathomable force or energy or being. Much different than the Christian perspective. Not judging, not vengeful. No direct interest whatsoever in our little planet. I don't think I'm describing this too well, but maybe think of American Indian beliefs on the creator, or Eastern philosophies. Anyways, people with this second perspective have trouble with the "God" in Genesis. It's just a very limited view. Also God says in Genesis, "or he will become like one of us..." Who else would there be? So many people believe that this was not the Creator of All, but an alien or angel or earlier created civilization...whatever. Where "God" in Genesis says he removed Adam's rib and made Eve...this sounds like genetic manipulation. Of course "God" would not need to do that. Maybe we have been created, or at least manipulated, by an advanced civilization. Aliens. Our own knowledge of genetics has grown so much lately. Is it too far off for our scientists to clone humans? Genetically create from scratch?
DoubleOverdrive stated his question with these words:
"...I...wonder why some think aliens are our creator...?"

In my opinion, i think we humans have the insatiable need to believe, to love, to feel that someone cares for us, the profound need to feel that we belong. In addition, we have an intelligence, a mind, a brain that unceasingly thinks. The inner needs may be rationalized and, mingled with our power of imagination, are implicitly transformed into items of faith.

You'll note that down through the ages, man has always had an idol, a god. Whereas our ancestors believed in a blind sort of way, not questioning items of faith, today we try to believe in a not so blind sort of way, demanding proofs and evidences and rational reasonings before we adopt for ourselves the belief, the item of faith.

The universe is so vast and awe-inspiring that it is almost impossible for a thinking creature like man to believe that it came into existence on its own, without some Mighty Causal Agent such as God--a God Who has always been depicted as the Omnipotent, Omniscient Creator. Perhaps it is this very profound need to believe in an All-Powerful, Almighty Creator, to meet Him, to get ever closer to Him, that is translated into and psychologically transferred onto, "aliens" that purportedly visit our planet.

there is a simple answer to that question there is no such thing as a god i have never seen any proof of a god but i have seen proof on aliens,so god could not be a so called alien anyway maybe we are the aliens not them ...rob

I agree with you that there is no simple answer to the question, but to say that God doesn't exist because YOU have not seen proof, well, that's stretching it, isn't it :) ? And what kind of exact proof are you looking for to conclude that God exists? Is it that kind of proof pertaining to the senses? or do you want intelligent proof? For, you see, to conceptualize God is akin to bringing Him down to the level of man whereas God is beyond our comprehension.

You say you have "seen proof of aliens." May i beg you elaborate a little here? Please present to us your proof of the existence of aliens so that we who struggle to comprehend may achieve a deeper understanding of this phenomena.

Please be aware that i am not for one instance contesting your beliefs or claims. I simply wish to be further enlightened.

Thank you, Rob.
