why do muslims say death to homosexuals!!!!


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member
being gay is it acrime that we should be killed for islam thinks so
god created gays did he not
They only say that because they hate you trying to bone them when they bend over in the shower.
vincent28uk said:
being gay is it acrime that we should be killed for islam thinks so
god created gays did he not

Christianity thinks so, too! We're supposed to be stoned if we are to heed their scriptures! We're just lucky that most Christians don't have the backbone to really follow their religion!

But hey, if it makes you feel any better, here in America they were still chemicaly castrating those convicted of homosexuality up through the 1950s!
spidergoat said:
They only say that because they hate you trying to bone them when they bend over in the shower.

Ridiculous, everyone loves prison shower rape, it's a good wholesome activity. Besides it's sometimes slightly less embarrassing than fantasizing about being back in high school and being banged by the whole football team in the shower.
yeah but christians do not stone gays in this day and age

yet in afganistan and iran gays have been stoned to death

muslims kill gays

other religon niether dispise them or kill them
although there are queerbashers

but in some muslim countries it is state or police sponsered bashing or killings
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Look guys, stop responding to Vincent. He is incredibly racists towards Muslims and when we destroyed all of his reasons for being so, he decided that he would be gay so that he could finally have a reason that people would agree with him. He's just doing this so that he can talk about how much he hates Islam. I really wish we had more mods....

All Things Political (292 posts)
Look guys, stop responding to Vincent. He is incredibly racists towards Muslims and when we destroyed all of his reasons for being so, he decided that he would be gay so that he could finally have a reason that people would agree with him. He's just doing this so that he can talk about how much he hates Islam

deided that he would be gay which straight men would give you a website like this

so being gay means people will agree with me what planet are you on so every
gay man his family friends lovers everbody agrees with him because he is gay

are you a barbie doll are do you get these corny lines from a talking barbie doll
First of all, learn to quote. Second of all, some punctuation / spell check / grammer check would be nice. Third, how bout some comprehension. You could give us a hundred gay sites and, guess what, that doesn't mean you're gay. We all know you're not gay by your defending of Christianity through other posts. You have a blind hate for a religion that you don't understand and couldn't be bothered to actually find out about. Stop playing these inane games and start posting something of even vague relevance.
All Things Political (294 posts)

Today, 01:06 AM
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oh dear barbie (lockie) why do you think i live in thailand the land of smiles is also a gay paradise

as for being catholic yes i am but i also believe in buddhism because there religon is even more peaceful than the catholic one

and now you are attacking my spelling and punctuation marks

the old i have lost the argument line now attack his education

so lets play along i am some dumb alabama black picking cotton in the cotton fields
using my masters laptop while he is screwing my missee slave girl sister

my master wont let me in the big house to use his dictionary so please dont attack my spelling barbie
I wouldn't mind vincent's posts if he would just condense them all into one thread.
The Prosecutor (3,415 posts)

prosecutor i stand before you a victimised gay a convicted islamaphobic better than homophobic i suppose

yes i do dislike muslims which gay would not when i have seen them shouting death to gays on tv

i hate the national front in the uk more than i dislike muslims

so i am not a racist

yes i hate corruption
yes i hate muslims who shout death to homosexuals especially when they are all gay themselves but have such a hard time dealing with it they take it out on other gays

mr prosecutor is it wrong to hate a religon that hates you because of your sexuality?
vincent28uk said:
why do you think i live in thailand the land of smiles is also a gay paradise
That's funny, earlier you said you lived in the UK...

vincent28uk said:
mr prosecutor is it wrong to hate a religon that hates you because of your sexuality?
Again, you've been posting about your hate for Islam for over a year, and all of a sudden, now it's because you're gay?! You're so full of shit.

Are there no mods anywhere?

All Things Political (295 posts)

Today, 01:45 AM
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“ Originally Posted by vincent28uk
why do you think i live in thailand the land of smiles is also a gay paradise

That's funny, earlier you said you lived in the UK...

no i am from the uk (locke)barbie doll

maybe you have tried on too many barbie dresses today because your not following the script

there is nothing worse than a unscripted barbie doll

well lockie or barbie you need to change your wet knickers, if your not
crying real barbie doll tears for the moderator to jump in and save you because you are out of your depth

your rambling and calling me straight, when i wish the hell i was my life would be a lot easier
Whatever, I give up Vince, I really do. Good luck in life, and I hope that one day you will reconsider your views on Islam. They are really not so bad.

All Things Political (299 posts)

Today, 02:07 AM
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Whatever, I give up Vince, I really do. Good luck in life, and I hope that one day you will reconsider your views on Islam. They are really not so bad.


that is your opinion and you are entitled to that

but in a gay mans point of view i have no love for religon that has no love for gay people whether they are lesbians or homosexuals

i have hard enough time dealing with my sexuality and the thought of never having children than to deal with muslim racism to homosexuality
Why do Muslims say death to homosexuals??

The same reason that any religious person does anything. They were told to by their god (or their closest religious leader, who, of course, is a direct link to the god thingy). Gotta love those gods. And the mindless robots that follow them.
mindless robots about sums up religous cults like in japan or america or islam where there followers commit suicide in the name of there cause or religon
in japan the subway poisoning or the cult there killing themselves

in america the cult members who killed each other because there cult leader said the world was going to die that day rather than be proved wrong he had the pleasure of overseeing all there deaths doomsday cult or whatever bunch of nuts they were

or the good old islamic cult where one after another muslim drone goes off happily to blow himself in the name of islam up thinking he is on a one way ticket to god

god is great they shout and bang its all over

but there life in hell is just about to begin i hope
vincent28uk said:
yeah but christians do not stone gays in this day and age

yet in afganistan and iran gays have been stoned to death

muslims kill gays

other religon niether dispise them or kill them
although there are queerbashers
:bugeye: You do know that christians tie gays up to fences and beat them to death, a lot. It's frequent. Islam isn't the only religion that does that kind of thing, just about every major religion disdains homosexuality, but you are singlng out islam because you are a racist parrot fuckwit.