Why Do European kids Need Less "Protection"


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
European television is a veritable smorgasbord of human flesh. Remember… we don't like that sort of thing here, obviously. Boobs are the devil's pillows.

Those Europeans perverts seem to think that the human body is beautiful, but don’t seem to understand that it might give some unsuspecting male an erection. Right-thinking Americans recognize it for the pure, unadulterated evil that it truly is. Any sight that could lead someone to think about something as dirty and evil as sex is clearly the work of the devil, and the fact that Europeans think it beautiful just shows how deeply they are already in Satan's grip. Can you imagine the hell that would result if American kids were allowed to believe that engaging in sex was a natural, normal, or acceptable human act?

Come on people, breasts are some of the first things people ever see after first opening their eyes to this world. Are European kids really suffering from some ill effects that the folks in America, who complain about their kids seeing Janet Jackson's breast, are worried about? I'm not sure what those effects are, but are, say, German kids suffering from these afflictions because they haven't been as vigilantly protected? Or are non-American kids somehow more hardy and can resist the dangerous sight of a nipple more effectively without becoming a serial rapist? European television does not censor sex and nudity because they consider it a normal and natural occurrence. They do censor violence, however. I'd rather see nipples than decapitations, but I guess I'm not like most of my fellow Americans.

Have any of these groups that regularly protest things like The Tit That Shook America laid out what they are worried about, and used European statistics to back up their claims? To make up an example, have they made claims that nudity leads to kids experimenting with sex earlier and getting pregnant, and then showed statistics that a European country with regular TV nudity has a higher teenage pregancy rate?

Or have they simply grunted, "me no like" with no claims that can be challenged?

:m: Peace.
I'm reminded of the Presbyterian minister who was against sex as it might lead to unrestrained dancing.
Square dancing does that to ppl...what has to be mentioned is that although American kids are sheltered from sex, they aren't from violence. If shows show sex instead of violence, then at least kids can respect what sex is...intimate, and loving. But violence has no such connotations, and chances are that rape is much more likley as a result. Oh well...
In spite of what some repressed Americans say about why they object to nudity on TV, the real reason is it makes the sight of nudity more arousing. I think Europeans are less likely to be aroused by breasts, for instance, unless they are in a sexual context, while with Americans, they are always seen as sexual. It is a conspiracy by a fat and ugly matriarchy to protect their few remaining assets.
It's not that innocuous, I tell you. I have this strange tendency to attach myself to every nipple I see in the streets. The female ones are all right, but the male ones are kind of hairy.

Other than that, no further pernicious side effects.
Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant.
-- H. L. Mencken, Minority Report (1956)
goofyfish said:
Can you imagine the hell that would result if American kids were allowed to believe that engaging in sex was a natural, normal, or acceptable human act?
For one thing, I could imagine the decline of the puritanical Republican party and a President that did exclaim 'I did have sex with that woman'. ;)

Lets face it. American's are prudes. If I am ever unlucky enough to switch stations to a TV show here in Australia, I'm often pray to an American celebrity surprised that they can say 'shit' or even *gasp* 'fuck' on national nighttime TV in this country. You can't really be surprised that a nipple, flashed during that male bastion of sport in your country, would have all of the pure minds of Americans reeling at the horror of it all. But they feel no qualms at watching live footage from a news helicopter hovering over a guy shooting or stabbing another person. Go figure...
tits and bums are WAY more natural than arny with an M16 blowing everyone away and much less likly to cause school shootings too. Why is it more likly in the US for someone to flash there gun than there tits?:p I mean seriously there is something wrong where guns are normal and a part of a human body is "evil"
america lacks the education for their children to make intelligent decicisions, so if they see a battle on TV, they want to play with guns, and if they see sex on Tv they want to go rape someone.

if they spent more money on schools, then they wolud not need to spend so much on censorship.

why is it in america that chlidren having sex at a young age are called evil and bad people, its perfectly normal, if they stop putting them down to make them rebel by calling them such evil people, and also stop calling sex something to rebel by doing, then it woludnt be such a big deal

overall, america needs to stop benig such a tightass when it comes to sex