Why do believers need a deity? Isn't doctrine enough?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: It doesn't seem to be too hard to follow the given rules of one's own religion, but I just don't understand why the belief in a deity is also required for most religions. On the one hand are the rules and regulations of religion which are meant to be obeyed, but on the other hand is the deity who forgives and/or dies for the ones who don't obey the rules. Why are both needed? One should suffice. Isn't that a bit redundant? I believe it is all the more proof there is no god. Man created religion to control the masses, so he created the rules and regulations AND a god to enforce them. Yikes!
What you're talking about here is christianity, not all religions. If you made up a list of all the teachings of Jesus and presented them to a christian, they would be rejected. What they want Jesus for is a sacrifice and a consoler, not a teacher...its weird I know.

On the one hand they want to be helped and consoled by this powerful compassionate supernatural character, and on the other hand they don't want to follow his extremely severe directives and end up slaughtering him as a scapegoat for their sins.
Well when a child has an imaginary friend, they don't imagine that friend as a bald dog do they? It's got to be something cute, something they can relate to, something they will know could understand them. What good are doctrines without the prospect of a handsome man overlooking you obeying them?

It is why there are no deities that resemble the flying spaghetti monster.
what do you mean no dietys, are you saying theres no such thing as the flying spaghetti monster, cause you'd be wrong.
flying spaghetti monster is the best looking diety, in and outside, the universe.
Personally I like my deities to have a big cock. The FSM may have big balls, but they are fake.
KennyJC said:
Personally I like my deities to have a big cock. The FSM may have big balls, but they are fake.

Watch out for strap-ons, your deity might be a woman.