why do alot of evangelical(born-again) christians seem to be filled with hate


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
i mean it seems evangelical christians thrive on hate. i always thought jesus thaught love.
i mean it seems evangelical christians thrive on hate. i always thought jesus thaught love.
Do you hate anyone enough to have them tortured for all eternity...no?

God does...and not just anyone. Almost everyone is destined for the chasm of fire.

Why would you expect his son to be any different?

Or his followers?
Why do you say that? I mean, on what evidence are you basing that opinion?

Baron Max

um the evangelical christian hate sites, the abortian clinic bombings, having heard evangelical preachers, having gone to evangelical churches, and from meeting evangelical christians
I think it's because they presume they alone know the mind and will of God, and consider themselves his chosen ones. They therefore presume themselves sufficiently "Holy" to judge as they believe God would.
Largely, PJdude, because they don't trust God. That's why so many of the evangelicals have to go through the process of being "born again", so that they can remind everyone of their piety, just like Jesus said ... er ... um ... yeah.
um the evangelical christian hate sites, the abortian clinic bombings, having heard evangelical preachers, having gone to evangelical churches, and from meeting evangelical christians

No, those are fanatics. Every religion has them.
Carcano said:

That may be what Jesus said...but what did he do???

Well, according to legend, he went and got his ass tacked to a tree.

You know, like, for showing his piety in front of men.

The wrong men, of course.

He got what he was after.
Well, you need to remember that 'Christianity' is only nominally about Christ. If one refers to the Gospels, then one sees that Christ's teachings were presented in The Sermon of the Mount, in Mathew, and then scattered in and amongst a small number of parables.

But Christian Doctrine comes mostly out of the Letters of Paul. And Paul, in all of his vast works NEVER quoted Jesus, even in passing, not even once. Indeed, the Book of Acts and the Letters of Paul tell us that Paul even made it a point to ignore the Apostles who TRIED to tell Paul what Jesus had actually taught.

So it should come as no surprise that there is a serious disconnect between "Christainity" and Christ. "Christianity" is actually Paulism.

And the Message in Paulism is that Jesus was a Human-Divine Sacrifice offered to the point of an Eternal Forgiveness of Sins. So, really, why would anybody suppose that 'Christians' would think it necessary to refrain from Sin, especially if the whole Point of Christianity is FORGIVENESS of Sin.

So we see in practically every newspaper that Christians -- especially the Christians who know MOST about their Doctrine, make little effort to avoid Sin. Why should they. The more FAITH they have in their Doctrines, the more they Believe they can get away with anything.
i mean it seems evangelical christians thrive on hate.

This is a phenomeon that can be found across the board, and it's not limited to religious proselytizing. Think of angry and hostile peace activists; beatniks promoting tolerance while being extremely intolerant; also the doctor who himself smokes, but tells you that it is bad to smoke.

Why this happens? There are probably several reasons for this.

One reason is that even though these people might have initially started acting our of goodwill and compassion, their goodwil and compassion waned because they were taking them for granted and didn't nurture them.

Another reason I can think of is that they act out of anger - ie. they are angry at the world not being a better place, the people not being better people. So this anger shows in the way they seek to make the world and the people better.
It separates "us" from "them". I don't see how that can lead to anything but hate.

Not necessarily. To distinguish between "us" and "them" is not bad in and of itself, it's a simple matter of fact. There's I, you, Americans, Britons, men, women, plants, rocks, etc. There's nothing inherently bad in this.

It's the importance, the meaning one ascribes to this distinction that makes all the difference.
i mean it seems evangelical christians thrive on hate. i always thought jesus thaught love.

I think one very important thing to consider when thinking of evangelical christians is they believe

Sin is a Contagion.

This means that two gay men in the privacy of their own home having sex are not merely putting their own souls at risk are the source of something that can spread like disease.

These Christians see themselves as having a bestial nature which only by the grace of God and Jesus can be kept in check. Every sinner add to the amount of sin germs in the air and challenges the immune systems of everyone, including Christians and especially children who are seen as still developing their immune systems.

Even more people who hate homosexuals are not afraid of two men in the privacy of their own home having sex. But for evangelical Christians those two men are putting everyone at risk.

At any moment any community, not to speak of any soul, can slide towards Sodom and God's wrath.

And of course this does not have to do just with sexual issues. So their anger gets stirred by anyone who does not live according to their morals because they fear the disease will spread to them.
So their anger gets stirred by anyone who does not live according to their morals because they fear the disease will spread to them.

However, such a stance is not completely irrational. I think all humans maintain it to some extent, it is necessary for survival.

Some people just put a particular and strong spin on it.
These Christians see themselves as having a bestial nature which only by the grace of God and Jesus can be kept in check. Every sinner add to the amount of sin germs in the air and challenges the immune systems of everyone, including Christians and especially children who are seen as still developing their immune systems.
Brilliant! :)

Generally a person's capacity for hate is determined by their capacity for love.

If you love something you will automatically hate its opposite by the same degree.
However, such a stance is not completely irrational. I think all humans maintain it to some extent, it is necessary for survival.

I don't think it is necessary for their survival, but I do think the stance is rather common. Certainly a lot of teacher's have this philosophy, especially gym teachers.
...And Paul, in all of his vast works NEVER quoted Jesus, even in passing, not even once.

Quoting Paul from 1 Corinthians:

For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me."

In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying,
"This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."