Why do aliens only come to people who smoke marijuana?

Why do aliens only come to people who smoke marijuana? hahaha!

  • Because they know everyone will discredit the pot smoking witnesses

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Because you can't handle the truth (or the pot) and they can

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Because: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! (WTF?)

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Aliens also enjoy marijuana

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
Isn't it obvious?
Aliens know that the smell of hash conceals our offensive BO.
What other explanation could there be?;)

I think there is some credit to that actually. :p

Back in the day... I knew a kid who smoked so much that even after wearing his BO cover, he carried a naturally hashy scent, even on the days that he didn't smoke. Well put Oli.
Come on you should all know it's a government cover up, a conspiracy. They aren't really aliens, they are actually undercover policemen that have undergone plastic surgery so they can approach the commonly quite paranoid pot heads with the least of suspicion.


It's critical in the war on drugs, as after all they are capable of subliminally implanting thoughts of "Take me to your dealer" with the help of some very sophisticated equipment that a number of Defence agencies have now in their arsenal. (Obviously the defense departments have involvement after all everyone knows that at the heart of a stoner is a commi pinko ready to turn on their country in a heartbeat and sell out to terrorists.)
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Because weed just smells and tastes so good.
I smoked up a storm last night( first time in a long time) I was outside pissing on the lemon tree ( as I do), a brilliant starlit night ( really, I live in some of the best air in the world for stargazing), strangely no Aliens came to visit, not an anal probe in sight.
Better luck tomorrow night.:D

It's another crystal clear night( not that a few clouds will generally deter a determined Alien with a sniff in his whiskers) so I'm upping the dosage.
One joint had me cactus last night, tonight, I'm going for three scoobs, a six pack of German beer and a coupla cab sauvs for good measure.
I'll keep you updated( not sure if that's the best phraseology under the circumstances) but I will give an up date as required.
One number down and I surveyed the skies as I choofed.
I wasn't sure if it was the natural relaxant effect of the weed or one too many burritoes for lunch but I did notice a certain internal pressure on the sphincter.
Buggered if I was gonna do the squat out there in the front yard though..too paranoid!( not of aliens out buggerising the neighbourhood{shit that's a lot of vowels}, no. I think old Terry from next door was out doing bin alignment duties and the sight of me taking a dump on his azaleas might prevent nocturnal predations of unruly aliens)
Why else would an entity want to travel half way across the universe but to have a joint.
The THC molecule opens an inter-spatial gateway that lets the aleins through. It's like a key.