Why Did Omniscient God Need to Create?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
From the Creation thread. Dealing with omniscience. I thought it might make a good topic.

If there is an all knowing entity then what reason would it have to create? My friend has mentioned that God derives pleasure from such an endeavor. The thought that all of this(universe) is equivalent to me molding a snowball borders on the incredible. Maybe that's what God really wanted, a snowball, and it took 15 billion years to get one.
From "Bible" book of God states that our porpuse here is to praise God and his creation. Therefore God created us and the universe for the reason of being acknowledged and loved for his act of good will.
From the Creation thread. Dealing with omniscience. I thought it might make a good topic.

If there is an all knowing entity then what reason would it have to create? My friend has mentioned that God derives pleasure from such an endeavor. The thought that all of this(universe) is equivalent to me molding a snowball borders on the incredible. Maybe that's what God really wanted, a snowball, and it took 15 billion years to get one.
On a whim.
From "Bible" book of God states that our porpuse here is to praise God and his creation. Therefore God created us and the universe for the reason of being acknowledged and loved for his act of good will.

Is this the pleasure He seeks?

I don't know how this is an act of good will. We would be part of the act, not doing the acknowledging.
From the Creation thread. Dealing with omniscience. I thought it might make a good topic.

If there is an all knowing entity then what reason would it have to create? My friend has mentioned that God derives pleasure from such an endeavor. The thought that all of this(universe) is equivalent to me molding a snowball borders on the incredible. Maybe that's what God really wanted, a snowball, and it took 15 billion years to get one.


I bet some kid might have even got one of these for Christmas

If they were really lucky they might have got one of these

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He might have been lonely. He knew the future, sure, but that doesn't mean that in the present, having people love you doesn't feel just as good.
"If there is an all knowing entity then what reason would it have to create?"

Could it be because He is the 'Creator' and that is reason enough for Him to create?

Peace be unto you ;)
An omni god would have no need of creating or pleasure of doing so if indeed omni-3.It wouldn't need or want anything since it lacks nothing.This omni god also wouldn't have emotions at least not like humans to want or need to create. I do believe also if the creation story were true in any sense,then we would have always been in existence for always and forever.Why? Simple,no reason for this entity god-3 to be without us and then in an instance this god decides it needs or wants to create.This is a change and this omni god is never changing. Lastly unless this omni god was some evil bastard,we humans wouldn't need to suffer of anything since an omni god could very easily create us with free will but without suffering.This omni god is said to be perfect,non perfect CANNOT come from perfect.Impossible.So many holes,it makes my head spin.
Could it be because He is the 'Creator' and that is reason enough for Him to create?

I think we discussed the merits of the word because in another thread. This for all intents is your answer. I like it for a reason, it's simple and without purpose, about as lame an answer one can give for any why question.
I think we discussed the merits of the word because in another thread. This for all intents is your answer. I like it for a reason, it's simple and without purpose, about as lame an answer one can give for any why question.

Actually I've already answered your 'because' part as failure to realize word usage.

And here you seem to have skipped the obvious thing I was pointing at.

If God did NOT Create HE COULD NOT BE A CREATOR! The fact that he claims to be a 'Creator' requires that he Create~!

I wasn't using a 'because' but using the claim of God to answer why would he need to create anything.

You don't seem to realize the small difference between answering with 'just because'.

Peace be unto you ;)
If God did NOT Create HE COULD NOT BE A CREATOR! The fact that he claims to be a 'Creator' requires that he Create~!

Who is making this claim? Mohammed(humans) or God?

If you knew all there was to know then what reason would you have for creating anything? No matter what you plan, design & manufacture, you know what is to be expected from it. I can't see God taking on a more worthless exercise, one that will not gain for Him any more knowledge than He already has.

Let's face it, if you want a creator God then His knowledge has to be limited. IOW God does not know what will happen by creating us. I would say that by creating, God reveals a need to learn. Creating could be seen as an experiment then. It's time for theists to rid God of His omniscience if only to make Him sound more plausible.
Nevermind, you won't understand anything as is evident by this question. :wave:

Heheheh........ One thing I've noticed about theists is that whenever confronted with a topic they can't deal with, they will focus on some unrelated question or comment to use as an excuse to withdraw from or change the subject. Happens all the time. Usually accompanied with a condescending remark or insult. No white flag, just put their tail between their legs and run, live to fight another day.:D Pretend the tough questions will go away.

C'est la vie, c'est la guerre
Heheheh........ One thing I've noticed about theists is that whenever confronted with a topic they can't deal with, they will focus on some unrelated question or comment to use as an excuse to withdraw from or change the subject.

That 'unrelated' comment seems to be yours which was your question. If you don't realize the the similarity and difference between prophet and God, and what it means when a prophet speaks then it would appear to me that it is best that you learn the basics of 'theists' before you go around with your crap.

Peace be unto you ;)
That 'unrelated' comment seems to be yours which was your question. If you don't realize the the similarity and difference between prophet and God, and what it means when a prophet speaks then it would appear to me that it is best that you learn the basics of 'theists' before you go around with your crap.

Thanks for confirming my previous thread. You did it again.
Thanks for confirming my previous thread. You did it again.

Is this is trying to run with your tail between your legs that you were accusing me of? I only pointed out that your question showed the utter illiteracy you have of religion.

Peace be unto you ;)
Could it be because He is the 'Creator' and that is reason enough for Him to create?

...If God did NOT Create HE COULD NOT BE A CREATOR! The fact that he claims to be a 'Creator' requires that he Create~!

Could it be, should it be, would it be… Any one who buys above statements will also get this for free:

it would appear to me that it is best that you learn the basics of 'theists' before you go around with your crap.

Basics of theists:
1. Believe in illogical fantasies which claim superhero(es) created everything with a reason only conceivable by this arbitrary creator “himself”.
2. Attack everyone who questions any logic behind their imagination.

Anything else? Nothing else…
Actually I never questioned the logic.

Don't get it wrong, you are covered by "Attack everyone" part of the sentence. Other than this, not that "you never questioned", it's nonsense; because you simply "can not" question. In terms of "not being capable of questioning", in terms of "lack of ability to question"...

Does that make you sound good? Keep on with the worthless posts.

Crap, worthless, what else? I repeat, nothing else. You are just a troll, you are not here to discuss anything; and when I say "here", I mean the world, life, whole human existence, not only this forum. Your unique aim is to divert the topics, try to propagate your superheroes in every possible opportunity.

The main issue was raised in OP can be summarized in the last question:
Maybe that's what God really wanted, a snowball, and it took 15 billion years to get one.

Have you got anything to say about the issue? Like a proof for existence of your imaginary character (God; Allah; whatever) which is the subject of this thread? No. Can you come up with any evidence against 13.7 billion years of evolution process other than "my God created everything just like that" shit? No. Can you put anything other than twisting the sentences of your Holy book? No.

Nothing mate, you are capable of nothing but trolling. Talk about the OP, or something related to OP. You are being ridiculous.