Why did Israel break cease fire?

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good question.

Because they know it's my war.

If a disaster occurred for a group of people in which I was present, and everyone was desparate for their lives, deep down, you know you would turn to me as the only hope for your salvation.

There is none on earth who has not committed the unforgiveable sin against my spirit and therefore, I will turn a deaf ear and will not help.

You must suffer many things in order to be perfected before you die and are soon again, BORN AGAIN.

Father will mock you in your destruction and will laugh.
I will cry for you as the man of sorrows.
Also, I will clench my fist in anger and pray for your destruction as you have harmed me to know end financially.

All are forsaken, on earth this day!
one more quick thing. Someone needs to hear this.

The song "WHERE YOU AT ROCK?" By Kid Rock.
he sings: "ROCK THE HOUSE PAUL!".
"I'm the D.O.P. to the D.O.G. or the P.O.T. to the G.O.D. and I'm TRIPPIN.!."

What's my last name spelled backwards.????
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