Why did Gospel writers care so little for history?


Registered Senior Member
So much of what is in the Gospels is nonsense from a historical perspective. The Gospels contain many fictional stories meant to inspire of an emotional religious basis, but not simply to provide facts. Why did these Gospel writers think this was a good idea?
because it is not about history, it is about how we react to moral values and what values we instigate upon ourselves based on the parallels we see linking us to the stories.
But, if the Gospels aren't about history, than why don't they come with a disclaimer?
So much of what is in the Gospels is nonsense from a historical perspective. The Gospels contain many fictional stories meant to inspire of an emotional religious basis, but not simply to provide facts. Why did these Gospel writers think this was a good idea?

Remember your own perspective might not be another's perspective. For me you are foolish inasmuch as you are ignorant of the mysteries in the Bible. I think you don't even know the song "IN THE BIBLE 1,000 YEARS B.C., there's a story of ancient history..." Blah... You are another blatant liar in my own perspective.:bugeye:
They were copied by hand, and often reflected the scribe's personal knowledge, or lack of it. In some cases, stories were changed so they better fufilled past prophecies.
Well, in terms of the first three gospels, the timeline of Jesus' life is pretty consistent. John's gospel (probably written much later than the first three) differes significantly in many of the details.

What historical inaccuracies are you talking about? Jesus preforming miracles?

I'm out on a limb a bit here, but I think there are also sacred texts involving, for example, stories about the life of Buddha. These texts don't carry disclaimers, either, I think.
Lots of historical inaccuracies. Jesus was born in Bethlehem (despite being called Jesus of Nazareth). The whole manger birth story and fleeing to Eygpt. The statement of Jesus on the cross, "My God. My God. Why have you abandoned me?" Taken right from Psalm 22. Jesus in the desert. (How did they know what Jesus said to himself when he was all alone?)
Mythmakers usually care little for historical accuracy, they write to entertain, much like any fictional story. The gospels fit that category. Even now no one can show that an actual Jesus ever existed let alone know the details of what he might have said.
What, you never heard of historical fiction? Jesus is not a myth - although some of what's in the Gospels clearly is myth. The Gospels also weren't written to entertain. Tell that to the Christian marytrs who died for those Books. Harry Potter is written to entertain - not the Gospels.
Constructing stories about heroes and saviors that the common, primarily iliterate, populace wanted to hear, was, many centuries ago the equivalent to us now going to the movies.

The more dramatic the claims then the larger the audience. Why else write fiction?

And "Jesus is not a myth?" - and you know this how? Are you aware of any peice of historical evidence that points to his actual existence? There is nothing recorded to date.
Jesus' historical existence is proven by Josephus and the letters of Peter and Paul.
Remember your own perspective might not be another's perspective. For me you are foolish inasmuch as you are ignorant of the mysteries in the Bible. I think you don't even know the song "IN THE BIBLE 1,000 YEARS B.C., there's a story of ancient history..." Blah... You are another blatant liar in my own perspective.:bugeye:

There's only one mystery: how can any sane person believe the bible ?

Jesus' historical existence is proven by Josephus and the letters of Peter and Paul.
Sorry that's just a quote from the official line. Endless discussions here have pulled these claims apart. E.g. The single paragraph claimed to be from Josephus is a fraud, and Paul was never in the same area that Jesus is meant to have lived - i.e. they would have never met. And as for Peter; it cannot be confirmed if he wrote P1 and the authorship of P2 is simply unknown.

As stated in The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S -

“Christianity is a willful fraud perpetrated by experts in the manipulation of pliable minds. It is dangerous only if left unexamined.”


“….is that Jesus is a made up character like Pinochio who entered the world as an historical figure ... ex post facto ... around 150 CE (the Common Era). He is the creation of multiple "Christian" sects flourishing then, which predate what is presently understood to be Christianity. Their purpose was to make a state religion for Rome ... to subsume all other religions by taking parts of each and all to construct the "ideal bastard" (with a thousand fathers). They placed him in the past, circa 30 CE, calling him the "real deal" and refined the scam for hundreds of years thereafter.

In fact, the Jesus myth is simply a rehash of Solar myths, sun gods, Zodiacal stars and luna-tics. It is as old as time and is manifested in virtually every culture on Earth to some extent. The same generalities apply to the Jewish religion, i.e. no real Moses and lots of mythical figures. “

Look beyond the official line and it becomes really ugly for Christianity.
So much of what is in the Gospels is nonsense from a historical perspective. The Gospels contain many fictional stories meant to inspire of an emotional religious basis, but not simply to provide facts. Why did these Gospel writers think this was a good idea?

because it is not about history, it is about how we react to moral values and what values we instigate upon ourselves based on the parallels we see linking us to the stories.

Post one answered in post two. And answered to perfectly. The rest of you carry on if you wish.
So much of what is in the Gospels is nonsense from a historical perspective. The Gospels contain many fictional stories meant to inspire of an emotional religious basis, but not simply to provide facts. Why did these Gospel writers think this was a good idea?

The bible was nothing but a fictional collection of tales meant to scare the living shit out of children who believe in anything and everything. And somehow it became mainstream scaring ignorant adults as well.

i've got a couple of 'why?'s...

why is it those who seek, so eagerly, to criticize the bible as nonsense seem so hung up on it?... ever heard anything along the lines of 'thou doth protest too much, methinks'?... complete nonsense so rarely holds one's attention for more than a passing moment or so... hence 'Looney Tunes' and the 'Three Stooges' were kept short in run time thusly...

why is it those who try to play at 'intellectually' criticizing the bible do so from a place of almost complete ignorance on the subject matter?... after all isn't a 'higher' criticism best done by one who is well informed?... hell at least partially informed?... at least exposed for a brief moment once to the topic at hand?...

you so rarely meet the average joe on the street, who is no mathematician, or even skilled in math, seeking to analyze or 'shoot down' Fermat's last theorem... or pick apart the principle of supergravity in M theory... nor does said 'joe' seem to be strangely drawn to do so...

those two, for quick examples, seem infinitely more interesting 'why?' questions than the original post...

if you're going to play at a 'clever' intellectual analysis of anything... do at least some homework... or you look silly...
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Probably the most accurate account of Jesus is the also the earliest - the gospel of Mark.

Everything after that seems to be increasingly imaginative right up to the gnostic gospels...which were probably entirely made up.
Lots of historical inaccuracies. Jesus was born in Bethlehem (despite being called Jesus of Nazareth).

Jesus' family fled to Egypt to escape persecution. When they returned, a few years later after Herod died, Bethlehem was still too dangerous, so they went to Nazareth which is where Jesus grew up.

You folks are so quick to criticize the New Testament but it's always based on what some other Christian-hater has spoon fed you. If you want to criticize the Bible, try actually reading a little of it first.