Why did God create it?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
For what reason did God create:

1. Rocks shaped like skulls of thunder lizards
2. Antarctica
3. Passenger Pigeons (recently extinct)
4. Devil's Hole Pupfish
5. Tits on a Bull

A 5000 year old Earth has many surprises. Some are real head scratchers but God at one time came up with some strange creations. Can someone say why?
1. Because they're awesomely cool.
2. Penguins need a home too.
3. Hawks need variety in their diet.
4. Environmentalists need a cause.
5. So they don't feel left out.
superluminal said:
1. Because they're awesomely cool.
2. Penguins need a home too.
3. Hawks need variety in their diet.
4. Environmentalists need a cause.
5. So they don't feel left out.

That's it....God is cool but where in the hell did Noah find 2 penquins? No pigeons means less variety, why keep a fish in a hole for 5000 years waiting for an environmentalist and do bulls even know they have tits.

Good answers, God sure is mysterious but always thinking ahead :D

How about tubeworms?
Because in the universe as it exists, nothing is zapped up by God, it is created slowly or evolved as we as humans make or build. And we are created in the likeness thereof. The world and life evolves while the hand of God is slowly molding it, like a clay pot in a spindle, or an easier term - evolution. If that's what you're wondering about pertaining to the skulls and extinct/odd species. Tits on a bull, lol? Well, of course, about any biologist can tell you that, and I'm not one. Perhaps to do with how we all start out as females when born leaving some parts homologous to the female species, whether we need them or not, such as nipples.
Antarctica is just a landmass or course in a cold region of the earth and we all know the coolness and icemats in artic regions keep the world temps balanced for one. Which was once part of our own landmass before the tectonic plates shifted through the millions of years.
I'm still trying to figure out Noah's ark.
superluminal said:
Have you seen how happy the biologists in the mini-sub are to see them? I thought it was obvious... :D

AHHH....A real eye opener...I see the light... the purpose of creation... make marine biologist's happy. :D :D
"Male breasts have milk ducts, and some mammary tissue. They also have oxytocin and prolactin, the hormones responsible for milk production." -- babycenter.com

Now that's something God didn't want you to know....
And don't forget childhood cancer, that's a hoot!

As chef from South Park explained, God feeds on our tears.
PsychoticEpisode said:
For what reason did God create:

1. Rocks shaped like skulls of thunder lizards
2. Antarctica
3. Passenger Pigeons (recently extinct)
4. Devil's Hole Pupfish
5. Tits on a Bull

A 5000 year old Earth has many surprises. Some are real head scratchers but God at one time came up with some strange creations. Can someone say why?
yourstill assuming A 'God' separate from 'his' 'creation'. so your asking from a preconceived duaistic premise, in my opinion. rather i understand that matter-energy ITSELF is intelligent and naturally creative
duendy said:
yourstill assuming A 'God' separate from 'his' 'creation'. so your asking from a preconceived duaistic premise, in my opinion. rather i understand that matter-energy ITSELF is intelligent and naturally creative

Obviously everything that is, is incorporated into the universe, be it life, intelligence, gravity, light, whatever. Big bang or a snap of God's fingers, everything that is was bound to emerge. Who knows what else is in store. Why did God have to create a matter-energy universe anyway? I'm sure He could have done it some other way.
Why did God have to create a matter-energy universe anyway? I'm sure He could have done it some other way.

Why not? It works. Energy=action, Matter=carrier of the action. It is the law of two, of logic. 2 is the simplest, most efficient algorithm we have. And God is perfect, simplest form and thinks in simplest form to create the most complex. They are like opposites. Like I mentioned many times before, positive cannot exist without a negative. 0 cannot exist without 1 or vice versa, etc. Matter cannot be matter as we see it without movement. It has to have movement for us to sense it. Even what we may see as immovable atoms, most of us may know, it is actually moving in a very minute scale. The energy of lightwaves can make it vibrate which subsequently makes it emits lightwaves back to our eyes. In simple form, when we flashlight it, it dings a signal back to us to let us know it's here. One cannot be sensed without the other. Only God can sense it. He is the initial mover of all. The God of matter and energy. He gives one life with the other. Perhaps it may exist but we cannot sense it unless it gives off some kind of waves for us to sense. Hence the impossibility of disproving God. There are things in this universe the human mind can't sense. In retrospect, 0 can exist without 1, and positive can theoretically exist without negative but cannot be sensed. One needs a positor to tell us it isn't, or is. And hence, without evil, there can be no good. The opposite is needed to compliment what isn't observed in the other. God is just and balanced. He is the creator of both and knows all.

If we dwell down deep enough, I'm sure the smallest particle in the world would be just like what we use in IC chips. Logic gates, not logic gates as we know of course, but constructed of AND, and NOT sequences. We notice in the universe, every matter or composition of matter is attributed properties of it's actions. How it responds to other elements, and what degrees, and it's other properties as such. I got to wondering if down to the smallest particle there is, if it would be constructed of the most simple, beautiful, perfect algorithm there is, AND and NOT, on/off, positive/negative, 0,1, etc. That is the most simple workable algorithm in the universe. At the root core, we can see every action in the universe can be carried out by this logic. Everything we see is logic. No's and no go reactions taking place all around us. The world is constructed of it. If we could find the smallest particle there is, we could find the simplest workable algorithm in the universe and how it all works, and hence, we would be almost as Gods. And that's where my journey ended. You can keep chasing and chasing and you will be falling down in to the pits of hell because it is infinite. God is infinite just as the universe is. Infinitely smaller and larger. Just when we think we're discovering the smallest particles or close to it, we aren't even touching the tip of it. Just when we think we can see very far out into the universe, we haven't even touched the tip of it. God is the verge. He is always treading far ahead of us. So watch that you don't get caught up in trying to greedily chase His way for the power of your own self as I did wasting your time because there is a power-hungry fool in all of us and that is what made me chase to disprove God but it only made me find Him the hard way. It was a dangerous road and hope no one else goes down it. To bite from the apple of knowledge is to surely die. And so has my zeal for life. I see The Truth. I see evil all around me but in the same, I see the good it brings. I see the good things done also but the evil in it. It was a wakeup call for me and to bring to others.