Why Christians Eat Pork?


Registered Senior Member
According to Bible Christians are not allowed to eat pork

The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. DT 14:8

So why do you guys eat it? Why do you ignore the law of your "Lord"?
Partly because Christians take the Paul (and perhaps Peter's) allegations as.. Gospel.

And also because The Way would have never stood a chance had it not been for these convenient submissions to Gentiles. Reminds me of the convenient revelation to the Mormons abolishing polygamy.
Jesus said that it isn't the things we take in but the things which comes out of us that makes us unclean. He also said not to worry about what we eat. Maybe that's why. Of course it's good to eat healthy food too, but first it's more important to change the inside.
Well, the principle answer is that it tastes good! And to eschew a particular meat because of distressing associations with the habits of the animal that the meat comes from is rather nonsensical. However, both Judaism and Islam originated in hot countries where unhygenic habits of animals had a much greater knock-on effect on the eventual fitness of the meat, perhaps.

In India the sacredness of the cow is just causing too many problems and the government is rounding them up to get them off the streets.

Times change. Laws change with them. But not religious laws.

Oh, as to Christians not following the Levitical code, that's down to Paul who was anxious to extend the early Church beyond Judaism. Fortunately, because of "grace", most people are now no longer enjoined to stone homosexuals and rebellious children to death.

There are moves in the UK to outlaw Kosher and Al-Halal practice in the method of slaughtering animals, on the grounds of cruelty. Ironic, really, since the methods devised by the imams and rabbis in millennia past were in fact the most humane ones that existed for most of the history of civilisation.
I had also read somewhere about a pork barrier beyond which islam has never been able to make inroads. Pork is delicious, as are shrimp and lobster and crabs and beer and wine etc etc. All things are allowed in moderation ;)
Yorda said:
Jesus said that it isn't the things we take in but the things which comes out of us that makes us unclean. He also said not to worry about what we eat. Maybe that's why. Of course it's good to eat healthy food too, but first it's more important to change the inside.

Thats so far the most hillarious argument. Your words are clearly speculations whereas I refer to holy Bible. So basically you mean that Jesus said. Look guys my father out of his mind don't listen to his revelations eat pork guys eat it, besides I will die for your sins so don't even bother yourself.

Show me in the bible place where it is allowed for you to eat pork. Show direct quote as I did. Not indirect which are based on perceptions of individuals.
Voldemort said:
Thats so far the most hillarious argument. Your words are clearly speculations whereas I refer to holy Bible. So basically you mean that Jesus said. Look guys my father out of his mind don't listen to his revelations eat pork guys eat it, besides I will die for your sins so don't even bother yourself.

Show me in the bible place where it is allowed for you to eat pork. Show direct quote as I did. Not indirect which are based on perceptions of individuals.

Voldemort you do realize that quote is from the old testament and most of christian faith is based on the new testament, I believe that jesus somewhere stated that his message superceded the old testament but I will leave that for someone else to find.
Sock puppet path said:
I believe that jesus somewhere stated that his message superceded the old testament but I will leave that for someone else to find.

Well I found exactly the opposite to your beliefs.

Jesus says in clear words that the laws of the Old Testament were to be obeyed without any Change: "Think not That I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whoever therefore shall break one of these commandments, and shall teach men, so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven." (Mat., 5:17-19).

Any other suppositions??
The old rules made a lot of sense for an early culture. They were divine healthcodes. Now, in modern society, they are becoming a bit unnecessary.
Yeah I'll explain it -- because it tastes soooooo good. Check out my web site:

Woody's Bar-B-Q Cooking Team

The Lord allowed us too eat pork now that the health risks have come down (Acts 10):

Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven

These foods were cleaned, and a growing world population needed more sources of food.

Church barbecues are some of the best around. Anybody like pork ribs besides me?


Oh-ho-ho slurp
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How ironic. God first made the pig to be dirty and it was ok because after the six days of creation he looked upon the earth and everything in it and was pleased with his work. But then later warned not to eat the unclean pig and cloven hooved animals because they were somehow bad??? He designed them in the first place.
mario:How ironic. God first made the pig to be dirty and it was ok because after the six days of creation he looked upon the earth and everything in it and was pleased with his work. But then later warned not to eat the unclean pig and cloven hooved animals because they were somehow bad??? He designed them in the first place.

Woody: Yeah, everybody was able to enjoy pork until the time of Moses. I suppose Adam & Eve had a few pork cookouts. Pork was squeaky clean when God created the pig. Of course people lived a lot longer back then too -- 600, 700, 800 years or more during the A&E era. Amazing how sin degenerates everything -- makes foods unclean -- shortens man's life -- but then we have God to make it clean again. Isn't God good, undoing the damage man does to himself!!!! But man can't get enough of sin and the debasement it causes.

On Pork consumption, the danger from trichinosis has been greatly reduced.

Sources of tricinosis according to the Wikepedia:

Eating raw or undercooked meats, particularly pork, bear, wild feline (such as a cougar), fox, dog, wolf, horse, seal, or walrus puts one at risk for trichinosis.

Woody: How in the world does a horse get trichinosis? I thought horses were purely herbavores.

How to avoid trichinosis from the Wikepedia:

Cooking meat products until the juices run clear or to an internal temperature of 144°F (62°C)

Woody: In the time of Moses, nobody had a meat thermometer. In a bar-b-q contest, any pork under 160F is considered unfit to eat.

Also from the Wikepedia:

Infection was once very common; however, infection is now relatively rare. From 1991-1996, an annual average of 38 cases per year were reported in the USA.
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I've been wondering why humans use fire on their food... maybe that's wrong because God didn't let the sun (or something) burn our food in the first place... I think the chemicals that come from heating up food can have pretty bad effects on the human being.
Summary on God's rules:

This discussion often comes up: Why did God require thus-and-so in the time of Moses but not now?

May I please introduce an analogy to make the point. Everyone has a father, and let's assume you had an exceedingly good father. Let's assume you and your father board a ship to travel to a far land, and your father commands you: thou shalt not leave the ship as we travel the ocean, because he doesn't want you to drown and he is very concerned about your safety.

During the trip the ship begins to sink, and your father commands you to leave the ship and get into the life boat with him. Do you now argue with your father and say, "Well you changed your mind, I don't believe you anymore, I'm staying on the ship! You told me it's safe on the ship -- you are a liar!"
What else would go as well with apple sauce????
Why do poeple insist on calling pigs "filthy animals"?, apparently they are one of the cleanest of farmyard creatures, they are also quite intelligent as well as delicious.
ummmmm sacrilicious.............oink oink.
I'm now achin for some bacon!
WMA said: Has God said "Eat pork to save yourselves"? :p
Has he commanded otherwise?

Woody: Nah, God said you're supposed to starve to death instead of eating a pig! yeah right, go down with a sinking ship! :bugeye:
Jesus said that it isn't the things we take in but the things which comes out of us that makes us unclean. He also said not to worry about what we eat. Maybe that's why. Of course it's good to eat healthy food too, but first it's more important to change the inside.

Wonderful argument for a sativa and psilocybin casserole.