Why Christianity Is The Only Truth


We Christians feel the need to help educate those of lesser species like non-christians about the benefits and pitfalls of not being saved.

It has been said evolution in an of itself is the only possible way life developed, well my friends I am here to tell you this is not so. God made humanity in his own image, perhaps he evolved from some other lesser version of perfection but even so he made all that is. Whatever you believe is irrelevant because we know the truth.

When Adam and Eve first appeared out of the nothingness that was the world they began having intercourse per gods commands, eventually though she found a snake (metaphor for another mans penis) to be even more enthralling than Adam. She made love to this other man, and thus the end of rightness came to humanity. If you can all let yourselves reveal your sins openly and forget about science then you'll be on the way to saving yourselves and possibly your families.

Think about this, would you want your family to burn forever in the deep dark caves of the earth with satan or those not saved by the almighty Jesus? Consider your family, especially your childrens lives. Children are our future and more important then your trivial beliefs. I ask that you concede now to give your life over to god, to the church, to Christian ideals and superstitions. Do not be afraid for the priests will save you from gods almighty wrath, so long as you continue to donate every month an confess you're unworthiness to even be near them.

I beg of you, if not for yourselves then for those of your family who have passed on and may yet be in hell. Let Jesus + God bring light into your life and allow for a cleansing of the weak pathetic fools who are not Christians. We are the new future, when god comes he'll teach you all to suffer or join us!

PS A joke LOL
I think it might be OK to ad hom in a humor thread.
It has been said evolution in an of itself is the only possible way life developed, well my friends I am here to tell you this is not so.

And we're supposed to just take your word for it, are we?

When Adam and Eve first appeared out of the nothingness that was the world they began having intercourse per gods commands, eventually though she found a snake (metaphor for another mans penis) to be even more enthralling than Adam. She made love to this other man, and thus the end of rightness came to humanity.

That's a non-standard interpretation of scripture. Have you talked to your priest about this? He'll set you straight on the doctrine.

If you can all let yourselves reveal your sins openly and forget about science then you'll be on the way to saving yourselves and possibly your families.

So, when will you be giving your computer away and going to live in a cave? After all, that nasty evil science is responsible for all that nasty technology you use.

Do not be afraid for the priests will save you from gods almighty wrath, so long as you continue to donate every month an confess you're unworthiness to even be near them.

Your version of God sounds pretty nasty himself. Are you saying he'll punish people who don't believe in Him?
James, you are completely wrong and sderenzi is entirely correct. ;)
Yeah, I only saw the "joke" thing when I'd already replied to most of the post, so I thought - what the hell?
It's easy to be fooled by such a joke. People are really like that... and worse...
actually even atheists make the error of substituting ego for logical premises - it has nothing to do with one's theistic or atheistic values - "My philosophy/ideology is the best because I am the best" -

Such a standpoint is symptomized by the inability to house logical discussion and frequent ad homming
actually even atheists make the error of substituting ego for logical premises - it has nothing to do with one's theistic or atheistic values - "My philosophy/ideology is the best because I am the best" -

Such a standpoint is symptomized by the inability to house logical discussion and frequent ad homming

That's a central theme within religious scripture... certainly Christianity and Islam anyway.
actually even atheists make the error of substituting ego for logical premises
Yup this is true sometimes. The same cannot be said of theists since they have no logic worthy of substitution.
Yup this is true sometimes. The same cannot be said of theists since they have no logic worthy of substitution.

If you study philosophy (which I am sure you haven't and won't) you can't help but notice that well over 50 % of them are possessed of some sort of theistic inclination.

In other words you seem to be guilty of the very thing that I was indicating just a few posts down

actually even atheists make the error of substituting ego for logical premises - it has nothing to do with one's theistic or atheistic values - "My philosophy/ideology is the best because I am the best" -

Such a standpoint is symptomized by the inability to house logical discussion and frequent ad homming

... after all, your above statement is not logical and it is also an ad hom towards theists in general.

Lighten up - I was being sarcastic - this is a humor thread.
then one should be able to discuss it without ad homming for a start


But my ideology is that I don't have to discuss it at all, unless of course someone questions my ideology. Even then it's possible that their beliefs are just as perfect as mine.
But my ideology is that I don't have to discuss it at all, unless of course someone questions my ideology. Even then it's possible that their beliefs are just as perfect as mine.

Then what attracts you to a debate forum?

The quality relationships?
Then what attracts you to a debate forum?

The quality relationships?

I like to see how much different I am from everyone else(which is usually a lot). But seriously, I guess it's the same thing that attracts me to getting into fights with the neighborhood 'heads, I try to avoid fighting, but I love it.
I like to see how much different I am from everyone else(which is usually a lot). But seriously, I guess it's the same thing that attracts me to getting into fights with the neighborhood 'heads, I try to avoid fighting, but I love it.

so I guess you ar eof the view that not everyone has the same "perfect ideology" then
