Why Christianity Is Not Good Enough

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Why Christianity Is Not Good Enough

Why isn’t Christianity good enough? Because Christ told us it wouldn’t be. Christ told us that the Church as a Field of Wheat would be choked with weeds. When asked by the Disciples why God could not or would not pull up the weeds, He told them that the weeds would so dominate, that if they were destroyed, what little good grain that remained would be lost. But at the End of the Age, at the Time of Harvest, it would all be shaken out and the Good separated from the Bad. This is now the End of the Age. God will realize a poor Harvest. Satan will rejoice for his crop will be the Majority (look at which parties now control the World’s Legislatures – Parties which advocate Pride, Selfishness, Greed and Exploitation – the Party Platforms from Hell itself).

But every End is a New Beginning. We know what Christ said of New Beginnings – New Wine cannot be put into the old skinbags, or it would turn just as sour. Would God sow another Field full of weeds? Is God always to be satisfied with meager and mixed harvests?. The Next Religion should be different.

How possibly could we have a better Religion than Christianity? Easy. Christianity rests on the murder of the Son of God. Christianity is morally flawed in that it does not seek so much to instill Righteousness as it strives to allay Guilt with assurances of Forgiveness. In effect Christianity offers an exemption to the requirements of Righteousness, making it largely a NON-Religion. This was the Weeds that ruined the Harvest this last time. No one would want them to be planted again, would they?

Paul planted them the first time. Why? He must have been psychologically troubled. If you kill the Son of God… if you kill anybody… but especially if you kill the Messiah, it is likely your mind will play tricks on you. Paul, as a high ranking Persecutor of Christ (even Paul admits that the only thing that Christ ever said to him was “Paul, you persecute Me”) must have been intimately involved in Christ’s Trial and Execution. Afterward, Paul created the Doctrine of Salvation by Sacrificial Murder in order to give a higher redemptive meaning to what was really the Crime of All Time. Paul had driven himself insane with guilt and so we can understand why he would want to believe such a thing, but what is puzzling is that an Entire Civilization would believe it. Every other Civilization is shocked and appalled by Christian Society’s insistent involvement in the Theology of Divine Murder, but Christians themselves have grown blind to any moral sensitivity to their own iniquity.

The Next Time Christ manifests to the World, we will have to NOT murder Him. And we will have to formulate a Religion which demands Righteousness instead of dispensing Forgiveness. We need to grow up spiritually. Take Responsibility. No more scapegoats
People in the Western World speak of Religion, but it is mostly just empty words. Religion is Total. Up until the 15th Century when Christendom was still intact, we had Religion. But since the Protestant Reformation and the rise of Secularism, there has been no Religion -- no Institution empowered to protect the Moral Condition of Society as a whole.

Now the Wolves are Free to rise up and fleece or devour the Sheep at their pleasure. A Religion would forbid such a thing. Religion forbids usury, but our Capitalism rests upon usury as its keystone. The Beast has been quite successful.
Marian Prophecy indicates that the Next Religious Dispensation will be infused with the Holy Spirit... in other words, there will not be that emphasis on Faith in Nothing. The Next Religion will certainly have more appeal to those who 'must see wonders' in order to believe.