Why cant more women get behind an empowering religion?

Whore house….second impression. Madam Rasa even takes Paypal.
Besides, why do women need an empowering religion?
They already have the power of the almighty va-jay-jay.
But that would leave out the other half of the population.
The idea is not to create the ONLY religion, but rather a broader religion...:p

For example, I believe the veneration of Mary was devised by the Catholic church as a way of accommodating women's interest and participation.

Mary doesnt say much in the gospels, she was of little importance in the early church, she has no teachings to impart...but she does have a baby, which is something women can relate to while still feeling some association with the divine.
Rasa Von Werder writes:

There is a terrible prejudice against Our Holy Mother by some members of the Protestants. On this issue - their hatred of Mary worship - I am totally in disagreement. Worshipping Mary has never hurt anybody and certainly not dampened the fervor toward Jesus.

In my personal religion, I look upon Jesus and Mary as equals, in the sense they are both human and God, mirrors and Agents of God, Instruments of God sent by God to save the human race.

The world always needs salvation, but that salvation may come in a particular way on the date that Avatar appears. Jesus and Mary appeared with a special mission; perhaps with the most powerful and comprehensive mission ever bequeathed to mankind.

Protestants go ballistic at the mention of Mary. What is their problem? I think it is because they want to see Jesus as the Absolute God, completely without need of partners, helpers or peers of any sort. If Jesus was the Absolute God in Eternity, who created the entire human race and looks upon it from above, that would be understandable. But He was a mortal, in human form, sent by the Almighty God on a purpose.

He is God and Man, but so are we! The "Hypostatic Union" is supposedly a special thing, given to Jesus alone. This is one way of thinking, but I do not agree with it. It simply is too far fetched and seems to me a rather political thing, to enforce Patriarchy in that God is a male figure, and His Son is also a male figure, and the two of them, together with the Holy Spirit, can take care of all things. No Feminine Divine need apply.
Mary doesnt say much in the gospels, she was of little importance in the early church, she has no teachings to impart...but she does have a baby, which is something women can relate to while still feeling some association with the divine.

it would be more accurate to say that mary did not make it into the canonization of the bible...(i have heard/seen the book of mary mentioned somewhere..i just looked for it and couldn't find it)

but there is the book of Ruth and esther in the bible..
empowerment is one of the primary things that my relationship with god through jesus christ has given me. i'm invincible.
I’m so sorry but I can’t help myself. I fumble around and find all sorts of interesting things in here...:mufc:

Now, this is what you’d call an empowered destroyer