Why Buddhism is not popular in the WEST?


Valued Senior Member
Why Buddhism is not popular in the WEST?
I think Christianity has rooted in Western Culture (like Christmas), influenced your philosophy and attitude of life, though you (western white people) might not accept everything bible says, but you subconsciously live in the value of Christianity. Therefore, you are automatically indifferent to other religion like Buddhism.
you (western white people) might not accept everything bible says, but you subconsciously live in the value of Christianity. Therefore, you are automatically indifferent to other religion like Buddhism.

What Christian values do I live by?
Christianity is not a Western religion, it is a Middle Eastern religion like Judaism, Islam, Baha'i, Zoroastrianism, etc. It spread from Palestine to Europe because Palestine was a Roman colony and its people were free to travel throughout the Roman Empire. As it grew stronger it sent monks to other countries to convert the local people.

The Buddhist monks traveled in the other direction. They converted the people of China, Japan, Korea, and southeastern Asia. They made a little westward progress but then Islam arose with its intolerance of diversity.

The fact that Buddhism thrives in the Orient while Christianity thrives in Europe and the Americas is largely an accident of history, the paths of the monks. However, there is also the matter of the natures of the two faiths. Christianity is an evangelical religion, like Islam, and instills in its people a sense of duty to go forth and convert the "heathens." Buddhism is not like that at all. Its spread throughout east Asia, for all of its success, was not belligerent. It does not threaten the unconverted with images of burning in hell and shun them to the margins of its society once it becomes dominant.

There is a sizeable segment of the American population that finds Buddhism to be quite sensible and attractive, but there are no Buddhist evangelists to act as its "salesmen." We are bombarded with Christian propaganda and accosted by Christian evangelists constantly. It's no wonder that people who just go with the flow and don't give a lot of thought to religion wind up as Christians rather than Buddhists.

More's the pity.
Isn't the school of Buddhism that travelled to China, Korea and Japan - somewhat mixed with Ancient Greek Philosophy, from the time of Alexanders conquests in India? The Marble Greek Styled statues of Buddha was suggest so. I don’t think there is a problem with Western thought and Buddhism,

But I would agree that Xianity, like the rest of the screwed up monotheisms, is ANTI-do-anything-other-than-trying-to-kiss-the-Godheads-arse-to-get-goodies-in-heaven and therefore are not predisposed to thinking too deeply about the philosophical underpinnings of their religious belief and hence: Me no like Buddhism Me head Hurts…. OoooOoooo Pat Roberts in running a $50 special to talk to GeeeZaaahhhus for me and picture-in-a-picture keeps Snoop-Dog rolling too…. God Bless America … :p
Christianity has heavily influenced Western philosophy and culture to the point that any Westerner, not just a Christian, will find Buddhism at least a little bit foreign by comparison.
It is more popular in the west, the west coast of the US, that is. I lived only 4 or 5 blocks from a Buddhist temple, and in my old neighborhood everyone flys Buddhist prayer flags.
That might have something to do with the Asian influence on the West coast. Are other Eastern religions popular there?