Why believe in God?


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
As a theist, what do you think are the reasons why a person should believe in God?

As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?
As a theist, what do you think are the reasons why a person should believe in God?

As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?

If you need reasons from other people, theism is probably not something you need. I don't believe people should necessarily believe in God. I believe in God because I believe in an ordered, logical universe.
If you need reasons from other people, theism is probably not something you need. I don't believe people should necessarily believe in God.

Traditionally, some theisms do put forward reasons for why people should believe in God.
So those is what I would like to hear and discuss.

I believe in God because I believe in an ordered, logical universe.

Did the belief in an ordered, logical universe come first - did you believe in an ordered, logical universe before you began to believe in God?
Traditionally, some theisms do put forward reasons for why people should believe in God.
So those is what I would like to hear and discuss.

Theological orthodoxy is desgined to create a social community with self evident systems of group ethics. Its ingrained enough that people who talk about religion as child abuse do not recognise they are merely echoing their own ethical imprinting. ;)

Did the belief in an ordered, logical universe come first - did you believe in an ordered, logical universe before you began to believe in God?

Interesting question. As a product of a laissez faire culture in religion and argumentation, it would be hard to pinpoint if the belief in a logical universe is a cause or effect. Why the assumption that everything can and does have a logical explanation?
As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?

1. Because they are expected to spread the word.
2. Because they want to save souls.
3. Because they want others to experience the same happiness or whatever.
Interesting question. As a product of a laissez faire culture in religion and argumentation, it would be hard to pinpoint if the belief in a logical universe is a cause or effect. Why the assumption that everything can and does have a logical explanation?

Odd, coming from you, who just before said:

I believe in God because I believe in an ordered, logical universe.
As a theist, what do you think are the reasons why a person should believe in God?

As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?

i dont belive, but i think that some people belive because they need ot think that there is somthing better than this world and better things waiting for them
Not really, both are beliefs.

I could just as easily say I believe in a logical ordered universe because I believe in God.

But you didn't say that. You said - "I believe in God because I believe in an ordered, logical universe."
I was wondering if for you, there is a cause and effect relationship between these two beliefs, or not.
But you didn't say that. You said - "I believe in God because I believe in an ordered, logical universe."
I was wondering if for you, there is a cause and effect relationship between these two beliefs, or not.

It did not occur to me until you mentioned it. :)
As a theist, what do you think are the reasons why a person should believe in God?

As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?

because i have experienced things that have proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is as real as the nose on my face if not moreso. not that i've had a nose job or anything. it's just that the more i know of him the less stock i take in this world, cause this world is full of lies and he's the real deal.
So which is it ?

To reiterate, it would be difficult to know if my assumption that everything can and does have a logical explanation preceded or followed my belief in God.

Its an interesting question though and one that I will mull over and investigate.
1. Because they are expected to spread the word.
2. Because they want to save souls.
3. Because they want others to experience the same happiness or whatever.

i don't. i live my life according to what i've learned from experience. i spread the word by living, not by preaching. this is a discussion forum, a topic being religion. otherwise i don't talk about it unless someone else asks. i'm not so arrogant as to think that I'M the one who's gonna save somebody's soul. the initiative is on the part of the somebody, and the rest is up to god. and who said that having your soul saved made you happy? happiness is an emotion. having your soul saved may give you a sense of peace, but in a world like the one we live in, if you're happy, then you're either ignorant, or unsympathetic.
As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?

* Fear of going to hell and hope of going to heaven.
* Validation of their sense of superiority to non-believers.
* Validation of their sense of credibility / correctness.
* Protection of a crucial part of their idenity.

In other words fear, hope, validation, and protection... the perfect meme.
i don't. i live my life according to what i've learned from experience. i spread the word by living, not by preaching. this is a discussion forum, a topic being religion. otherwise i don't talk about it unless someone else asks. i'm not so arrogant as to think that I'M the one who's gonna save somebody's soul. the initiative is on the part of the somebody, and the rest is up to god. and who said that having your soul saved made you happy? happiness is an emotion. having your soul saved may give you a sense of peace, but in a world like the one we live in, if you're happy, then you're either ignorant, or unsympathetic.

I was just answering his question: "As an atheist, what do you think are the reasons that theists want you to believe in God?"

I meant happiness because of the lifestyle in point 3. Being close to God and whatnot.
I think many things; I could ask, why believe in the big bang theory?

Firstly, some people may simply believe in God, a higher force/being.

Secondly, the belief provides mental well-being, comfort, happiness, hope, etc

And lastly, it gives people a sense of duty, unity, common ground, and really......eh it's just hard to explain
It's just a part of people, a part of their identity, of who they are, of their culture and tradition, and it's perfectly understandable that they want to preserve that.