Why Aren't Astrologers Filthy Rich And Running The Planet?


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
If astrology is as bonafide as its believers say, why are they not filthy rich, and/or running the entire planet?

If you have the gift of foretelling the future via the stars, tarot cards or even tea leaves, why haven't you make a killing in the stock market and retired early? Even if the altruistic spirit moves you to continue, why do you continue to hawk your trade in sidewalk shops, women's magazines, carnivals, cable TV, web sites and such, and not just give it away, or donate your proceeds to charities? Where were you in regards to September 11th?


I had a friend who swore she was psychic. She said that she could beat the lottery any time she wanted. Being a friend, we just let it go. But after quite a long period of time of having to listen to her increasingly grandiose claims about her powers (she was by then selling psychic readings), I finally confronted her with it. The conversation went something like this.

Me: So why don't you play the lottery and win and quit your job?

Her: Because it would be highly immoral to use your psychic powers for financial gain.

Me: Uh, but you're selling your psychic services now. Isn't that using your powers for financial gain?

Her: Yes, but I'm helping people.

Me: But then why don't you give your readings for free?

Her: I have to make a living, you know. If I go broke and have to take another job, I won't be able to help as many people. I only charge a reasonable amount.

Me: Okay, so how about if we buy a lottery ticket and sign over the proceeds to charity then?

Her: It would still be cheating!

Me: Okay, how about you just write down next week's lotto numbers and put them in a sealed envelope and give it to me, and we'll open it next week and watch the lottery together, just to see if you were right?

Her: I don't have to prove anything to you!

Me: But you're always trying to prove your psychic powers to me! A day doesn't go by when you don't tell us about some prediction you made that came true. We're your friends, and we'd like to share in your belief that you're psychic. So help us out, and give us the lottery numbers so we can really know, and then we will be your biggest cheerleaders and we'll help you with your business and support you.

Her: You think I'm lying!

Me: Well, not lying, but maybe you are just fooling yourself? You know me, I'm a skeptic. I can't help that. So help me out here, friend. Let's do the lottery numbers, and you can convert me.


That's about the way it went, and we lost that 'friend' and never saw her again after that day.

Nor did the planet-wide population of authority-proclaiming psychics, astrologers, tarot readers, ad nauseum, etc., predict the World Trade Center/Pentagon terrorist attacks.

Obviously, Reality exists quite independent of the intentioned motivations of the delusional.
Yeah I just finished watching a show on prophecy on the history channel, saw this guy named Scallion predict a pole-shift between '98 and '01. Nothing happened. One single coincidence that I have been able to find is the year 2012. Apparently something big is going to happen in 2012, because I can't go to any paranormal website or watch any paranormal tv show relating to a worldwide cataclysm with 2012.
dude (ette?) they are! How far do you think they would get if they devulged their secrets to the rest of the world? How many billionars can a single planet hold? why do you think they are called 'blue bloods'?!

is there a difference between dillusion and reality I mean you dont really exist to me outside of your post and yet I believe you exist does that make you exist? Are you all just figments of my imagination?
How far do you think they would get if they devulged their secrets to the rest of the world?
Who cares? I just want to know why they aren't billionaires.
Are you all just figments of my imagination?
Sorry... solipsism threads should be directed to the Philosophy forum. Third door to the right, please.

Ok let me put it another way (well in some way to begin with...) they are billionars (that is to say true astrologers, not the fakes that offer a reading for $100 or base everything that they see on your birth chart, not the dabblers and not those who havent learned from the right people...), they do make the world go round and it is through secrecy and manipulation that they keep their power and influence. It is common sence if you find a way to dominate and rule the planet without being seen you dont go out and scream it from the roof tops for all to hear. The form of astrology popular today is nothing compared to the true power of star gazing.

Thus astrologers are billionars however it is rare to find a real astrologer amoungst all the fakes.:rolleyes:
Astrology..astro log ic..astronomy

Some believe its origins are Babalonian demon worship.

"Jung" the psycologist said it was the basic foundation for understanding human behavior influenced by his environment.

All the Kings of the Earth have consulted them from time to time. Astronomy is a part that is the influence.

In my opinion the real astrologers have suffered greatly from the fakes.

I dont know the answer, but I do know that the real ones take the time you are born, the lat., and long., and the angle in which your soul(Life Force) entered your body at birth. This also encompasses the ideal of reincarnation. They use math and degree's of planet and Star orbs to configure a basic analogy for the birth chart. Its only as accurate as the math.

It never predicts the future, only possibilities or probabilities for each person as a individual. Its a standard analysis of figures!

Most persons that speak poorly of this system, and there are several systems to the math, have no concrete foundation for there opinions.

Isnt that always the case in human inter-reaction?

A simple explaination of this would be if you never ate pecan pie, how would know what it tasted like? Someone could tell you, you could try intellectualize it. Without actually eating it, you could never know!

There are always two side to a issue!

This of course is only my opinion, Im no authority! There is also no such thing as "ABSOLUTION!"


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