I think the main cause of conflicts in humanity is the overwhelming desire
of power
Why are there so many religions and sects?
I think the main cause of conflicts in humanity is the overwhelming desire
of power.
Why are there so many religions and sects?
The original sources of the these numerous religions, all say the same thing, according to time, place and circumstance. That should be worth noting.
Because different people made up different stuff... :shrug:Why are there so many religions and sects?
much like the reason why there are so many different types of medical practitioners or approaches to the question of "better health"
To further mr. James. Could the rapidly evolving world of religion have something to do with displeasure in our shared ideas of God?
Shouldn't we have an agreed theory on the approach to God by now?
How do we have so many theories on one afterlife? Ever heard of logic and reason, people? The path of knowledge as to the afterlife, is very narrow, and very straight. There may be one, there may not be one. Maybe reincarnation.
The original sources of the these numerous religions, all say the same thing, according to time, place and circumstance. That should be worth noting.
And why are there so many different types of medical practitioners or approaches to the question of "better health"?
Because of ignorance, personal whims, because everyone needs to make a living, ...?
IOW, why does variety exist, and how justified is it to call upon it as a relevant grounds for distinction and hierarchy?
Esp. given the competition that exists among the various religious traditions, how can personal preferences play any valid role in a person's approach to or choice of religion?
Personal preference or need does not make a particular religion be the right one.
Not at all worth noting, at least not in the case of the three Abrahamic religions. If you have studied the history and origins of those religions, you'll find they all say roughly the same thing because... they all come from the same source. That they have become localized over time has more to do with the "Chinese Whispers" effect than any one of them departing from some supposed "truth". Seeing as the Abrahamic religions in particular borrow extensively from religions in existence before them, it lends even further credence to the theory that they have far less veracity to them than they claim.The original sources of the these numerous religions, all say the same thing, according to time, place and circumstance. That should be worth noting.
That is, of course, completely false.
And vague. While I am fully aware that you are full of it, I'm curious to see whether or not you know you're full of it, or actually believe that every religion says the same thing "according to time, place and circumstance." Please elaborate.
Why are there so many religions and sects?
I think the main cause of conflicts in humanity is the overwhelming desire
of power.