Why are some people trying to "torpedo" Sciforums?


Abnormally original
Registered Senior Member
http://pooyak.hyperboards.com/ :rolleyes:

http://pooyak.hyperboards.com/index.cgi?board=ackers&action=display&num=1028954926 :rolleyes:

Why is that when you bear down and do the best you can to be a success, some people always come along and try to take a crap on you & your work?

Is it jealousy?

Last Thursday, I began to notice that a certain person was posting quite a bit of nonsense threads. At first I didn't pay any attention to it. But later on in the evening, I noticed that this person was posting a new thread about every minute. Then it became obvious to me that there was a intentional attack going on, with Sciforums being the target.

Unfortunately, I was not alerted to this person's attack until much damage had been done & I don't know if Porfiry got my pm before he did what he had to do.

I will be watching. :bugeye:
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Maybe my settings are off, but I just noticed that the avatars are now gone. No doubt a result of:


& the lack luster donations to Sciforums:(

At site feedback, I posted a thread with the hope to help generate more interest in members actively donating. Unlike the above link of the individual in question, the following link is intended to help Sciforums:

How much to donate to Sciforums & how often?

Please read it!:)
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The first link in the above post doesn't work. (The dot dot dots are actually in the link) :rolleyes:
Wow. I have obviously not been online in a long time. Well...I have absolutely what has happened, or what the link has to do with anything. And, btw I much rather like not having avatars and such. I always spend way too much time on having a 'cool' one. I think I rather appreciate not being able to be image conscious.

It looks like someone(s) decided to stress porfiry's monetary ability to keep sciforums open. Last Thursday evening, the individual(s) began posting a huge number of nonsense threads. I believe that this has been going on for quite some time. wet1 first remarked about this several weeks back and then attributed it to a lot of school kids that were joking around during the summer vacation. I now think that it was more than that. Today, I found the site of the worst bandwidth waster, whose name at Sciforums is the same at the above listed site. A Hacker wanta-be (no pun intended, Dave).

The idea apparently being that if Sciforums "accidently" went "belly up," then miraculously some other science sites would be available for the current members of Sciforums to go to.:mad:

Get it? I (& a few of my friends) go to a forum where there is a lot of freedom and ruin it to the best of our abilities. I make it very hard for the normal members to use it & I do everything I can to cost the owner of site more money than he can afford to keep it open.

Then, I just happen to have another site for the now disgruntled Sciforums members to go to. NEAT, HUH ! ! ! Destroy a site & steal the unsuspecting members!:rolleyes:

When I first signed on to Sciforums, I did so of my own free choice. No Spammer or site member thief caused me to come to Sciforums. No popup ad or dirty tactic will cause me to be "herded" to another forum. If anything, these people should be grateful, because I don't like that shit, I don't like to be herded, and I do believe in revenge!:mad:
No, I am a 6 ft. tall, 240 lb. hot tar roofer, who loves science tech and has a nasty habit of dealing with people that I don't like in ways that aren't neccesarily acceptable to our refined 21st century culture. I am also extremely paranoid about so called "random coincidences."
Yeah, I didn't like the spamming threads either. I told him. He got angry.

Then someone deleted a bunch of them and prooved me right :D
It is very tempting to use the same tactics upon the boards that are linked here. In mass that could prove quite an expense. However I shall not provided the same does not happen here again. I have saved the site to my HD. Should such repeat or look like it repeats from anyone, I will not refrain from visiting...
I would like to appoligize to Porfily and the other sciforums members,

I didn't know that the domain name and bandwith were on an asused basis. I'm very very sorry for responding to many of the crap threads. if I knew it was done like that, i would have never do that stupid shit. Sorry, and i have sent my money in the mail.:(

:( :( :mad:

It won't happen again.

I haven't acted or called in a few favors from friends of mine......yet.

I'll wait & see also. But I am "Stewing" over this.


I have no beef with you AT ALL! I never intended for you or others to feel badly.

That donation is quite awesome! :)
Hey, how about encouraging the other members to donate also?

Geez, I should have been a televangelist, wet1. :D
heyya all :)

i have also noticed a slightly increasing number of "stupid/nonsensical posts ,
-as the boards seem to get more traffic the "number of diversionary and limbic-reductive posts seem to grow almost in response to certain topics and quantity of traffic.
this .. i personally, and above ^ find very disruptive
to threads that may start to take on an educational format.

like the disruptive child in a class!

intentional or unintentional???

difficult to determine an appropriate response i thunk :/
(not relative to sabotage ..Ofcoarse)
this seems increased in threads that deal with fringe science
which i am sure is enough to dis-swade wood-be contributors!

maybe a small note and a little moving of non relative posts to another area of free thoughts or something like that?
giving time for the poster to re-affirm the relativity of the post and maybe enunciate it more precisely (in accordance with the rite of free speech/discussion')

^ a loosely put together theory^

groove on all
peace light
truth love
heyya Rippleofdeath

Where have you been Boy? Hows the weather been in New Zealand?

I thought you quit the board and headed for higher terrain.

Got any extra money? Some Euros, pounds, dollars, ect..?

Send a check or money order to:

Mod Edit: Member personal information removed.

Grooooove on, Rip!:)
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I missed this, and share your feelings about this.

posted by Wet1:
It is very tempting to use the same tactics upon the boards that are linked here. In mass that could prove quite an expense. However I shall not provided the same does not happen here again. I have saved the site to my HD. Should such repeat or look like it repeats from anyone, I will not refrain from visiting...

I should hope you invite me.
Wouldn't dream of leaving you out, Gifted. Invite a few of your local units to come also...
heyya all :)


higher terrain??? :D
its the density not the hieght that makes the diff :)
# r u sharing ???
im soo broke i cant afford to call myself poor!

just keep it open i say :)
why not allow some form of scientific interface for something...
like a complaints portal for a research laboratory no one knows of!


many many options... if only i knew how to program :(
maybe one day :)

good luck anywho...
suggested affiliates would be... Amnesty int/missing childrn/peace org/
... i know! put up a picture of a person hitting another person with a fish and then ask for donations for the fish!
(sorry but i just had to add the anthropromophic subversive duality of humans)

enough already :)

groove on all :)
peace light
truth love
I am no hacker wanna be and had no intentions

Ok, I know you all are angered by my behaviour and I know that what I did was not to cause harm. I am a programmer, and my job is to go around the internet and find the Exploits for the sites with the code that I write and I spread my knowledge.

The series of posts that you saw were not individually posted, rather I used PHP code in one post and that post created the multiple posts by itself. These are the flaws with PHP and it's not a bad idea for the webmasters to know about these flaws, so every often they update their code.

For example, Hotmail has a flaw in it that allows anybody to hack in. But the problem is that there are no links in hotmail.com that would allow me to report such problem. However in Sciforums there is a webmaster that might listen to me, which I don't mind sharing the knowledge with him.
Now if that is true, and your intentions are honourable, then why didn't you pm Porfiry? He is a programmer too, he would understand what you mean without you having to show him and piss people of.